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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 2 revisions


##Syntax Error.TripMsg (errorCode : int, errorMessage : string)

##Description Error.TripMsg is a procedure that sets the error number anderror message that is returned by Error.Last and Error.LastMsg. It does not halt the program.

You can find a list of constants for the legal error codes in the module ErrorNum. Any call to Error.TripMsg should use a constant found in the ErrorNum module or zero, if the errorcode is not relevant (i.e. only the error message is relevant).

##Example This program sets an error code. The program outputs 201 for the errornumber and "File really not found" for the message.

    Error.TripMsg (eFsysFileNotFound, "File *really* not found")
    put "Error code = ", Error.Last
    put "Error message = ", Error.LastMsg


##Status Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Error.TripMsg, not by calling TripMsg.

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