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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 3 revisions


##Syntax A forwardDeclaration is:

forward subprogramHeader [ import importItem {, importItem } ]

##Description A procedure or function is declared to be forward when you want to define its header but not its body. This is the case when one procedure or function calls another, which in turn calls the first; this situation is called mutual recursion. The use of forward is necessary in this case, because every item must be declared before it can be used.

##Example This example program evaluates an input expression e of the form t { + t } where t is of the form p { * p } and p is of the form (e ) or an explicit real expression. For example, the value of 1.5 + 3.0 * (0.5 + 1.5) halt is 7.5.

    var token : string
    forward procedure expn ( var eValue : real )
    forward procedure term ( var tValue : real )
    forward procedure primary ( var pValue: real )
    body procedure expn
        var nextValue : real
        term ( eValue )         % Evaluate t
        loop                    % Evaluate { + t}
            exit when token not= "+"
            get token
            term ( nextValue )
            eValue := eValue + nextValue
        end loop
    end expn
    body procedure term
        var nextValue : real
        primary (tValue )       % Evaluate p
        loop                    % Evaluate { * p}
            exit when token not= "*"
            get token
            primary ( nextValue )
            tValue := tValue * nextValue
        end loop
    end term
    body procedure primary
        if token = "(" then
            get token
            expn ( pValue )     % Evaluate (e)
            assert token = ")"
        else                    % Evaluate "explicit real"
            pValue := strreal ( token )
        end if
        get token
    end primary
    get token               % Start by reading first token
    var answer : real
    expn ( answer )         % Scan and evaluate input expression
    put "Answer is ", answer

##Details Following a forward procedure or function declaration, the body of the procedure must be given at the same level (in the same sequence of statements and declarations as the forward declaration). This is the only use of the keyword body. See also body.

Any procedure or function that is declared using forward requires an import list. In this list, imported procedures or functions that have not yet appeared must be listed as forward. For example, the import list for expn is import forward term � Before a procedure or function can be called, before its body appears, and before it can be passed as a parameter, its header as well as headers of procedures or functions imported directly or indirectly by it must have appeared.

The keyword forward is also used in collection and type declarations.

##See also collection.html and type.html declarations.

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