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wdawson edited this page Aug 9, 2012 · 18 revisions

Git is a version-control and software-management system. It is an extremely useful tool for keeping track of changes to code over time, especially when you have many people working on one code base. In order to get the Northern Bites' code, you first need to get git. See this page for info about setting up. NBites-specific instructions follow.

1. Make sure git is installed.

$> sudo apt-get install git-core git-gui git-doc

2. Create a GitHub account.

Go to GitHub and create an account (it's free!). If you're here, you probably already did this, seeing as this wiki is part of GitHub. Your username should be the same as your Bowdoin username, for simplicity's sake.

3. Add your ssh-key.

There are very clear instructions here; see Set Up SSH Keys. If this doesn't work, you should also add the private key, which they don't tell you in the guide.

4. Fork the code.

Our main repository is called nbites. You should create your own fork of this repository. Go to the project link and click 'Fork.' You'll wind up with a project in your repositories list that is connected to the main repository under the northern-bites account. You may also want to 'follow' the northern-bites account and the accounts of other members of the team.

5. Download the code.

Navigate to where you want our code to live on your machine. We recommend your home directory. Open a terminal and use the command:

$> cd ~

Then run the following, with your_username being your GitHub username:

$> git clone [email protected]:your_username/nbites.git

6. Add an nbites remote.

Now cd into nbites and run the following commands:

$> git remote add northern-bites git://
$> git remote update

This adds the main Northern Bites master as a remote that you can pull from. You won't have push access to this remote, though. If you're a member of the team who needs push access and are on the push list on github, use this url instead of the one above:

[email protected]:northern-bites/nbites.git

7. Set your user options.

Set your name:

$> git config --global "Robot C. Ball"

Set your email:

$> git config --global "[email protected]"

Git will attach your information to your commits, so be sure your set this info, or you will confuse people as to who it doing what work.

If you are working on someone else's user name, or on a shared account, you will not want to set these globally. If you leave off the '--global' option, you can sent these values for each individual git repository, thus enabling multiple people to maintain separate repositories on the same computer. Keep in mind that we would like to maintain accountability for all code changes, less for blaming people when something goes wrong than for being able to find out who to talk to about a problem.

8. Initialize submodules. (Optional)

To use the 'remote' application in our source, you also need to initialize the git submodules. To do this, run the following commands:

$> cd nbites/ #cd to the root of the nbites repository $> git submodule init
$> git submodule update

This will download the other sources needed for compilation.

9. Make aliases. (Optional)

These will provide shorter names for common git commands. For example git branch would be git br if you run the following commands:

git config --global branch
git config --global commit
git config --global checkout
git config --global status

Feel free to make the aliases whatever makes the most sense to you.

10. Other useful tweaks (Optional)

If you prefer to use emacs instead of vi (the default editor), run:

$> git config --global core.editor "emacs -nw"

On Linux, this sets the editor to be emacs (on the command line). Remove the -nw to pop up a GUI.

Colorize git:

$> git config --global color.status auto

On mac OS X, to be able to tab complete names of branches, remotes, and other names in git, download this file and rename it (use the 'mv' command in the terminal) to ~/ Then, add this line to your .bash_rc, .profile, .bash_profile, or equivalent:


Git branch in the prompt

Check out this gist. This will colorize your prompt and put the current git branch in the prompt if you're in a git repository. See this if you're interested in changing the colors.

You should now be good to go! Using git is a learning process, so see our Learning Git for help.

Head back to Linux Setup once you're done!

Clone this wiki locally