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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 2 revisions


##Syntax Font.Name (fontID : int) fontName : string

##Description Font.Name is used to get the name of a font that is being used. The string that is returned can be used to determine which font is actually being used for the default fonts �serif�, �sans serif� and �mono�.

##Example The program prints out the fonts used for �serif�, �sans serif� and �mono�.

    var serifFont, sansSerifFont, monoFont : int
    serifFont := Font.New ("serif:12")
    assert serifFont > 0
    sansSerifFont := Font.New ("sans serif:12")
    assert sansSerifFont > 0
    monoFont := Font.New ("mono:12")
    assert monoFont > 0
    put "serif = ", Font.Name (serifFont)
    put "sans serif = ", Font.Name (sansSerifFont)
    put "mono = ", Font.Name (monoFont)
    Font.Free (serifFont)
    Font.Free (sansSerifFont)
    Font.Free (monoFont)

##Status Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Font.Name, not by calling Name.

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