All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
For unreleased changelogs look into the changelogs directory
- Disable CSRF by default in SOAP configuration. #285 by Nemikor
- Prevent NPE when context path is not set in configuration. #281 by Nemikor
- Update dependencies that contain vulnerabilities #287 by Nemikor
- Forbid usage of multiple REST DSL verbs for different HTTP methods in a single Rest inbound connector. #284 by Nemikor
- Remove usage of deprecated methods from spring security and use up-to-date ones. #286 by Nemikor
- Add possibility to configure additional parameters in SOAP endpoints, like DataFormat #283 by Nemikor
- Prevent using response handing in scenario orchestration when no response model is defined in the scenario. #276 by Nemikor
- Update version of Apache Camel to 4.8.0, Spring Boot to 3.3.4 and various other. #273 by Nemikor
- Throw original exception in connector processors instead of wrapping it in SIPFrameworkException. #275 by Nemikor
- Added @CleanupHeaders annotation to temporarily remove headers for connectors #269 by MartinBuchheim
- Allow Exchange to be accessed in process orchestration #272 by Nemikor
- Add support for using mapstruct mappers created with spring framework in connectors. #271 by Nemikor
- Add test-mode header as property to preserve it in case header is removed. #270 by Nemikor
- Added ChecksumHelper class for adapter fingerprinting in SIP Cloud #256 by MartinBuchheim
- Added API to add custom processor extensions to connectors #266 by MartinBuchheim
- Add possibility to define scenario and connector level configuration. Add hooks to define connector level exception handlers. #265 by Nemikor
- Add support for doWhile and forLoop loops in scenario and process orchestration. #254 by Nemikor
- Added a possibility for a REST demo adapter to be generated by archetype. It uses Nobel Prize API to and demonstrates common SIP Features. #257 by Nemikor
- Improved handling / mapping of query- and path-parameters for inbound REST connectors #258 by MartinBuchheim
- Add support for dynamic endpoints in outbound connectors. The type of endpoint will be determined automatically based on presence of placeholders in uri. #259 by Nemikor
- Spring Boot updated to version 3.2.7 #267 by MartinBuchheim
- Bumped spring boot and CXF versions to resolve security issues. #252 by Nemikor
- Change adapter-routes actuator endpoint to adapterroutes and update the version of adapter-routes feature. #260 by Nemikor
- Improved error message when an exception is triggered from a method-based connector processor #268 by MartinBuchheim
- Fix an issue where REST headers were not taken from test case definition. Enable resolving path parameters of rest endpoints using headers. #264 by Nemikor
- Remove SIPDefaultErrorHandler as it might cause issues. #263 by Nemikor
- Add missing brackets in code example. #262 by Nemikor
- Add missing documentation for integration scenario orchestration. The orchestration is explained with two simple code snippets. #261 by malte-westendorf-ikor
- Added startup message, fixed build warnings, reorganized utility class and added a common interface for declarative elements to reduce code duplication. #246 by LetoBukarica
- Added a detection for Endpoint HTTP method in TestKit. #248 by LetoBukarica
- Upgraded Spring, Camel and other libraries #247 by LetoBukarica
- Added a TestKit integration test duplicate title check. #242 by LetoBukarica
- Fixed connector response flow conditions. #241 by LetoBukarica
- Fixed process orchestration error message exception. #239 by LetoBukarica
- Added a missing Swagger UI dependency and a test. #243 by LetoBukarica
- Encapsulated coherent code into private methods. #245 by vladiIkor
- Updated SIP Archetype documentation. #250 by LetoBukarica
- Changed default CXF Codegen plugin configuration & updated the docs. #244 by LetoBukarica
- Prepared the version release. #251 by LetoBukarica
- Updated the docs for manual SOAP starter installation. #249 by LetoBukarica
- Support for XML and JSON tree comparison in Test Kit validation phase #236 by vladiIkor
- Updated error messages for connectors without parent class, connectors with overridden mappings, connectors with duplicate ids and show default request or response transformer message only once. #231 by Nemikor
- Set value of 'body' in test-kit-definition as reference to a file on the classpath #235 by vladiIkor
- Upgrade to versions SpringBoot 3, Spring 6, Apache Camel 4, Apache CXF 4 #230 by nikolag-ikor
- Process level orchestration support #234 by LetoBukarica
- Switched to using case insensitive IDs to find docs for Scenarios, Connectors and Groups. #232 by Nemikor
- Using RestTemplate in both SOAP and REST Test Kit invokers to avoid REST config from Camel. #233 by Nemikor
- Fixing snakeyaml dependency issue #237 by LetoBukarica
- Improved validation for inputs related to package naming in order to follow Java conventions. #227 by Nemikor
- Changed deprecated parent.version into project.parent.version in pom.xml of new adapters. #228 by Nemikor
- Update with changes regarding v3 adapter structure and the concept of SIP Middle Component. #229 by Nemikor
- Scenario Orchestration DSL has been improved and now supports conditional statements #222 by MartinBuchheim
- Fixed bad indentation problems. Improved automatic resolving of value sipFrameworkVersion in pom.xml. #218 by nikolag-ikor
- Added a null check on SIP validator and updated the message. #220 by LetoBukarica
- Fixed bug caused by definition syntax exceptions and validation. #225 by nikolag-ikor
- Improved Test Kit definition validation. Added more detailed exceptions. #220 by nikolag-ikor
- Updated testkit regex matcher to use DOTALL pattern. #224 by vladiIkor
- Add Test Kit with Declarative Structure documentation file. #217 by nikolag-ikor
- Fix Declarative Structure documentation file. #223 by HaukeSchroederIkor
- Actuator endpoints which expose declarative structure components (endpoints, connectors, scenarios, groups) #182 by nikolag-ikor
- Connector and integration scenario Orchestrations #214 by MartinBuchheimIkor
- Custom base SIP exceptions #179 by nikolag-ikor
- SOAP Connector base for declarative structure #204 by MartinBuchheimIkor
- Support for Connectors (declarative structure) in the Test Kit #209 by nikolag-ikor
- Declarative structure & SOAP support in the Archetype and Maven clean-up #215 by LetoBukarica
- Updated the Developer tags in the pom.xml #216 by LetoBukarica
- Updated dependencies with vulnerabilities #178 by Nemikor
- Fixed an issue where spring test tries to load empty test kit tests. #183 by Nemikor
- Added Unicode/ICU License check #205 by nikolag-ikor
- Add possibility to test camel routes, which use email component, with TestKit. #147 by Nemikor
- Add implementation for supporting jms component in Test Kit. #146 by nikolag-ikor
- Add implementation for supporting kafka component in Test Kit. #150 by nikolag-ikor
- Add TestKit invoker runtime exception #151 by nikolag-ikor
- Add mechanism which will automatically include SIP Actuator endpoints to configured list of Actuator endpoints #149 by Nemikor
- Refactor tracing mechanism to improve performance when logging trace messages is disabled. #174 by Nemikor
- Update version of commons-text to 1.10.0 #152 by Nemikor
- Update Camel version to 3.18.4 and SpringBoot version to 2.7.6 #171 by nikolag-ikor
- Add suppress warnings for unchecked casts which are safe. #155 by nikolag-ikor
- Add possibility to include headers in a response from a mocked processor for Test Kit tests. #148 by Nemikor
- Fixed coupling of Interceptor strategy ordering. #145 by LetoBukarica
- Removed carriage returns in the validation phase. #144 by LetoBukarica
- Remove in memory tracing functionality and api. Add possibility to turn off console logs through configuration while tracing is active. #139 by Nemikor
- Implementation of File component support in SIP Test Kit. #129 by nikolag-ikor
- Implementation for FTP, FTPS and SFTP component support in SIP Test Kit. #135 by nikolag-ikor
- Mark log messages with [SIP TEST] while running sip tests. #124 by Nemikor
- Add missing context path to rest endpoints from Camel DSL in generated openapi. #136 by Nemikor
- Add missing unit test for TranslateMessageLayout #137 by Nemikor
- Expose type of original processor through ProcessorProxy #140 by Nemikor
- Fixing SIP testing bug - mock reports not available during SIP test verification. #141 by VladiIkor
- Fix translation unit test which was causing other test to not work correctly. #143 by Nemikor
- Fix for camel ftp dependency and loading bean in sip-cloud. #142 by nikolag-ikor
- Prevent NPE when actual response is null, allow validation for empty body and add validation details for mocks. #132 by Nemikor
- Move tracing id to CustomTracer and make it into a list of exchange ids from which a request consisted of. #131 by Nemikor
- Add Test Kit documentation about components: REST, SOAP, File, FTP, FTPS and SFTP #138 by nikolag-ikor
- Implementation of CXF (SOAP) support in SIP Test Kit. #118 by nikolag-ikor
- Added versions to @SIPFeature annotation and additional conditions on auto configuration classes for actuator extensions. #119 by Nemikor
- Introducing sip-maven-plugin with cross-dependencies-check goal. It will crash the build if classes are cross referenced between connectors packages. #115 by vladiIkor
- All SIP features are now separated and independent. Actuator features can also be turned on and off separately. #114 by Nemikor
- Add @SIPFeature annotation which marks and names all features that are available in the framework. #117 by Nemikor
- Upgrade version of Camel, Spring Boot and others to latest stable #116 by Nemikor
- Fixed security issue in TrafficTracerController, caused by possible unsafe user input. #127 by Nemikor
- Remove the enum from @SIPFeature used to define name of feature and replace it with string constants. #122 by Nemikor
- Updated nexus-staging-maven-plugin and removed hardcoded XStream dependency management.. #130 by LetoBukarica
- Upgraded SpringBoot from 2.6.7 to 2.6.9. #120 by LetoBukarica
- Update test folder structure in SIP Archetype to match the adapter structure. #123 by Nemikor
- Replace adapter structure with new simplified one by removing multiple module structure and introducing packages instead. #106 by Nemikor
- Add test-case-definition.yml to archetype with empty template and explanations #102 by Nemikor
- Fixed the internal server error which occurs when adapter-routes endpoint is called with an non-existing route. #105 by LetoBukarica
- Move spring boot test dependency to sip-starter-partner. Update package name regex in archetype. #113 by Nemikor
- Added tests with CamelContext in the Core. #100 by LetoBukarica
- Replace log messages with key value pairs so they are able to be translated #91 by Nemikor
- Refactor SIPTranslateMessageService so that it no longer requires SIPStaticSpringContext to register itself #104 by Nemikor
- Refactor code which causes unchecked or deprecated warnings #110 by Nemikor
- Upgraded the OpenAPI versions to match corresponding SpringBoot version #112 by Nemikor
- Add description for activating Test Kit profile #96 by nikolag-ikor
- Add documentation for upgrading the SIP Framework version from 1.0.0 to 2.0.0. Additional documentation enhancement. #94 by nikolag-ikor
- Fix URL of copy button image #107 by Nemikor
- Maven archetype command changed to one line format. Added copy function #103 by dzuci
- refine test kit documentation #89 by dzuci
- Update of the table with default configuration #97 by dzuci
- Update of the table with default configuration #108 by dzuci
- Updated SIP Security documentation. #93 by LetoBukarica
- Updated test case for health check on suspended route. #92 by LetoBukarica
- Resolve context path conflicts in testkit #98 by Nemikor
- Changed GitHub Actions to ignore missing docs-snapshot folder #99 by LetoBukarica
- camel.servlet.mapping.context-path configured on core level #95 by vladiIkor
- Remove maven-enforcer-plugin.version duplicate from framework pom properties #90 by vladiIkor
- Test Kit documentation added to GitHub pages #86 by vladiIkor
- Added documentation guide about unit testing with sipmc. #87 by nikolag-ikor
- Removing dynamic proxy from documentation as it is part of internal architecture, and still not intended for public usage #85 by vladiIkor
- Tracing documentation updated #88 by dzuci
- Java version updated from 8 to 11.
Camel version updated from 3.8.0 to 3.14.0.
Spring Boot version updated from 2.3.9.RELEASE to 2.6.1.
Camel's configuration properties were changed. Full list can be found in official documentation.
When upgrading a SIP Adapter with framework version 1.0.0 the following must be changed as it had a default value inside SIP Archetype from
. #55 by nikolag-ikor
- Implementation for actuator info endpoint to expose the basic adapter data and markdown files #51 by nikolag-ikor
- Added and #41 by Dzuci
- Implementation of packaging markdown files in jar file. #57 by nikolag-ikor
- Add application.yaml with spring profile to test resources in archetype #84 by Nemikor
- SIP Test Kit module is added supporting rest-rest adapter testing #73 by vladiIkor
- Adding SIP Security to Integration starter and its configuration template to the SIP Archetype application.yaml #70 by nikolag-ikor
- Refactoring of core proxy unit tests. #67 by nikolag-ikor
- Added trace-type configuration parameter to handle tracing options #56 by Nemikor
- Adding switch with false default value #60 by vladiIkor
- Changing http response status to 200 by default if adapter health results with DOWN #80 by vladiIkor
- Removed health calculation from actuator health endpoint. Calculation of endpoints health is moved to health check scheduler instead. #37 by nikolag-ikor
- Added archetype parameter which provides a choice for optional including/excluding of Lombok dependency. #17 by nikolag-ikor
- Added default mock function (NOOP) to outgoing processors #58 by LetoBukarica
- Added ProcessorProxy as parameter in ProxyExtension methods #64 by Nemikor
- Refactored actuator unit tests #36 by Nemikor
- Refactored security unit tests #43 by Nemikor
- Refactored sipmc unit tests #42 by Nemikor
- Refactored trace unit tests #35 by Nemikor
- Refactored translate unit tests #38 by Nemikor
- Refactored util unit tests #39 by Nemikor
- Removed flag, now only authentication provider list is necessary. #30 by Nemikor
- Implementation for enhanced user experience while creating proxy mocks. #66 by nikolag-ikor
- Added descriptions for operations and parameters in custom actuator endpoints #32 by Nemikor
- Updated swagger documentation, added descriptions for possible operations on routes. #3 by Nemikor
- Updated Apache Camel version to 3.13.0 #24 by Nemikor
- Changing access level of AdapterRouteDetails class to public #59 by vladiIkor
- GroupId is added to archetype generated application/pom.xml #79 by vladiIkor
- Adding config key to sip-security #19 by vladiIkor
- Excluding Spring security auto-config classes to prevent default authentication #20 by vladiIkor
- Enabled adapter-routes to be present in actuator endpoint by default #25 by Nemikor
- Enabled SpringBoot AutoConfiguration for the Core package #62 by MartinBuchheimIkor
- Fixed unit tests that fails while running 'mvn install' #44 by Nemicore
- Adding relative path of adapter's parent in root pom #75 by vladiIkor
- Updated HealthCheckEnabledCondition to match when HealthEndpoint is enabled #54 by Nemikor
- Decorating Camel's RouteController in order to add missing logs when route is started and resumed. #71 by vladiIkor
- Refactored scheduler to be active if property is set to true and HealthEndpoint is enabled #45 by Nemicore
- Enabled SIP SecurityConfig always - removed the @ConditionalOnSIPSecurityAuthenticationEnabled #65 by LetoBukarica
- /actuator/health IllegalArgumentException fix when route is suspended #83 by LetoBukarica
- maven-enforcer-plugin configuration updated according to java version update #82 by vladiIkor
- Added docs-snapshot directory for documenting unreleased features #52 by Nemikor
- Added mvn command for creating an archetype on Windows machines #23 by dzuci
- Add documentation for enabling /actuator/tracing endpoint. #63 by nikolag-ikor
- Removed adapter-name from endpoint naming convention #33 by Nemikor
- Fixed missing bad html escaping within main readme file. #22 by nikolag-ikor
- Removed archetype duplicates in #40 by dzuci
- This is the initial version of the SIP framework. For more information on how to use it and details about features, please refer to the README and to our documentation on #15 by dannikore