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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 3 revisions


##Syntax Font.Free (fontID : int)

##Description Font.Free is used to release a font that is no longer needed. There is a limit to the number of fonts that may be defined at any one time. By having a Font.Free for every Font.New, the number of simultaneously defined fonts is kept to a minimum.

##Details If Font.Free is passed an invalid font ID, a fatal error occurs. If the Font.Free call fails for other (non-fatal) reasons, Error.Last will return a non-zero value indicating the reason for the failure. Error.LastMsg will return a string which contains the textual version of the error.

##Example The program prints out several phrases in a variety of fonts.

    var font1, font2, font3, font4 : int
    font1 := Font.New ("serif:12")
    assert font1 > 0
    font2 := Font.New ("sans serif:18:bold")
    assert font2 > 0
    font3 := Font.New ("mono:9")
    assert font3 > 0
    font4 := Font.New ("Palatino:24:Bold,Italic")
    assert font4 > 0
    Font.Draw ("This is in a serif font", 50, 30, font1, red)
    Font.Draw ("This is in a sans serif font", 50, 80, font2, brightblue)
    Font.Draw ("This is in a mono font", 50, 130, font3, colorfg)
    Font.Draw ("This is in Palatino (if available)", 50, 180, font4, green)
    Font.Free (font1)
    Font.Free (font2)
    Font.Free (font3)
    Font.Free (font4)

##Status Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Font.Free, not by calling Free.

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