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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 22, 2012 · 3 revisions


##Syntax whatdotcolor ( x, y : int ) : int

##Description The whatdotcolor function is used to determine the color number of the specified pixel. The alternate spelling is whatdotcolour.

##Example This program draws a line which bounces off the edges of the screen and makes a beep when it finds a pixel that has already been colored.

    setscreen ( "graphics" )
    var x, y : int := 0
    var dx, dx : int := 1
        if whatdotcolor ( x, y ) not= 0 then
            sound ( 400, 50 )
        end if
        drawdot ( x, y, 1 )
        x := x + dx
        y := y + dy
        if x = 0 or x = maxx then
            dx := -dx
        end if
        if y = 0 or y = maxy then
            dy := -dy
        end if
    end loop

##Details The screen should be in a"graphics" mode. If is not set to "graphics" mode, it will automatically be set to "graphics" mode. See setscreen for details.

##See also drawdot.html, which is used for setting the color.html of a pixel. See also maxx.html and maxy.html, which are used to determine the number of pixels on the screen. See also sound.html, which causes the computer to make a sound.html. See also predefined unit viewmodule.html.

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