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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 22, 2012 · 2 revisions


##Syntax drawdot (x, y, Color : int)

##Description The drawdot procedure is used to color the dot (pixel) at location (x, y) using the specified Color.

Doc image

##Example This program randomly draws dots with random colors. The maxx, maxy and maxcolor functions give the maximum x, y and color values.

    setscreen ("graphics")
    var x, y, c : int
        randint (x, 0, maxx)        % Random x
        randint (y, 0, maxy)        % Random y
        randint (c, 0, maxcolor)    % Random color
        drawdot (x, y, c)
    end loop

##Details The screen should be in a "graphics" mode. If the screen is not in a "graphics" mode, it will automatically be set to "graphics" mode. See setscreen for details.

##Example This program draws a line of dots that bounce off the �sides� of the screen. It also demonstrates that you can use real coordinates tostore position (x, y), as long as you convert the coordinates to int values using round in the drawdot call.

    var x, y : real
    var dx, dy : real
    var clr : int := 1
    x := Rand.Int (1, maxx - 1)
    y := Rand.Int (1, maxy - 1)
    dx := Rand.Real - 0.5
    dy := Rand.Real - 0.5
        drawdot (round (x), round (y), clr)
        clr := (clr + 1) mod maxcolor
        x := x + dx
        y := y + dy
        if x <= 0 or x >= maxx then
            dx := -dx
        end if
        if y <= 0 or y >= maxy then
            dy := -dy
        end if
    end loop

##See also setscreen.html, maxx.html, maxy.html and the various draw� procedures.

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