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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 2 revisions


##Syntax Pic.Flip (picID : int) : int

##Description Pic.Flip is used to create a new picture by flipping the picture vertically. The resulting picture is exactly the same size as the original, except it appears �upside-down�.

##Details Note that the upside-down picture is a newly created picture. When it is no longer needed, its memory should be released by using Pic.Free.

##Example The program loads a picture from a file, flips it and then draws the original and the upside-down image side by side in a window after resizing the window to fit the two pictures.

Doc Image

Output from the Program

    % Get the original picture
    var pic, newPic, width, height : int
    pic := Pic.FileNew ("lighthouse.jpg")
    newPic := Pic.Flip (pic)
    width := Pic.Width (pic)
    height := Pic.Height (pic)
    % Draw the two images: original and flipped
    View.Set ("graphics:" + intstr (2 * width + 30) + ";" + 
        intstr (height + 25) + ",nobuttonbar")
    Pic.Draw (pic, 10, 20, picCopy)
    Draw.Text ("Original", 50, 5, defFontID, black)
    Pic.Draw (newPic, 20 + Pic.Width (pic), 20, picCopy)
    Draw.Text ("Flipped", 60 + Pic.Width (pic), 5, defFontID, black) 

##Status Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Pic.Flip, not by calling Flip.

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