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##Syntax One of two procedures:
GUI.Choose (title, msg1, msg2, msg3 : string, btn1, btn2, btn3 : string) : int GUI.ChooseFull (title : string, msg : array 1 .. * of string, btn1, btn2, btn3 : string, defaultBtn : int) : int
##Description Displays a dialog box with text and from one to three buttons. The user selects a button to dismiss the dialog. The number of the button pressed is returned by the function. The dialog box is centered on the screen.
The title parameter specifies the title in the window bar of the dialog box. The Apple Macintosh does not have a title bar, so do not assume that the user will see the string in the title parameter. The message is specified by strings in msg1, msg2 and msg3 for GUI.Choose and the string array message for GUI.ChooseFull. In each case, empty strings at the end of the list of strings are ignored. The btn1, btn2, and btn3 parameters specify the text to appear in the buttons. If the text is an empty string (""), the button is not displayed.
The function returns the button number from one to three that was chosen.
The defaultBtn parameter in GUI.ChooseFull specifies which, if any, button should be the default button. The default button is selected if the user presses Enter. If the default button is 0, then no button is highlighted as the default button.
Note: This function is not available in the current version of the GUI Procedure Library (shipping with Turing 4.0 and MacOOT 1.5). It is documented here for use with future shipping version of Turing. It is likely to be implemented in the version of Turing. Check the release notes that are found in the on-line help to find out if this function is now available.
##Example The following program asks if the user wants coffee or tea and set wantsCoffee appropriately.
import GUI in "%oot/lib/GUI"
var wantsCoffee : boolean
var choice : int := GUI.Choose ("Beverage Choice",
"Do you want coffee or tea?", "", "", "Coffee", "Tea", "")
if choice = 1 then
wantsCoffee := true
wantsCoffee := false
end if
##Example The following program asks the user whether they want to save their work, don't save their work or Cancel.
import GUI in "%oot/lib/GUI"
% Returns false if cancelling operation
procedure CheckUnsavedWork : boolean
var message : array 1 .. 3 of string
message (1) := "Changes to " + fileName + " have not been "
message (2) := "saved. Unsaved work will be lost. Do you "
message (3) := "want to save before quitting."
var choice : int := GUI.ChooseFull ("Save Before Quit",
message, "Save", "Don't Save", "Cancel", 1)
if choice = 1 then
elsif choice = 3 then
return false
end if
return true
end CheckUnsavedWork
##Status Exported qualified.
This means that you can only call the function by calling GUI.Choose, not by calling Choose.