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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 2 revisions


##Description This unit contains the predefined subprograms that deal with fonts. Using these routines, you can display text in a selected font name, size and style on the screen. Note that output in a particular font is treated as graphics output.

All routines in the Font module are exported qualified (and thus must be prefaced with "Font.").

##Details There is a default font. You can draw in and obtain information about the default font by passing fontDefaultID to Font.Draw, Font.Width and Font.Sizes. The default font is the same font as is used by put in the output window.

##Entry Points

font_new.html Selects a particular font name, size and style for a new font. font_free.html Frees up the font created by using New. font_draw.html Draws text in a given font. font_width.html Gets the width in pixels of a particular piece of text in a specified font. font_sizes.html Gets the height and various leadings of a specified font. font_name.html Returns the name of the specified font. font_startname.html Prepares to list all available fonts, font_getname.html Gets the next font name. font_getstyle.html Gets all the available styles for a specified font. font_startsize.html Prepares to list all available sizes for a specified font and style. font_getsize.html Gets the next font size.

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