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BloSS@M: Asset Channel Design
joshua-roberts edited this page Apr 16, 2024
7 revisions
This is building on the ATO process.
For each step:
- Note any action that should cause a transaction.
- For the transaction, what should be recorded.
- What steps occur outside of blossom vs. interacting with blossom.
- What steps should cause a notification, also note FROM to TO roles.
- (You need a notification to let someone know to take an action to keep the process moving.)
- Requesting Organization (RO) - Needs to manage license(s)
- Service Provider (SP) - Agency that purchased, manages, and distributes access to the leased licenses
- Implicit Private Data Collection (IPDC) - The private data collection each organization has by default
- Acquisition Officer (ACQ) - Both RO and SP have an ACQ. SP ACQ is manages orders for licenses. RO ACQ approves/denies orders for their org.
- Technical Point of Contact (TPOC) - Only RO has a TPOC. RO TPOC is responsible for creating license orders, returning licenses, and reporting SWIDs.
- License Owner (LO) - Only the SP has a LO. SP LO owns the licenses and makes them available for leasing by ROs.
- (ORG:ROLE) Action [Function]
- (SP:LO) Add an asset with available licenses and end date. [asset:AddAsset]
actor SP LO
actor SP ACQ
participant SP IPDC
actor RO TPOC
actor RO ACQ
participant RO IPDC
SP LO-)SP IPDC: asset:AddAsset
- (RO:TPOC) Request a quote for an asset with number of licenses and duration. [order:GetQuote]
- (SP:ACQ) Send quote price based on existing quote request. [order:SendQuote]
- (RO:TPOC) Initiate a purchase order based on existing quote. [order:InitiateOrder]
- (RO:ACQ) Approve or Deny initiated order. [order:ApproveOrder | order:DenyOrder]
actor SP LO
actor SP ACQ
participant SP IPDC
actor RO TPOC
actor RO ACQ
participant RO IPDC
RO TPOC-)SP IPDC: order:GetQuote
SP ACQ-)SP IPDC: order:SendQuote
RO TPOC-)SP IPDC: order:InitiateOrder
RO ACQ-)SP IPDC: order:ApproveOrder | order:DenyOrder
- (SP:ACQ) Identify the licenses that are available to be allocated to the RO. [order:GetLicensesToAllocateForOrder]
- (SP:ACQ) Allocate the licenses returned in the previous step in the SP IPDC. [order:AllocateLicenses]
- (SP:ACQ) Send the allocated licenses to the RO [order:SendLicenses]
actor SP LO
actor SP ACQ
participant SP IPDC
actor RO TPOC
actor RO ACQ
participant RO IPDC
SP ACQ-)SP IPDC: order:GetLicensesToAllocateForOrder
SP ACQ-)SP IPDC: order:AllocateLicenses
SP ACQ-)RO IPDC: order:SendLicenses
- (RO:ACQ|TPOC) Get allocated licenses that are available and not associated with a SWID tag. [order:GetAvailableLicenses]
- (RO) Install application and Primary SWID tag generated.
- (RO:TPOC ) Enter SWID tag. [swid:ReportSWID]
actor SP LO
actor SP ACQ
participant SP IPDC
actor RO TPOC
actor RO ACQ
participant RO IPDC
RO TPOC-)RO IPDC: order:GetAvailableLicenses
RO TPOC-)RO IPDC: order:ReportSWID
- (RO:TPOC) Initiate a return of one or more licenses associated with an order. [order.InitiateReturn]
- (SP:ACQ) Get the licenses RO wants to return. [order:GetInitiatedReturnForOrder]
- (SP:ACQ) Deallocate the licenses from the RO IPDC. [order:DeallocateLicensesFromAccount]
- (SP:ACQ) Deallocate the licenses from the SP IPDC. [order:DeallocateLicensesFromSP]
actor SP LO
actor SP ACQ
participant SP IPDC
actor RO TPOC
actor RO ACQ
participant RO IPDC
RO TPOC-)SP IPDC: order:InitiateReturn
SP ACQ-)SP IPDC: order:GetInitiatedReturnForOrder
SP ACQ-)RO IPDC: order:DeallocateLicensesFromAccount
SP ACQ-)SP IPDC: order:DeallocateLicensesFromSP