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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 2 revisions


##Syntax Pic.Frames (pathName : string) : int

##Description Pic.Frames is used to determine the number of frames found in a multiple frame GIF file.

##Details GIF files can contain multiple frames (pictures). Animated GIFs function by each frame in the GIF one after another with a delaybetween them.

Turing allows users to load multiple frame GIF images into a seriesof pictures into an array using the pic_filenewframes.html procedure. The user can determine how many frames are found in the GIF file using . The frames can be sequentially displayed using either pic_drawframes.html or pic_drawframesback.html which display the images one at a time.(pic_drawframes.html returns once all the images have been displayed, pic_drawframesback.html returns immediately allowing the program to continue execution while the frames are being displayed.

is a function which returns the number of frames found in the GIF. If it is used on a GIF that does not contain multiple images, or on a non-GIF image file, it returns 1.

##Example The program loads a multiple frame GIF called "globe.gif" and displays it.

    % Determine the number of frames in "globe.gif"
    var numFrames := Pic.Frames ("globe.gif")
    % Load the picture
    var delayTime : int
    var pics : array 1 .. numFrames of int

Pic.FileNewFrames ("globe.gif", pics, delayTime)
Pic.DrawFrames (pics, 10, 10, picCopy, numFrames, 50, false)

##Status Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Pic.Frames, not by calling Frames.

##See also pic_filenewframes.html for informationon how to load a GIF image with multiple frames into an array of ints.

pic_drawframes.html for information onhow to sequentially display the images stored in array of pictures.

pic_drawframesback.html for information on how to sequentially display the images stored in array of pictures while continuing to execute the program.

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