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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 2 revisions


##Syntax A closeStatement is:

close : fileNumber

##Description In Turing, files are read and written using a fileNumber. In most cases, this number is given a value using the open statement, which translates a file name, such as "Master", to a file number, such as 5. When the program is finished using the file, it disconnects from the file using the close statement.

##Example This program illustrates how to open, read and then close a file.

    var fileName : string := "Master"   % Name of file
    var fileNo : int                % Number of file
    var inputVariable : string (100)
    open : fileNo, fileName, read
    read : fileNo, inputVariable
    close : fileNo

##Details In a Turing implementation, there will generally be a limit on the number of currently open files. This limit will typically be around 20. To avoid exceeding this limit, a program that uses many files one after another should close files that are no longer in use.

If a program does not close a file, the file will be automatically closed when the program finishes.

There is an older and still acceptable version of close that has this syntax:

    close (fileNumber : int)

##See also the open.html, get.html, put.html, read.html, write.html, seek.html and tell.html statements.

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