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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 2 revisions


##Description This unit contains the predefined subprograms that deal with the current output surface, which is a window.

All routines in the View unit are exported qualified (and thus must be prefaced with "View.") with the exception of maxx, maxy, maxcolor and maxcolour which are exported unqualified.

##Entry Points

view_maxx.html Returns the maximum x coordinate (width 1) (exported unqualified). view_maxy.html Returns the maximum y coordinate (height 1) (exported unqualified). view_maxcolor.html Returns the maximum color number (# colors 1) (exported unqualified). view_maxcolour.html Returns the maximum color number (# colors 1) (exported unqualified). view_set.html Changes the configuration of the output surface. view_clipset.html Clips output to a specified rectangle. view_clipadd.html Adds another specified rectangle to the clipping region. view_clipaddoval.html Adds another specified oval to the clipping region. view_clipoff.html Stops all clipping. view_whatdotcolor.html Gets the color of the pixel at a specified location. view_whatdotcolour.html Gets the color of the pixel at a specified location. view_update.html Updates the onscreen window from the offscreen bitmap. view_updatearea.html Updates part of the onscreen window from the offscreen bitmap. view_settransparentcolor.html Sets the transparent color to be ignored when using picUnderMerge mode. view_settransparentcolor.html Sets the transparent colour to be ignored when using picUnderMerge mode.

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