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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 22, 2012 · 3 revisions


##Syntax Rand.Set (seed : nat4)

##Description This procedure sets the seed for sequences of pseudo-random numbers produced by Rand.Real and Rand.Int. This allows identical executions of the same program to produce identical results.

##Example This program simulates the repeated rolling of a six sided die. Each time the program runs, the same sequence of rolls occurs.

    Rand.Set (16#1234ABCD)
        put "Rolled ", Rand.Int (1, 6)
    end loop

##Details If Rand.Reset and Rand.Set are not used, each time a program runs Rand.Real and Rand.Int use a different pseudo-random number sequence. To get the same sequence each time (actually, to start the sequence at a different point), use Rand.Reset or Rand.Set. To use several sequences of repeatable pseudo-random number sequences, use the Rand.Seed and Rand.Next procedures.

##Status Exported qualified. This means that you can only call the function by calling Rand.Set, not by calling Set.

##See also rand_reset.html, rand_int.html, rand_real.html, rand_seed.html and rand_next.html.

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