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emamanto edited this page Mar 9, 2013 · 5 revisions

Button Presses

To interact with the Nao, we use sequences of button presses, usually using the chest button.

Chest Button

To turn the Nao on, press the chest button once and wait. To turn a nao off using the chest button, press and hold the button. While the Nao is on, there are a variety of commands available through button presses. For each number of button presses, the effect is as follows:

  1. Advance to next game state (initial → ready → set → playing <→ penalized)
  2. Remove joint stiffnesses
  3. Enable joint stiffnesses
  4. Go directly to initial state

You can check out the code for the button presses here in RoboGuardian in the function

bool GuardianModule::executeChestClickAction(int nClicks)

Foot Bumpers

When the robot is in the initial state, pressing the left foot bumper once will change which team the robot is on. If the robot is listening to Game Controller, this change will get overridden by Game Controller within seconds. Similarly, pressing the right foot bumper once will change which team has kickoff, also overridden by Game Controller.

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