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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 22, 2012 · 2 revisions


##Syntax A pauseStatement is:

pause expn

##Description The pause statement blocks the program (or just the process in the case of a concurrent program) for a given number of simulated time units. The expn must be a non-negative int value giving the number of time units. This is analogous to the delay statement, which causes blocking for a given amount of real time (actual physical time). The interpreter maintains a counter which it considers to be simulated time. The only execution that causes this counter to increase is the pause statement. The process executing the pause is blocked until the counter has counted forward the number of units given by expn. All other statements (except wait) are considered to be infinitely fast. Several processes can be executing pause statements simultaneously. The use of simulated time allows Turing to be used as a simulation language in which the pause statement simulates the passage of time in the simulated system.

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