Language | basemodui | closecaption | gameui | reactivedrop | statsweb | Strings | Inventory | Files |
Simplified Chinese | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | 6 | 1 | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Traditional Chinese | 7 | 120 | 1 | 2000 | 191 | 58 | 125 | 144 |
Czech | 69 | 1796 | 10 | 3144 | 191 | 714 | 125 | 144 |
Danish | 50 | 211 | 10 | 2664 | 191 | 444 | 125 | 145 |
Dutch | 49 | 1993 | 10 | 2119 | 191 | 444 | 125 | 144 |
Finnish | 49 | 1993 | 10 | 2119 | 191 | 444 | 125 | 144 |
French | 25 | 118 | 10 | 1471 | 191 | 378 | 125 | 123 |
German | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Hungarian | 49 | 118 | 10 | 2119 | 191 | 709 | 125 | 145 |
Italian | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Japanese | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | 24 | ✔️ | 35 | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Korean | 47 | 55 | 6 | 981 | 43 | 272 | 125 | 49 |
Norwegian Bokmål | 67 | 693 | 15 | 2839 | 191 | 444 | 125 | 145 |
Polish | 26 | 1993 | 10 | 2119 | 191 | 444 | 125 | 145 |
European Portuguese | 1 | 160 | 1 | 1424 | 18 | 390 | 98 | 138 |
Brazilian Portuguese | ✔️ | 1993 | ✔️ | 362 | ✔️ | 389 | ✔️ | 13 |
Romanian | 49 | 1985 | 16 | 2844 | 191 | 709 | 125 | 145 |
Russian | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | 5 | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | 1 |
European Spanish | 26 | 1993 | 8 | 1522 | 191 | 448 | 125 | 144 |
Swedish | 49 | 1993 | 10 | 2119 | 191 | 444 | 125 | 145 |
Thai | 964 | 1982 | 18 | 3395 | 191 | 473 | 125 | 145 |
Turkish | 49 | 117 | 10 | 2119 | 191 | 709 | 125 | 145 |
Ukrainian | 25 | 111 | 9 | 1651 | 191 | 709 | 123 | 145 |
Vietnamese | 1279 | 1993 | 605 | 3659 | 191 | 660 | 125 | 131 |
- Non-capitalized column headers are the most important specific files and their number of missing strings. All of these txt-files are located in the resources folder. Except statsweb, which lies in community/stats_website, it's an vdf-file.
- Strings is the number of missing strings not included in one of the files which get an individual non-capitalized column.
- Inventory is the number of missing language-specific keys in the inventory schema.
- Files is the total number of other files that are missing or need updating.
- statsweb_schinese.vdf has 1 untranslated strings.
- reactivedrop_schinese.txt has 6 untranslated strings.
- reactivedrop_tchinese.txt has 39 untranslated strings.
- statsweb_tchinese.vdf has 191 untranslated strings.
- steam_input_tchinese.vdf has 19 untranslated strings.
- basemodui_tchinese.txt has 7 untranslated strings.
- closecaption_tchinese.txt has 120 untranslated strings.
- gameui_tchinese.txt has 1 untranslated strings.
- reactivedrop_tchinese.txt has 2000 untranslated strings.
- eula_tchinese.txt is missing.
- app_items_563560_tchinese.json is missing.
- mappingcontest2023_tchinese.txt is missing.
- workshop_description_tchinese.txt is missing.
- workshop_tags_tchinese.json is missing.
- content_warning_563560_tchinese.txt is missing.
- storepage_81731_tchinese.json has 6 indented lines.
- 20230419_tchinese.xml is missing.
- 20230420_tchinese.xml is missing.
- asw_credits_tchinese.txt is missing.
- biogen_corporation_credits_tchinese.txt is missing.
- credits_acc32_official_tchinese.txt is missing.
- credits_namhumanum_tchinese.txt is missing.
- deathmatch_credits_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd-LanasEscapeCredits_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd-area9800Credits_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd-ocs-credits_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd-tarnor_credits_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd_bonus_missions_credits_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd_paranoia_credits_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd_research7_credits_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tilarus5_credits_tchinese.txt is missing.
- 3rdmappdasmugler_tchinese.txt is missing.
- 3rdmappdaworker_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_findings_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_investigations_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_localhouses_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_miningops_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_news1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_news2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_left_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_no_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_right_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_research1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_research2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_secret2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_solution_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc_info1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc_info2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc_power1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc_power2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc_power3_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc_research1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc_research2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- acc_research3_tchinese.txt is missing.
- labsmail1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- labsmail2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- labsmail3_tchinese.txt is missing.
- labsmail4_tchinese.txt is missing.
- landingbaymail1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- landingbaymail2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- landingbaymail3_tchinese.txt is missing.
- minemails1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- minemails2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- minemails3_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail1_jacquesmoreau_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail2_jacquesmoreau_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail_lindasilva_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail_vladislavlazarev_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail_wistonbeaufort_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda1_gaelflorenza_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda2_gaelflorenza_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda3_gaelflorenza_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda4_gaelflorenza_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda5_gaelflorenza_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda6_gaelflorenza_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_francesiriac_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_jacquesmoreau_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_jonathandorland_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_lindasilva_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_sarahweiss_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_thibautholbert_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_tomasselin_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_yannmontgomery_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nukeangermail_tchinese.txt is missing.
- officemail1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- officemail2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- officemail3_tchinese.txt is missing.
- officemail4_tchinese.txt is missing.
- outsidemail1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- outsidemail2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- outsidemail3_tchinese.txt is missing.
- plantmail1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- plantmail2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- plantmail3_tchinese.txt is missing.
- queenlairmail1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- queenlairmail2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd-benson_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd-cave_geologist1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda3_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda4_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda5_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda6_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd-smithson_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd-spaceport_security_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton3_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton4_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton5_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton6_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_rctinbound1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_rctinbound2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd_subject58_tchinese.txt is missing.
- sewersmail1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- sewersmail2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- sewersmail3_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_MainStory1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_MainStory2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_MainStory3_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_PublicMessage1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_PublicMessage2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_SideStory1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_SideStory2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_SideStory3_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_craigsthingpda_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail3_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail4_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda3_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda4_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda5_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tutorialmail1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tutorialmail2_tchinese.txt is missing.
- tutorialmail3_tchinese.txt is missing.
- antheonmissingnews_tchinese.txt is missing.
- antheonmoonnews_tchinese.txt is missing.
- brainnews_tchinese.txt is missing.
- convoynews_tchinese.txt is missing.
- droidlawsnews_tchinese.txt is missing.
- expansionnews_tchinese.txt is missing.
- experiornews_tchinese.txt is missing.
- newcolonynews_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nh_news_announcement_tchinese.txt is missing.
- nh_news_prospectus_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd-newfacilities_tchinese.txt is missing.
- rd-spaceport_news1_tchinese.txt is missing.
- refugeenews_tchinese.txt is missing.
- Item 1 "Participant - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 2 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 3 "Trick Hat" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 4 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 5 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 6 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 13 "Beta Tester" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 15 "Top 20 - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 7 "Translator" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 8 "Programmer" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 9 "Mapper" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 10 "Challenger" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 11 "Guide" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 12 "Artist" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 14 "Reporter" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 100000000 "Donor: Tears for Tarnor" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000001 "Donor: Paranoia" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000002 "Donor: Lana's Escape" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000003 "Donor: Operation Cleansweep" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000004 "Donor: Research 7" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000005 "Donor: Area 9800" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000006 "Donor: BioGen Corporation" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000007 "Donor: Nam Humanum" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000008 "Donor: Accident 32" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000009 "Donor: Adanaxis" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 900000000 "Ben Lubar" in item-schema-unique.json is missing
- reactivedrop_french.txt has 39 untranslated strings.
- inventory_service_tags_french.vdf has 7 untranslated strings.
- statsweb_french.vdf has 191 untranslated strings.
- steam_input_french.vdf has 19 untranslated strings.
- serverbrowser_french.txt has 24 untranslated strings.
- vgui_french.txt has 93 untranslated strings.
- basemodui_french.txt has 25 untranslated strings.
- closecaption_french.txt has 118 untranslated strings.
- gameui_french.txt has 10 untranslated strings.
- reactivedrop_french.txt has 1471 untranslated strings.
- valve_french.txt has 196 untranslated strings.
- app_items_563560_french.json is missing.
- mappingcontest2023_french.txt is missing.
- workshop_description_french.txt is missing.
- workshop_tags_french.json is missing.
- content_warning_563560_french.txt is missing.
- storepage_81731_french.json has 6 indented lines.
- 20230419_french.xml is missing.
- 20230420_french.xml is missing.
- CustomCampaignCredits_french.txt is missing.
- asw_credits_french.txt is missing.
- biogen_corporation_credits_french.txt is missing.
- credits_acc32_official_french.txt is missing.
- credits_namhumanum_french.txt is missing.
- deathmatch_credits_french.txt is missing.
- rd-LanasEscapeCredits_french.txt is missing.
- rd-area9800Credits_french.txt is missing.
- rd-ocs-credits_french.txt is missing.
- rd-tarnor_credits_french.txt is missing.
- rd_bonus_missions_credits_french.txt is missing.
- rd_paranoia_credits_french.txt is missing.
- rd_research7_credits_french.txt is missing.
- tilarus5_credits_french.txt is missing.
- 3rdmappdasmugler_french.txt is missing.
- 3rdmappdaworker_french.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_findings_french.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_investigations_french.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_localhouses_french.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_miningops_french.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_news1_french.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_news2_french.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random1_french.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_left_french.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_no_french.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_right_french.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_research1_french.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_research2_french.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_secret2_french.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_solution_french.txt is missing.
- acc_info1_french.txt is missing.
- acc_info2_french.txt is missing.
- acc_power1_french.txt is missing.
- acc_power2_french.txt is missing.
- acc_power3_french.txt is missing.
- acc_research1_french.txt is missing.
- acc_research2_french.txt is missing.
- acc_research3_french.txt is missing.
- labsmail1_french.txt is missing.
- labsmail2_french.txt is missing.
- labsmail3_french.txt is missing.
- labsmail4_french.txt is missing.
- landingbaymail1_french.txt is missing.
- landingbaymail2_french.txt is missing.
- landingbaymail3_french.txt is missing.
- minemails1_french.txt is missing.
- minemails2_french.txt is missing.
- minemails3_french.txt is missing.
- nukeangermail_french.txt is missing.
- officemail1_french.txt is missing.
- officemail2_french.txt is missing.
- officemail3_french.txt is missing.
- officemail4_french.txt is missing.
- outsidemail1_french.txt is missing.
- outsidemail2_french.txt is missing.
- outsidemail3_french.txt is missing.
- plantmail1_french.txt is missing.
- plantmail2_french.txt is missing.
- plantmail3_french.txt is missing.
- queenlairmail1_french.txt is missing.
- queenlairmail2_french.txt is missing.
- rd-benson_french.txt is missing.
- rd-cave_geologist1_french.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda1_french.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda2_french.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda3_french.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda4_french.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda5_french.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda6_french.txt is missing.
- rd-smithson_french.txt is missing.
- rd-spaceport_security_french.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton1_french.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton2_french.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton3_french.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton4_french.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton5_french.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton6_french.txt is missing.
- rd_res_rctinbound1_french.txt is missing.
- rd_res_rctinbound2_french.txt is missing.
- rd_subject58_french.txt is missing.
- sewersmail1_french.txt is missing.
- sewersmail2_french.txt is missing.
- sewersmail3_french.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_MainStory1_french.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_MainStory2_french.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_MainStory3_french.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_PublicMessage1_french.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_PublicMessage2_french.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_SideStory1_french.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_SideStory2_french.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_SideStory3_french.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_craigsthingpda_french.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail1_french.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail2_french.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail3_french.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail4_french.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda1_french.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda2_french.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda3_french.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda4_french.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda5_french.txt is missing.
- tutorialmail1_french.txt is missing.
- tutorialmail2_french.txt is missing.
- tutorialmail3_french.txt is missing.
- antheonmissingnews_french.txt is missing.
- antheonmoonnews_french.txt is missing.
- brainnews_french.txt is missing.
- convoynews_french.txt is missing.
- droidlawsnews_french.txt is missing.
- expansionnews_french.txt is missing.
- experiornews_french.txt is missing.
- newcolonynews_french.txt is missing.
- rd-newfacilities_french.txt is missing.
- rd-spaceport_news1_french.txt is missing.
- refugeenews_french.txt is missing.
- Item 1 "Participant - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 2 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 3 "Trick Hat" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 4 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 5 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 6 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 13 "Beta Tester" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 15 "Top 20 - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 7 "Translator" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 8 "Programmer" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 9 "Mapper" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 10 "Challenger" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 11 "Guide" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 12 "Artist" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 14 "Reporter" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 100000000 "Donor: Tears for Tarnor" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000001 "Donor: Paranoia" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000002 "Donor: Lana's Escape" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000003 "Donor: Operation Cleansweep" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000004 "Donor: Research 7" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000005 "Donor: Area 9800" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000006 "Donor: BioGen Corporation" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000007 "Donor: Nam Humanum" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000008 "Donor: Accident 32" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000009 "Donor: Adanaxis" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 900000000 "Ben Lubar" in item-schema-unique.json is missing
- vgui_japanese.txt has 35 untranslated strings.
- reactivedrop_japanese.txt has 24 untranslated strings.
- reactivedrop_koreana.txt has 39 untranslated strings.
- inventory_service_tags_koreana.vdf has 7 untranslated strings.
- statsweb_koreana.vdf has 43 untranslated strings.
- steam_input_koreana.vdf has 19 untranslated strings.
- serverbrowser_koreana.txt has 24 untranslated strings.
- vgui_koreana.txt has 93 untranslated strings.
- basemodui_koreana.txt has 47 untranslated strings.
- closecaption_koreana.txt has 55 untranslated strings.
- gameui_koreana.txt has 6 untranslated strings.
- reactivedrop_koreana.txt has 981 untranslated strings.
- valve_koreana.txt has 90 untranslated strings.
- eula_koreana.txt is missing.
- mappingcontest2023_koreana.txt is missing.
- workshop_description_koreana.txt is missing.
- workshop_tags_koreana.json is missing.
- content_warning_563560_koreana.txt is missing.
- storepage_81731_koreana.json has 6 indented lines.
- 20230419_koreana.xml is missing.
- 20230420_koreana.xml is missing.
- CustomCampaignCredits_koreana.txt is missing.
- asw_credits_koreana.txt is missing.
- biogen_corporation_credits_koreana.txt is missing.
- credits_acc32_official_koreana.txt is missing.
- credits_namhumanum_koreana.txt is missing.
- deathmatch_credits_koreana.txt is missing.
- rd-LanasEscapeCredits_koreana.txt is missing.
- rd-area9800Credits_koreana.txt is missing.
- rd-ocs-credits_koreana.txt is missing.
- rd-tarnor_credits_koreana.txt is missing.
- rd_bonus_missions_credits_koreana.txt is missing.
- rd_paranoia_credits_koreana.txt is missing.
- rd_research7_credits_koreana.txt is missing.
- tilarus5_credits_koreana.txt is missing.
- 3rdmappdasmugler_koreana.txt is missing.
- 3rdmappdaworker_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_findings_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_investigations_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_localhouses_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_miningops_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_news1_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_news2_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random1_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_left_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_no_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_right_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_research1_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_research2_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_secret2_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_solution_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc_info1_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc_info2_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc_power1_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc_power2_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc_power3_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc_research1_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc_research2_koreana.txt is missing.
- acc_research3_koreana.txt is missing.
- nukeangermail_koreana.txt is missing.
- nh_news_announcement_koreana.txt is missing.
- nh_news_prospectus_koreana.txt is missing.
- Item 1 "Participant - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 2 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 3 "Trick Hat" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 4 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 5 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 6 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 13 "Beta Tester" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 15 "Top 20 - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 7 "Translator" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 8 "Programmer" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 9 "Mapper" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 10 "Challenger" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 11 "Guide" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 12 "Artist" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 14 "Reporter" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 100000000 "Donor: Tears for Tarnor" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000001 "Donor: Paranoia" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000002 "Donor: Lana's Escape" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000003 "Donor: Operation Cleansweep" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000004 "Donor: Research 7" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000005 "Donor: Area 9800" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000006 "Donor: BioGen Corporation" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000007 "Donor: Nam Humanum" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000008 "Donor: Accident 32" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000009 "Donor: Adanaxis" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 900000000 "Ben Lubar" in item-schema-unique.json is missing
- reactivedrop_polish.txt has 39 untranslated strings.
- inventory_service_tags_polish.vdf has 7 untranslated strings.
- statsweb_polish.vdf has 191 untranslated strings.
- steam_input_polish.vdf has 19 untranslated strings.
- serverbrowser_polish.txt has 24 untranslated strings.
- vgui_polish.txt has 81 untranslated strings.
- basemodui_polish.txt has 26 untranslated strings.
- chat_polish.txt has 8 untranslated strings.
- closecaption_polish.txt has 1993 untranslated strings.
- gameui_polish.txt has 10 untranslated strings.
- reactivedrop_polish.txt has 2119 untranslated strings.
- valve_polish.txt has 266 untranslated strings.
- eula_polish.txt is missing.
- app_items_563560_polish.json is missing.
- mappingcontest2023_polish.txt is missing.
- workshop_description_polish.txt is missing.
- workshop_tags_polish.json is missing.
- content_warning_563560_polish.txt is missing.
- storepage_81731_polish.json has 6 indented lines.
- 20230419_polish.xml is missing.
- 20230420_polish.xml is missing.
- CustomCampaignCredits_polish.txt is missing.
- asw_credits_polish.txt is missing.
- biogen_corporation_credits_polish.txt is missing.
- credits_acc32_official_polish.txt is missing.
- credits_namhumanum_polish.txt is missing.
- deathmatch_credits_polish.txt is missing.
- rd-LanasEscapeCredits_polish.txt is missing.
- rd-area9800Credits_polish.txt is missing.
- rd-ocs-credits_polish.txt is missing.
- rd-tarnor_credits_polish.txt is missing.
- rd_bonus_missions_credits_polish.txt is missing.
- rd_paranoia_credits_polish.txt is missing.
- rd_research7_credits_polish.txt is missing.
- tilarus5_credits_polish.txt is missing.
- 3rdmappdasmugler_polish.txt is missing.
- 3rdmappdaworker_polish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_findings_polish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_investigations_polish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_localhouses_polish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_miningops_polish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_news1_polish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_news2_polish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random1_polish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_left_polish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_no_polish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_right_polish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_research1_polish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_research2_polish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_secret2_polish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_solution_polish.txt is missing.
- acc_info1_polish.txt is missing.
- acc_info2_polish.txt is missing.
- acc_power1_polish.txt is missing.
- acc_power2_polish.txt is missing.
- acc_power3_polish.txt is missing.
- acc_research1_polish.txt is missing.
- acc_research2_polish.txt is missing.
- acc_research3_polish.txt is missing.
- labsmail1_polish.txt is missing.
- labsmail2_polish.txt is missing.
- labsmail3_polish.txt is missing.
- labsmail4_polish.txt is missing.
- landingbaymail1_polish.txt is missing.
- landingbaymail2_polish.txt is missing.
- landingbaymail3_polish.txt is missing.
- minemails1_polish.txt is missing.
- minemails2_polish.txt is missing.
- minemails3_polish.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail1_jacquesmoreau_polish.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail2_jacquesmoreau_polish.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail_lindasilva_polish.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail_vladislavlazarev_polish.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail_wistonbeaufort_polish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda1_gaelflorenza_polish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda2_gaelflorenza_polish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda3_gaelflorenza_polish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda4_gaelflorenza_polish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda5_gaelflorenza_polish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda6_gaelflorenza_polish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_francesiriac_polish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_jacquesmoreau_polish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_jonathandorland_polish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_lindasilva_polish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_sarahweiss_polish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_thibautholbert_polish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_tomasselin_polish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_yannmontgomery_polish.txt is missing.
- nukeangermail_polish.txt is missing.
- officemail1_polish.txt is missing.
- officemail2_polish.txt is missing.
- officemail3_polish.txt is missing.
- officemail4_polish.txt is missing.
- outsidemail1_polish.txt is missing.
- outsidemail2_polish.txt is missing.
- outsidemail3_polish.txt is missing.
- plantmail1_polish.txt is missing.
- plantmail2_polish.txt is missing.
- plantmail3_polish.txt is missing.
- queenlairmail1_polish.txt is missing.
- queenlairmail2_polish.txt is missing.
- rd-benson_polish.txt is missing.
- rd-cave_geologist1_polish.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda1_polish.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda2_polish.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda3_polish.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda4_polish.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda5_polish.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda6_polish.txt is missing.
- rd-smithson_polish.txt is missing.
- rd-spaceport_security_polish.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton1_polish.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton2_polish.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton3_polish.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton4_polish.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton5_polish.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton6_polish.txt is missing.
- rd_res_rctinbound1_polish.txt is missing.
- rd_res_rctinbound2_polish.txt is missing.
- rd_subject58_polish.txt is missing.
- sewersmail1_polish.txt is missing.
- sewersmail2_polish.txt is missing.
- sewersmail3_polish.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_MainStory1_polish.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_MainStory2_polish.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_MainStory3_polish.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_PublicMessage1_polish.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_PublicMessage2_polish.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_SideStory1_polish.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_SideStory2_polish.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_SideStory3_polish.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_craigsthingpda_polish.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail1_polish.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail2_polish.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail3_polish.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail4_polish.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda1_polish.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda2_polish.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda3_polish.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda4_polish.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda5_polish.txt is missing.
- tutorialmail1_polish.txt is missing.
- tutorialmail2_polish.txt is missing.
- tutorialmail3_polish.txt is missing.
- antheonmissingnews_polish.txt is missing.
- antheonmoonnews_polish.txt is missing.
- brainnews_polish.txt is missing.
- convoynews_polish.txt is missing.
- droidlawsnews_polish.txt is missing.
- expansionnews_polish.txt is missing.
- experiornews_polish.txt is missing.
- newcolonynews_polish.txt is missing.
- nh_news_announcement_polish.txt is missing.
- nh_news_prospectus_polish.txt is missing.
- rd-newfacilities_polish.txt is missing.
- rd-spaceport_news1_polish.txt is missing.
- refugeenews_polish.txt is missing.
- Item 1 "Participant - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 2 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 3 "Trick Hat" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 4 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 5 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 6 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 13 "Beta Tester" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 15 "Top 20 - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 7 "Translator" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 8 "Programmer" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 9 "Mapper" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 10 "Challenger" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 11 "Guide" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 12 "Artist" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 14 "Reporter" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 100000000 "Donor: Tears for Tarnor" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000001 "Donor: Paranoia" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000002 "Donor: Lana's Escape" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000003 "Donor: Operation Cleansweep" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000004 "Donor: Research 7" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000005 "Donor: Area 9800" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000006 "Donor: BioGen Corporation" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000007 "Donor: Nam Humanum" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000008 "Donor: Accident 32" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000009 "Donor: Adanaxis" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 900000000 "Ben Lubar" in item-schema-unique.json is missing
- reactivedrop_portuguese.txt has 12 untranslated strings.
- statsweb_portuguese.vdf has 18 untranslated strings.
- steam_input_portuguese.vdf has 19 untranslated strings.
- vgui_portuguese.txt has 93 untranslated strings.
- basemodui_portuguese.txt has 1 untranslated strings.
- closecaption_portuguese.txt has 160 untranslated strings.
- gameui_portuguese.txt has 1 untranslated strings.
- reactivedrop_portuguese.txt has 1424 untranslated strings.
- valve_portuguese.txt has 266 untranslated strings.
- app_items_563560_portuguese.json is missing.
- mappingcontest2023_portuguese.txt is missing.
- 20230419_portuguese.xml is missing.
- 20230420_portuguese.xml is missing.
- biogen_corporation_credits_portuguese.txt is missing.
- credits_acc32_official_portuguese.txt is missing.
- credits_namhumanum_portuguese.txt is missing.
- deathmatch_credits_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd-LanasEscapeCredits_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd-area9800Credits_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd-ocs-credits_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd-tarnor_credits_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd_bonus_missions_credits_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd_paranoia_credits_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd_research7_credits_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tilarus5_credits_portuguese.txt is missing.
- 3rdmappdasmugler_portuguese.txt is missing.
- 3rdmappdaworker_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_findings_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_investigations_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_localhouses_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_miningops_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_news1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_news2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_left_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_no_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_right_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_research1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_research2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_secret2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_solution_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc_info1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc_info2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc_power1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc_power2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc_power3_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc_research1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc_research2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- acc_research3_portuguese.txt is missing.
- labsmail1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- labsmail2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- labsmail3_portuguese.txt is missing.
- labsmail4_portuguese.txt is missing.
- landingbaymail1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- landingbaymail2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- landingbaymail3_portuguese.txt is missing.
- minemails1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- minemails2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- minemails3_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail1_jacquesmoreau_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail2_jacquesmoreau_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail_lindasilva_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail_vladislavlazarev_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail_wistonbeaufort_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda1_gaelflorenza_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda2_gaelflorenza_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda3_gaelflorenza_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda4_gaelflorenza_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda5_gaelflorenza_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda6_gaelflorenza_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_francesiriac_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_jacquesmoreau_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_jonathandorland_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_lindasilva_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_sarahweiss_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_thibautholbert_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_tomasselin_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_yannmontgomery_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nukeangermail_portuguese.txt is missing.
- officemail1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- officemail2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- officemail3_portuguese.txt is missing.
- officemail4_portuguese.txt is missing.
- outsidemail1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- outsidemail2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- outsidemail3_portuguese.txt is missing.
- plantmail1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- plantmail2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- plantmail3_portuguese.txt is missing.
- queenlairmail1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- queenlairmail2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd-benson_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd-cave_geologist1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda3_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda4_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda5_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda6_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd-smithson_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd-spaceport_security_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton3_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton4_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton5_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton6_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_rctinbound1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_rctinbound2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd_subject58_portuguese.txt is missing.
- sewersmail1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- sewersmail2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- sewersmail3_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_MainStory1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_MainStory2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_MainStory3_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_PublicMessage1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_PublicMessage2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_SideStory1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_SideStory2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_SideStory3_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_craigsthingpda_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail3_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail4_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda3_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda4_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda5_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tutorialmail1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tutorialmail2_portuguese.txt is missing.
- tutorialmail3_portuguese.txt is missing.
- antheonmissingnews_portuguese.txt is missing.
- antheonmoonnews_portuguese.txt is missing.
- brainnews_portuguese.txt is missing.
- convoynews_portuguese.txt is missing.
- droidlawsnews_portuguese.txt is missing.
- expansionnews_portuguese.txt is missing.
- experiornews_portuguese.txt is missing.
- newcolonynews_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nh_news_announcement_portuguese.txt is missing.
- nh_news_prospectus_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd-newfacilities_portuguese.txt is missing.
- rd-spaceport_news1_portuguese.txt is missing.
- refugeenews_portuguese.txt is missing.
- Item 1 "Participant - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 2 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 3 "Trick Hat" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 4 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 5 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 6 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 13 "Beta Tester" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 15 "Top 20 - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 14 "Reporter" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 100000000 "Donor: Tears for Tarnor" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000001 "Donor: Paranoia" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000002 "Donor: Lana's Escape" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000003 "Donor: Operation Cleansweep" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000004 "Donor: Research 7" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000005 "Donor: Area 9800" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000006 "Donor: BioGen Corporation" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000007 "Donor: Nam Humanum" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000008 "Donor: Accident 32" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000009 "Donor: Adanaxis" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- steam_input_brazilian.vdf has 19 untranslated strings.
- serverbrowser_brazilian.txt has 186 untranslated strings.
- vgui_brazilian.txt has 184 untranslated strings.
- closecaption_brazilian.txt has 1993 untranslated strings.
- reactivedrop_brazilian.txt has 362 untranslated strings.
- 20230419_brazilian.xml is missing.
- 20230420_brazilian.xml is missing.
- credits_acc32_official_brazilian.txt has 1 indented lines.
- rd_bonus_missions_credits_brazilian.txt has 1 indented lines.
- rd_research7_credits_brazilian.txt is missing.
- 3rdmappdaworker_brazilian.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_localhouses_brazilian.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_news2_brazilian.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_no_brazilian.txt is missing.
- acc_power1_brazilian.txt is missing.
- acc_power3_brazilian.txt is missing.
- acc_research2_brazilian.txt is missing.
- antheonmoonnews_brazilian.txt is missing.
- reactivedrop_spanish.txt has 39 untranslated strings.
- inventory_service_tags_spanish.vdf has 7 untranslated strings.
- statsweb_spanish.vdf has 191 untranslated strings.
- steam_input_spanish.vdf has 19 untranslated strings.
- serverbrowser_spanish.txt has 24 untranslated strings.
- vgui_spanish.txt has 93 untranslated strings.
- basemodui_spanish.txt has 26 untranslated strings.
- closecaption_spanish.txt has 1993 untranslated strings.
- gameui_spanish.txt has 8 untranslated strings.
- reactivedrop_spanish.txt has 1522 untranslated strings.
- valve_spanish.txt has 266 untranslated strings.
- app_items_563560_spanish.json is missing.
- mappingcontest2023_spanish.txt is missing.
- workshop_description_spanish.txt is missing.
- workshop_tags_spanish.json is missing.
- content_warning_563560_spanish.txt is missing.
- storepage_81731_spanish.json has 6 indented lines.
- 20230419_spanish.xml is missing.
- 20230420_spanish.xml is missing.
- CustomCampaignCredits_spanish.txt is missing.
- asw_credits_spanish.txt is missing.
- biogen_corporation_credits_spanish.txt is missing.
- credits_acc32_official_spanish.txt is missing.
- credits_namhumanum_spanish.txt is missing.
- deathmatch_credits_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd-LanasEscapeCredits_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd-area9800Credits_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd-ocs-credits_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd-tarnor_credits_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd_bonus_missions_credits_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd_paranoia_credits_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd_research7_credits_spanish.txt is missing.
- tilarus5_credits_spanish.txt is missing.
- 3rdmappdasmugler_spanish.txt is missing.
- 3rdmappdaworker_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_findings_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_investigations_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_localhouses_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_miningops_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_news1_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_news2_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random1_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_left_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_no_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_right_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_research1_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_research2_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_secret2_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_solution_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc_info1_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc_info2_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc_power1_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc_power2_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc_power3_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc_research1_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc_research2_spanish.txt is missing.
- acc_research3_spanish.txt is missing.
- labsmail1_spanish.txt is missing.
- labsmail2_spanish.txt is missing.
- labsmail3_spanish.txt is missing.
- labsmail4_spanish.txt is missing.
- landingbaymail1_spanish.txt is missing.
- landingbaymail2_spanish.txt is missing.
- landingbaymail3_spanish.txt is missing.
- minemails1_spanish.txt is missing.
- minemails2_spanish.txt is missing.
- minemails3_spanish.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail1_jacquesmoreau_spanish.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail2_jacquesmoreau_spanish.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail_lindasilva_spanish.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail_vladislavlazarev_spanish.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail_wistonbeaufort_spanish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda1_gaelflorenza_spanish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda2_gaelflorenza_spanish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda3_gaelflorenza_spanish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda4_gaelflorenza_spanish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda5_gaelflorenza_spanish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda6_gaelflorenza_spanish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_francesiriac_spanish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_jacquesmoreau_spanish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_jonathandorland_spanish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_lindasilva_spanish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_sarahweiss_spanish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_thibautholbert_spanish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_tomasselin_spanish.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_yannmontgomery_spanish.txt is missing.
- nukeangermail_spanish.txt is missing.
- officemail1_spanish.txt is missing.
- officemail2_spanish.txt is missing.
- officemail3_spanish.txt is missing.
- officemail4_spanish.txt is missing.
- outsidemail1_spanish.txt is missing.
- outsidemail2_spanish.txt is missing.
- outsidemail3_spanish.txt is missing.
- plantmail1_spanish.txt is missing.
- plantmail2_spanish.txt is missing.
- plantmail3_spanish.txt is missing.
- queenlairmail1_spanish.txt is missing.
- queenlairmail2_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd-benson_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd-cave_geologist1_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda1_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda2_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda3_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda4_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda5_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda6_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd-smithson_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd-spaceport_security_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton1_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton2_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton3_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton4_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton5_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton6_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd_res_rctinbound1_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd_res_rctinbound2_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd_subject58_spanish.txt is missing.
- sewersmail1_spanish.txt is missing.
- sewersmail2_spanish.txt is missing.
- sewersmail3_spanish.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_MainStory1_spanish.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_MainStory2_spanish.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_MainStory3_spanish.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_PublicMessage1_spanish.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_PublicMessage2_spanish.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_SideStory1_spanish.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_SideStory2_spanish.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_SideStory3_spanish.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_craigsthingpda_spanish.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail1_spanish.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail2_spanish.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail3_spanish.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail4_spanish.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda1_spanish.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda2_spanish.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda3_spanish.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda4_spanish.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda5_spanish.txt is missing.
- tutorialmail1_spanish.txt is missing.
- tutorialmail2_spanish.txt is missing.
- tutorialmail3_spanish.txt is missing.
- antheonmissingnews_spanish.txt is missing.
- antheonmoonnews_spanish.txt is missing.
- brainnews_spanish.txt is missing.
- convoynews_spanish.txt is missing.
- droidlawsnews_spanish.txt is missing.
- expansionnews_spanish.txt is missing.
- experiornews_spanish.txt is missing.
- newcolonynews_spanish.txt is missing.
- nh_news_announcement_spanish.txt is missing.
- nh_news_prospectus_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd-newfacilities_spanish.txt is missing.
- rd-spaceport_news1_spanish.txt is missing.
- refugeenews_spanish.txt is missing.
- Item 1 "Participant - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 2 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 3 "Trick Hat" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 4 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 5 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 6 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 13 "Beta Tester" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 15 "Top 20 - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 7 "Translator" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 8 "Programmer" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 9 "Mapper" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 10 "Challenger" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 11 "Guide" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 12 "Artist" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 14 "Reporter" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 100000000 "Donor: Tears for Tarnor" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000001 "Donor: Paranoia" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000002 "Donor: Lana's Escape" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000003 "Donor: Operation Cleansweep" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000004 "Donor: Research 7" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000005 "Donor: Area 9800" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000006 "Donor: BioGen Corporation" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000007 "Donor: Nam Humanum" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000008 "Donor: Accident 32" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000009 "Donor: Adanaxis" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 900000000 "Ben Lubar" in item-schema-unique.json is missing
- reactivedrop_ukrainian.txt has 39 untranslated strings.
- inventory_service_tags_ukrainian.vdf has 7 untranslated strings.
- statsweb_ukrainian.vdf has 191 untranslated strings.
- steam_input_ukrainian.vdf has 19 untranslated strings.
- serverbrowser_ukrainian.txt has 186 untranslated strings.
- vgui_ukrainian.txt has 184 untranslated strings.
- basemodui_ukrainian.txt has 25 untranslated strings.
- chat_ukrainian.txt has 8 untranslated strings.
- closecaption_ukrainian.txt has 111 untranslated strings.
- gameui_ukrainian.txt has 9 untranslated strings.
- reactivedrop_ukrainian.txt has 1651 untranslated strings.
- valve_ukrainian.txt has 266 untranslated strings.
- eula_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- app_items_563560_ukrainian.json is missing.
- mappingcontest2023_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- workshop_description_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- workshop_tags_ukrainian.json is missing.
- content_warning_563560_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- storepage_81731_ukrainian.json has 6 indented lines.
- 20230419_ukrainian.xml is missing.
- 20230420_ukrainian.xml is missing.
- CustomCampaignCredits_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- asw_credits_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- biogen_corporation_credits_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- credits_acc32_official_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- credits_namhumanum_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- deathmatch_credits_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd-LanasEscapeCredits_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd-area9800Credits_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd-ocs-credits_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd-tarnor_credits_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd_bonus_missions_credits_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd_paranoia_credits_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd_research7_credits_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tilarus5_credits_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- 3rdmappdasmugler_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- 3rdmappdaworker_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_findings_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_investigations_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_localhouses_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_miningops_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_news1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_news2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_left_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_no_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_right_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_research1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_research2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_secret2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_solution_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc_info1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc_info2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc_power1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc_power2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc_power3_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc_research1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc_research2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- acc_research3_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- labsmail1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- labsmail2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- labsmail3_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- labsmail4_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- landingbaymail1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- landingbaymail2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- landingbaymail3_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- minemails1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- minemails2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- minemails3_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail1_jacquesmoreau_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail2_jacquesmoreau_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail_lindasilva_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail_vladislavlazarev_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail_wistonbeaufort_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nh_pda1_gaelflorenza_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nh_pda2_gaelflorenza_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nh_pda3_gaelflorenza_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nh_pda4_gaelflorenza_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nh_pda5_gaelflorenza_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nh_pda6_gaelflorenza_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_francesiriac_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_jacquesmoreau_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_jonathandorland_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_lindasilva_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_sarahweiss_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_thibautholbert_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_tomasselin_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_yannmontgomery_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nukeangermail_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- officemail1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- officemail2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- officemail3_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- officemail4_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- outsidemail1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- outsidemail2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- outsidemail3_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- plantmail1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- plantmail2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- plantmail3_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- queenlairmail1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- queenlairmail2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd-benson_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd-cave_geologist1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda3_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda4_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda5_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda6_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd-smithson_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd-spaceport_security_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton3_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton4_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton5_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton6_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd_res_rctinbound1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd_res_rctinbound2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd_subject58_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- sewersmail1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- sewersmail2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- sewersmail3_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_MainStory1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_MainStory2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_MainStory3_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_PublicMessage1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_PublicMessage2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_SideStory1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_SideStory2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_SideStory3_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_craigsthingpda_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail3_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail4_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda3_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda4_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda5_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tutorialmail1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tutorialmail2_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- tutorialmail3_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- antheonmissingnews_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- antheonmoonnews_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- brainnews_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- convoynews_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- droidlawsnews_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- expansionnews_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- experiornews_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- newcolonynews_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nh_news_announcement_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- nh_news_prospectus_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd-newfacilities_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- rd-spaceport_news1_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- refugeenews_ukrainian.txt is missing.
- Item 1 "Participant - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 2 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 3 "Trick Hat" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 4 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 5 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 6 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 13 "Beta Tester" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 15 "Top 20 - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 7 "Translator" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 8 "Programmer" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 9 "Mapper" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 10 "Challenger" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 11 "Guide" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 12 "Artist" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 14 "Reporter" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 100000000 "Donor: Tears for Tarnor" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000001 "Donor: Paranoia" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000002 "Donor: Lana's Escape" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000003 "Donor: Operation Cleansweep" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000004 "Donor: Research 7" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000005 "Donor: Area 9800" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000006 "Donor: BioGen Corporation" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000007 "Donor: Nam Humanum" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000008 "Donor: Accident 32" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000009 "Donor: Adanaxis" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- reactivedrop_vietnamese.txt has 39 untranslated strings.
- inventory_service_tags_vietnamese.vdf has 7 untranslated strings.
- statsweb_vietnamese.vdf has 191 untranslated strings.
- steam_input_vietnamese.vdf has 19 untranslated strings.
- serverbrowser_vietnamese.txt has 186 untranslated strings.
- vgui_vietnamese.txt has 184 untranslated strings.
- basemodui_vietnamese.txt has 1279 untranslated strings.
- chat_vietnamese.txt has 1 untranslated strings.
- closecaption_vietnamese.txt has 1993 untranslated strings.
- gameui_vietnamese.txt has 605 untranslated strings.
- reactivedrop_vietnamese.txt has 3659 untranslated strings.
- valve_vietnamese.txt has 224 untranslated strings.
- eula_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- app_items_563560_vietnamese.json is missing.
- mappingcontest2023_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- workshop_description_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- workshop_tags_vietnamese.json is missing.
- content_warning_563560_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- storepage_81731_vietnamese.json has 6 indented lines.
- 20230419_vietnamese.xml is missing.
- 20230420_vietnamese.xml is missing.
- CustomCampaignCredits_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- asw_credits_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- biogen_corporation_credits_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- credits_acc32_official_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- credits_namhumanum_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- deathmatch_credits_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd-LanasEscapeCredits_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd-area9800Credits_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd-ocs-credits_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd-tarnor_credits_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd_bonus_missions_credits_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd_paranoia_credits_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd_research7_credits_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tilarus5_credits_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- 3rdmappdasmugler_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- 3rdmappdaworker_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_findings_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_investigations_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_localhouses_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_miningops_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_news1_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_news2_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random1_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_left_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_no_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_random2_right_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_research1_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_research2_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_secret2_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc32_mail_solution_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc_info1_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc_info2_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc_power1_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc_power2_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc_power3_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc_research1_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc_research2_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- acc_research3_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail1_jacquesmoreau_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail2_jacquesmoreau_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail_lindasilva_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail_vladislavlazarev_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nh_officemail_wistonbeaufort_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda1_gaelflorenza_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda2_gaelflorenza_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda3_gaelflorenza_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda4_gaelflorenza_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda5_gaelflorenza_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda6_gaelflorenza_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_francesiriac_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_jacquesmoreau_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_jonathandorland_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_lindasilva_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_sarahweiss_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_thibautholbert_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_tomasselin_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nh_pda_yannmontgomery_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nukeangermail_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- outsidemail1_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- outsidemail2_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- outsidemail3_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- plantmail1_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- plantmail2_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- plantmail3_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- queenlairmail1_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- queenlairmail2_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd-benson_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd-cave_geologist1_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda1_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda2_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda3_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda4_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda5_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd-lan-pda6_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd-smithson_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd-spaceport_security_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton1_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton2_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton3_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton4_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton5_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_houghton6_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_rctinbound1_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd_res_rctinbound2_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd_subject58_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- sewersmail1_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- sewersmail2_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- sewersmail3_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_MainStory1_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_MainStory2_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_MainStory3_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_PublicMessage1_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_PublicMessage2_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_SideStory1_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_SideStory2_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_SideStory3_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tilarus01port_craigsthingpda_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail1_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail2_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail3_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tilarus03arctic_mail4_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda1_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda2_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda3_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda4_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tilarus09hospital_pda5_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tutorialmail1_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tutorialmail2_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- tutorialmail3_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- antheonmissingnews_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- antheonmoonnews_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- brainnews_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- convoynews_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- droidlawsnews_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- expansionnews_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- experiornews_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- newcolonynews_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nh_news_announcement_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- nh_news_prospectus_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd-newfacilities_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- rd-spaceport_news1_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- refugeenews_vietnamese.txt is missing.
- Item 1 "Participant - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 2 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 3 "Trick Hat" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 4 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 5 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 6 "Elite - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 13 "Beta Tester" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 15 "Top 20 - Heroes of the Interstellar Armed Forces" in item-schema-automated.json is missing
- Item 7 "Translator" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 8 "Programmer" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 9 "Mapper" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 10 "Challenger" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 11 "Guide" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 12 "Artist" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 14 "Reporter" in item-schema-community.json is missing
- Item 100000000 "Donor: Tears for Tarnor" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000001 "Donor: Paranoia" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000002 "Donor: Lana's Escape" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000003 "Donor: Operation Cleansweep" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000004 "Donor: Research 7" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000005 "Donor: Area 9800" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000006 "Donor: BioGen Corporation" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000007 "Donor: Nam Humanum" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000008 "Donor: Accident 32" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 100000009 "Donor: Adanaxis" in item-schema-donations.json is missing
- Item 900000000 "Ben Lubar" in item-schema-unique.json is missing
These languages have not been substantially updated since the start of the Reactive Drop translation project. If you are fluent in one of these (or the ones above) and would like to contribute, don't hesitate to ask for directions :)
- arabic (العربية)
- bulgarian (български)
- czech (čeština)
- danish (dansk)
- dutch (Nederlands)
- finnish (suomi)
- greek (Ελληνικά)
- hungarian (magyar)
- norwegian (norsk bokmål)
- romanian (română)
- latam (español latinoamericano)
- swedish (svenska)
- thai (ไทย)
- turkish (Türkçe)