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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 2 revisions


##Syntax GUI.SetTopLine (widgetID : int, lineNum : int)

##Description The GUI.SetTopLine procedure scrolls the text in a text box so as to place the line number specified by_lineNum_ at the top of the text box (if possible).This is often used to scroll the text back to the beginningof the text box by assigning a value of 1 to lineNum.

##Example This program displays 100 lines of text in a text box, thensets the text box to display line 50 at the top of the box.

    import GUI

    var textBox : int     % The Text Field ID.
    textBox := GUI.CreateTextBoxFull (10, 10, 180, 275,
        GUI.INDENT, 0)

    GUI.SetBackgroundColor (gray)

    % Read the file and place it in the text box.
    for i : 1 .. 100
        GUI.AddLine (textBox, intstr (i))
    end for
    GUI.SetTopLine (textBox, 50)

        exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
    end loop

##Status Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling GUI.SetTopLine, not by calling SetTopLine.

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