This Maven Archetype creates a basic SIP Adapter project with a defined structure and necessary dependencies.
In order to make setting up a new integration adapter project an easy task, we have created a dedicated SIP (Adapter) Maven archetype, that gives the ability to quickly bootstrap a new integration adapter, along with all needed Maven dependencies and goodies, as well as the recommended, preferred organization of the project.
You can create a SIP Adapter by using the following Maven command:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=de.ikor.sip.foundation -DarchetypeArtifactId=sip-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=<latest.sip-framework.version> -DgroupId=de.ikor.sip.adapter -DartifactId=demo -DprojectName=DemoAdapter -Dversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
When executing the command, pay attention to use the latest archetype version for the -DarchetypeVersion
Check available versions here.
Overview of the command
mvn archetype:generate
The parameters -DgroupId
, -DartifactId
, -DprojectName
and -Dversion
should be adjusted to better match your project,
as they set the properties for the adapter. It is recommended to follow the Maven naming convention since they are going to be presented in the pom.xml file of the generated adapter.
After executing given Maven command, you will be requested to insert additional parameters about project structure:
- connectorGroup1/connectorGroup2 are representing names of your connector group packages inside the project. It will also be reflected in the generated package structure (for example - all of the sources for connectorGroup1 will be in the de.ikor.sip.adapter.sufix.connectorGroup1 package)
- packageSuffix is used to create project package name by concatenating its value to the groupId. There is a strict validation for using only lower case letters and should be a single word. This will reflect the generated package structure for the generated project files. (for example - all of the sources will be in the de.ikor.sip.adapter.sufix java package)
- useLombok is used for including or excluding Lombok dependency in adapter. Lombok is included by default. If you wish to exclude lombok you should set useLombok to anything other than 'y' or 'Y'.
- useSoap is used for including or excluding SIP SOAP Starter dependency in adapter. It is useful to include this starter if the adapter is planned to use SOAP since it has pre-built bootstrap elements included. It is false by default.
- package (optional) is used to override previous package naming and provide full package name. This can be skipped by leaving value empty. It is strongly recommended to follow package naming convention, otherwise your project will be created but it will have package naming errors.
- createDemoAdapter should be set to 'y' or 'Y' when the inclusion of a demo adapter is desired. It will generate example classes using declarative structure, including process and scenario orchestration.
Note: All the parameters can be provided via command line if needed:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=de.ikor.sip.foundation -DarchetypeArtifactId=sip-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=<latest.sip-framework.version> -DgroupId=de.ikor.sip.adapter -DartifactId=demo -DprojectName=DemoAdapter -Dversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT -DconnectorGroup1=group1 -DconnectorGroup2=group2 -DpackageSuffix=project -DuseLombok=y -DuseSoap=n -Dpackage=de.ikor.sip.adapter.demo.project -DcreateDemoAdapter=n
After a successful build, a project with the following structure will be created:
- SIPApplication.java
- config
- connectorgroups
- {connectorGroup1}
- config
- models
- processors
- connectors
- transformers
- validators
- {connectorGroup2}
- config
- models
- processors
- connectors
- transformers
- validators
- {connectorGroup1}
- scenarios
- models
- definitions
- processes
More about packages and internal SIP structure can be found here.
More information about Maven archetypes is available here: Maven Archetype