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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 3 revisions


##Syntax Pic.Height (picID : int) : int

##Description Pic.Height returns the width in pixels of the picture represented by picID.

This function is often used in conjunction with Pic.Width to obtain the dimensions of a picture loaded using Pic.FileNew.

##Example The program draws loads a picture from the file lighthouse.jpg and proceeds to tile the entire run window with copies of the picture.

Doc Image

Output of Example Program

    var pic : int := Pic.FileNew ("lighthouse.jpg")
    var width : int := Pic.Width (pic)
    var height : int := Pic.Height (pic)
    var x, y : int := 0
        exit when y > maxy
            exit when x > maxx
            Pic.Draw (pic, x, y, picCopy)
            x := x + width
        end loop
        x := 0
        y := y + height
    end loop

##Status Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Pic.Height, not by calling Height.

##See also pic_width.html to obtain a picture's width and pic_filenew.html to load a picture from a graphics file.

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