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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 3 revisions


##Syntax Time.Date : string

##Description The Time.Date function returns the current date and time as a string. The returned string in the format "dd mmm yy hh:mm:ss", where mmm is the first 3 characters of the month, e.g., "Apr". For example, if the date is Christmas 1989 at 9:02:37 in the morning, Time.Date will return "25 Dec 89 09:02:37". Twenty-four hour time is used, so eleven thirty at night the same day would return "25 Dec 89 23:30:00"

##Example This program greets you and tells you the date and time.

    var theDateTime, theDate, theTime : string
    theDateTime := Time.Date
    theDate := theDateTime (1 .. 9)
    theTime := theDateTime (11 .. *)
    put "Greetings!!  The date and time today is ", Time.Date

##Details Be warned that on some computers, such as IBM PC compatibles or Apple Macintoshes, the date may not be set correctly in the operating system; in that case, the Time.Date procedure will give incorrect results.

The string form of the date can be converted to a numeric form for comparison purposes using the Time.DateSec function. The numeric form can be converted to a string using the Time.SecDate function. The numeric form of the time can be obtained using the Time.Sec function.

##Status Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Time.Date, not by calling Date.

##See also time_sec.html, time_datesec.html and time_secdate.html functions.

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