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The System Integration Platform (SIP) Framework is an IKOR product developed from 10 project years of experience with standardized integration of core and peripheral systems. The framework enables building light-weight integration adapters to achieve a technical and non-technical decoupling of systems, using microservices and is therefore highly…


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System Integration Platform Framework

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The System Integration Platform (SIP) Framework is an IKOR product developed from 10 project years of experience with standardized integration of core and peripheral systems.

The framework enables building light-weight integration adapters to achieve a technical and non-technical decoupling of systems, using microservices and is therefore highly scalable.

It builds on Apache Camel Framework and extends it with a lot of usable features to create a standardized integration approach for all adapters.


What is SIP

System Integration Platform is a combination of SIP framework, SIP management application and various implementation guidelines and best practices. Combined they create an advantage when developing microservice integration adapters. SIP adapters are specially designed as middleware integrators of specific subdomains of an enterprise. SIP project structure and implementation guidelines provide higher degree of code consistency across different adapter instances, making them much easier to maintain, manage and monitor. The goal is to have minimal set of restrictions of developer's freedom with maximum comfort and efficiency while developing.

To start developing with SIP, we should first get familiar with its basic concepts. Let's take a very simple scenario as an example. Say we have two systems working on the same domain (Partner, Policy, Billing etc.), but they were never designed to work together, and suddenly there is a need to connect them.

Image of Unconnected systems image

Both systems expose APIs, which are mutually not compatible, both by data model and/or communication technology they use. SIP is designed as a standalone middleware app with a sole purpose to resolve exactly this kind of problems in a flexible and standardized way. Actual integration scenarios may include more than two APIs, or even more than two systems, but all the principles apply equally to such scenarios.

Image of SIP connected systems

The integration logic is divided into different packages:


The Common package provides the common data model inside domain for both systems and common util functionalities.


Models package should contain only simple Java objects representing the respective domain in which the system connectors of an adapter operate, and should not contain any integration logic. All connectors should adapt the data models of their systems to or from this common model, depending on data flow, due to their incompatibilities. The domain can be seen as a kind of contract between the different system connectors, which ensures that they can communicate with each other. It contains common data model which uniforms the data models from all integration sides.

Connector groups

Each Connector group is designed to contain connectors which communicate with the associated external systems, thus all classes found in a connector group should only relate to their integration side. To enable this, their local domain objects are aligned with the API of an external systems they communicate with. In order to send a message from one system to another, the local domain objects must be mapped to the shared domain object. Furthermore, this means that a message from system A is mapped to the shared domain object and then from the shared domain object to the model of system B and vice versa, due to their bidirectional nature. This also means that changes on one of adapter's connector does not necessarily require changes of the other. That's especially important if the affected connector is reused across multiple adapters. Domain A and domain B packages in each connector are optional, since integrated systems use the same communication data model sometimes.

Each connector will have the following structure:

  • config - a place for any configuration classes
  • connectors - here we should define inbound and outbound connectors
  • transformers - it should contain classes for adapting the connector model to common domain model.
  • models - (optional) it may contain the data model of the system.
  • processors - camel processors
  • validators - camel validators


Framework components

  • sip-archetype - Archetype creates a basic SIP Adapter project with a defined structure and necessary dependencies. Project is created by executing single maven command.
  • sip-core - Core project for base SIP functionalities.
  • sip-middle-component - Custom Camel component used as abstracted connector between different integration sides.
  • sip-starter-parent - This project takes care of versions for Spring Boot and Camel dependencies.
  • sip-integration-starter - Starter project adding necessary predefined dependencies for integration adapters.
  • sip-soap-starter - Starter dependency for adapter that use SOAP.
  • sip-security - Security in SIP framework.
  • sip-test-kit - Tool for integration testing.

Framework features

Framework provides different features some of which are enabled by default. All the features are customizable and can be overwritten or turned off by configuration. More about how to use them you can find under the corresponding module's documentation.

Getting started

Before development, check the following Installation guide.

Once you have your adapter you can do the following steps:

  • Run mvn clean install
  • Create common Data Models inside models package
  • Add necessary dependencies
  • Add Connectors inside "connectors" package in connector groups
  • Add classes which transform system data models to or from common domain model in "transformers" package in connector groups (if needed)
  • Add any configuration classes for a specific system inside "config" package in connector groups
  • Add general integration configuration in application.yml found inside resources
  • Run SIPApplication found inside base package
  • After the application is up and running you can check SIP's management API under localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html

Framework version upgrade

If you need to upgrade your adapter to a newer SIP Framework version, please follow this guide.

Adding additional Camel starters to the project

The Maven dependency management techniques implemented in the SIP archetype give you the ability to easily add new camel-starter dependencies to integration adapters.

Should you need additional Apache Camel Components in the project, it is enough to add their Spring Boot starter dependency, without version number - as it is managed in the parent Maven module of the SIP integration adapter.

For instance, to add ArangoDb Camel component, it is enough to add the following dependency to the project:


The same stands for adding Spring Boot starters - as they are managed in the parent Maven module they too can be added without explicitly stating version numbers. As a matter of fact, the overall dependency management performed by the Spring Boot is in place in integration adapters too.

Adding new Connector Groups

By using the SIP archetype to create a new SIP adapter, by default there are two connector groups, designed to make it more convenient to integrate systems. In case there are more than two systems, which need to be integrated, you need to add additional connector groups to the project structure.

The project structure usually looks like this:

│   ├───common
│   │   ├───config
│   │   └───util
│   ├───connectorgroups
│   │   ├───connectorGroup1
│   │   │   ├───config
│   │   │   ├───transformer
│   │   │   ├───processors
│   │   │   ├───connectors
│   │   │   ├───validators
│   │   │   └───models
│   │   └───connectorGroup2
│   │       ├───config
│   │       ├───transformer
│   │       ├───processors
│   │       ├───connectors
│   │       ├───validators
│   │       └───models
│   ├───scenarios
│   │   ├───models
│   │   └───definitions
│   └───

Easiest way would be just copying an existing connector package which contains the pre-made structure. This can also be done manually by creating a new package. It is important that these packages are contained in connectors package.

Development Tips

Endpoint Configuration

When it comes to working with URIs in routes, it is recommended to use property placeholders, which makes the routes configurable. Additionally, it would make much sense to follow suggested configuration convention for defining endpoint configuration.

      <endpoint>: # optional - if more endpoints on single external-system are involved in integration
        id: <externalSystem>
        uri: ftp://...

<in/out> corresponds to consumers and producers respectively. This means in case a message is received through a route using "from", then it is a consumer and "in" is used. On the other hand, it is a producer when a message is sent via "to". In this case, "out" is used as key in the configuration file.

<external-system> should match the name of the system or client the adapter is communicating with.

<endpoint> in case there are multiple endpoints for an adapter that uses the same domain and external system, additional identification is required. For this purpose we use an additional endpoint key to provide distinction.

For example:

      id: my-assurance-co
      uri: ftp://...
      id: their-assurance-co
      uri: https://...

Using this configuration can be easily achieved in Camel by following their placeholder syntax. Here's what the example from above would look like in the Camel route:



If this convention is followed in the configuration, it leads to a unified structure that makes it possible to identify at a single glance which systems are communicating with each other and which communication technologies are being used. It also makes routes more descriptive and adapters much easier to maintain.

Setting processor and route IDs

As we can see each external endpoint, definition is followed by explicit setting of id. Although it's not mandatory, doing so is highly recommended especially in case of outgoing endpoints. This will provide a reference of the external endpoints, which can be used for different functionalities, like custom health check, testing with test-kit or other that are yet to come. Notice that in case of incoming endpoints (those in "from" statement), following id refers to the routeId.

Configuration properties

By default, the following properties come as a part of SIP Framework, to override them simply add them to your configuration file with desired values.

When using a yaml configuration file, which is already available in resources, adapt the properties to its format.

Name Description Value Default
sip.core.translation.enabled Enable SIP translation boolean true
sip.core.translation.fileLocations Sets locations of translation bundles List classpath:translations/translated-messages, classpath:translations/sip-core-messages
sip.core.translation.default-encoding Sets default encoding String UTF-8
sip.core.translation.fallback-to-system-locale Use system language if none defined boolean false
sip.core.translation.use-code-as-default-message If key is not assigned use it in message boolean true
sip.core.translation.lang Set language of log messages String en
sip.core.tracing.enabled Enable SIP tracing and trace history boolean false{property-name} Sets value for specific property in ExchangeFormatter / /
sip.core.tracing.trace-type Sets how tracer should behave String "*"
sip.core.metrics.external-endpoint-health-check.enabled Enable health status calculation boolean true
sip.core.metrics.external-endpoint-health-check.scheduler.fixed-delay Sets health check execution interval Integer 900000
sip.core.metrics.external-endpoint-health-check.scheduler.initial-delay Sets health check execution initial delay Integer 5000 Enable additional SIP Health check boolean true Expose additional adapter information through /actuator/info boolean true
sip.core.actuator.adapter-routes.enabled Enable controlling lifecycle of routes boolean true Enable basic camel info under /actuator/info endpoint boolean false
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include Set which endpoints are included String health,info,metrics,loggers,prometheus Enable health details in actuator String always Show actuator API in Swagger docs boolean true
springdoc.api-docs.path Custom path to API docs String /api-docs
springdoc.swagger-ui.path Custom path to Swagger String /swagger-ui.html
springdoc.swagger-ui.disable-swagger-default-url Disables default petstore API in swagger boolean true
sip.testkit.enabled Enable SIP testkit boolean true
sip.testkit.test-cases-path Define path for file with test cases String test-case-definition.yml Enable SIP SSL security boolean false Enable authentication type - Possible values: NONE, WANT or NEED String none Location of keystore String / Password of keystore String / Type of keystore file String / The alias (or name) under which the key is stored in the keystore String / Password of the key String / Enable separate client certification boolean false Location of client keystore String / Password of client keystore String / Type of client keystore file String / The alias (or name) under which the key is stored in the client keystore String / Password of the client key String /

SIP Middle Component

SIP Middle Component (sipmc) is a custom camel component used by the SIP Framework as a communication device between connectors. Currently, sipmc can be seen as part of integration scenarios as a tool for its lifecycle manipulation.


The System Integration Platform (SIP) Framework is an IKOR product developed from 10 project years of experience with standardized integration of core and peripheral systems. The framework enables building light-weight integration adapters to achieve a technical and non-technical decoupling of systems, using microservices and is therefore highly…



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