What's Changed
- / - Keyboard shortcut to focus on current chat prompt input by @rjwignar in #527
- Open preview images in a new tab on click by @Amnish04 in #533
- Migration fix for settings.providers by @kliu57 in #537
- Hotfix for bug introduced in pr 537 by @kliu57 in #538
- Vite Config: Explicitly provide null navigateFallback url by @rjwignar in #529
- Add Nomnoml Renderer by @rjwignar in #526
- Create an index of shared chatcraft chats in R2 by @WangGithub0 in #512
- Add loading info when image is being generated by @mingming-ma in #539
- Add the Providers selection Menu Group to easy switch between providers by @Rachit1313 in #535
Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.7.0