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egoogins edited this page Aug 9, 2012 · 13 revisions

If you are having trouble streaming from a robot, make sure USE_MEMORY is ON, run make clean in nbites/src/qtool and do a hard restart of the robot. If all else fails, also try restarting your computer.

1. Connect to a Robot

Turn on the robot you want to use and make sure you are connected to it. See Connecting to a Robot

2. Compile your code

cd into nbites/src/man and type make atom. Most of the fields are correct already, but some need to be changed. Specifically,

@PYTHON_PLAYER@: pBrunswick or pSnapshot or whichever behavior you want

@REMOTE_ADDRESS@: <robot name>.local (e.g. mal.local)

@ROBOT_NAME@: <robot name>


COLOR_TABLE: <path to your color table file> (usually in ../../data/tables)


3. Install on to the robot

Run make install. Usually you will want to add -j to make it go faster (or -j<number of threads>). This will take a while the first time you run it, but subsequent installs will be faster. If you are experiencing problems, try running make clean to delete the saved settings.

4. SSH into the robot

Open a secure shell on the robot by running ssh nao@<robot address> (e.g. ssh [email protected]).

5. Restart the robot to run the code

In the shell, run nao restart && naolog (naolog will have the robot print output from behavior) Once it has stopped printing, you know it is done restarting.

6. Switch the robot into playing state

The robot needs to switch states from initial → ready → set → playing, so press the chest button three times. It should say "Chase normal" when it is in the correct state. Also make sure you kill stiffnesses by tapping the chest button twice.

7. Connect to robot in QTool

cd into nbites/src/qtool and make run -j Click on the Data Loader tab, and click on the robot you want to stream from. Then click on Log Viewer to verify it is working. Then go back to Data Loader and click on Rec on the top bar. It will open a window that shows your data/logs folder. Click on Create Folder, name it, then click Open. The QTool will then be recording.

8. Take Pictures

Aim the camera around to capture what you want. After you are done, click on the Stop button that replaced Rec.

9. Upload to our server

If you want to make the log available to the team, cd into the data/logs/ directory. Run ./sync up folderName/ and the script will take care of the rest. In order to get someone's logs, run the script ./sync down folderName/. Both scripts will prompt you for your Bowdoin username and password.

10. Done!

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