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Keisun Qishen Wu edited this page Mar 6, 2017 · 4 revisions


##Syntax Mouse.Where (var x, y, button : int)

##Description The Mouse.Where procedure is used to get current information about the status of the mouse. The parameters x and y are set to the current location of the mouse cursor. If the program is running on a system using windows, the cursor may be outside the window. This means that x and y may be set to values outside of the bounds of 0 to maxx and 0 to maxy.

The parameter button is set depending on the current mode. In "single-button mode" (where the mouse is treated like a one-button mouse), button is set to 0 if all the mouse buttons are up, and 1 if any of the mouse buttons are down. In "multi-button mode", button is assigned the sum of 1 if the left button is down, 10 if the middle button is down, and 100 if the right button is down. Thus if button has the value of 101, then it means that the left and right mouse buttons were depressed.

##Example A program that displays the status of the mouse at the top left corner of the screen.

var x, y, button : int
    Mouse.Where (x, y, button)
    Text.Locate (1, 1)
    if button = 0 then
        put x : 4, "  ", y : 4, "  button up"
        put x : 4, "  ", y : 4, "  button down"
    end if
end loop

##Status Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Mouse.Where, not by calling Where.

##See also mouse_buttonmoved.html and mouse_buttonwait.html to get mouse events saved in a queue. See also mouse_buttonchoose.html to switch between "single-button mode" and "multi-button mode".

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