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IaC Site Deployment

Cousin edited this page Apr 3, 2024 · 1 revision

Guide for source-code operations from Github

  • Clone repository using the recursive option to assure that the linked repositories declared as submodules are properly initialized
git clone --recurse-submodules <This repository URL HTTPS-or-SSH>
  • In case you missed the previous guideline and did a clone without flag, you can recursively remove the project and redo the cloning operation with recurs
git submodule init 
git submodule update

alternatively the two can be combined as less obvious, but more compact form:

git submodule update --init --recursive
  • After changing branches (either in the root project or in submodule), use the following command to update the checked out git branches
git pull --all --recurse-submodules

Details specific for deploying infrastructure from the NIST side

  • Make sure that you have proper functional account set by iTac and OISM.
  • For deployment from directory ./iac (Infrastructure as Code) do not refer directly to terraform engine. The AD dependency is initialized and maintained in ./iac/ script.
  • Use ./iac/ (or ./ when inside ./iac directory) for any command that otherwise would call for using terraform.

IaC Deployment of the site to NIST infrastructure:

  1. Initialize the terraform infrastructure:

    ./ init
  2. Review option offered by make-script


    Expected result should look similar to the following:

     TARGET                         DESCRIPTION
     help                           Show this help message
     init                           Init terraform  configuration
     plan                           Preview the Terraform plan
     apply                          Apply the Terraform plan
     refresh                        Refresh Terraform outputs
     build                          Build all dependencies
     clean                          Clean dependencies of all artifacts
     build-dashboard                Build the dashboard
     environment-dashboard          Produce dashboard environment files
     clean-dashboard                Clean dashboard build artifacts and environment files
     build-lambda                   Build the lambda source
     clean-lambda                   Clean lambda build artifacts
     connection-profile             Generate the connection profile for the given workspace
     clean-connection-profile       Clean the connection profile~`
  3. To assure that he previous deployment(s) artifact do not block the new development during build it's advisable to begin by running:

make clean
  1. Before deploying site, when an existing site has been functioning for a wile can cause deletion/destruction of certain objects. To make sure that you are aware of such events before applying your changes to the cloud infrastructure run the following command:

    make plan

    Pay special attention to messages in RED font simila to the following:

    # aws_s3_object.web-content["assets/index.1a2b3c4d5f.js"] will be destroyed

    In this particular example it is the dashboard site in its' JS-compiled form, which is expected. But watch out for potential storage objects that might have accumulated some information while deployed and could be destroyed by deployment. Such artifacts: e.g. databases, data-files, etc, which are not currently (April 2024) in the project architecture, but may become at a later date.

    Note: If such a change (DB or data-file addition to the project) were to happen these artifacts will possibly need backup and consequential post-deployment reinstallation or data repopulation from the said backup.

  2. If the operations you expect from the Makefile script are not describing the "planning" for something you don't expect, deploy the cloud resources using the following command:

    make apply

    Note: you will be prompted during the process to type yes verbatim to finish the potentially destructive operation of the resources redeployment