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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 2 revisions


##Description This unit contains the predefined subprograms that handle character (text) output on the screen (i.e. output using put).

All routines in the Text unit are exported qualified (and thus must be prefaced with "Text.") with the exception of maxrow and maxcol which are exported unqualified.

##Entry Points

text_cls.html Clears the screen to the text background color. text_color.html Sets the text color used by put. text_colour.html Sets the text color used by put. text_colorback.html Sets the text background color used by put. text_colourback.html Sets the text background color used by put. text_locate.html Moves the cursor to the specified row and column. text_locatexy.html Moves the cursor to the cursor location closest to a specified pixel position. text_maxcol.html The number of columns on the screen (exported unqualified). text_maxrow.html The number of rows on the screen (exported unqualified). text_whatrow.html Returns the current cursor row. text_whatcol.html Returns the current cursor column. text_whatcolor.html Returns the current text color. text_whatcolour.html Returns the current text color. text_whatcolorback.html Returns the current text background color. text_whatcolourback.html Returns the current text background color.

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