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Connecting to a Robot

emamanto edited this page Sep 7, 2012 · 5 revisions

Setting up a link

Connecting to a robot from your computer is very important. See Wired Connections on Linux for information about the ways we connect to the robots. If you're in the lab, see "Usually."

To test if the connection is working try pinging the robot

ping <robot-name>.local

If that works then you're good to try and connect.

Connection via SSH

SSH or Secure SHell is a network protocol which allows data to be exchanged between two networked devices. simple use the command ssh user@hostname and then enter the password for that computer. You can use this to ssh into the robocup server, robots, or even other computers! ssh [email protected] ssh [email protected]

Connection via QTools

To load the tools go to ~/nbites/src/qtool and type make connect or make run

Go to the Data Loader tab after loading the Connect Tool or Normal Tool. If you're using a normal connection, it may list your robot's name here. You can click on it. Otherwise, you need to find out the IP Address of the robot that you want to connect to, so while ssh'd into the robot use the ifconfig command to find its IP. Then enter the IP where it says 'Enter dotted IPv4 address' and then press Connect! It now should be streaming from the robot if you go to other tabs.

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