Releases: tarasglek/
now with llama.cpp support for running LLMs locally
This release has better non-openai provider support. Most notably llama.cpp and deepseek work now.
See blog post for details on using chatcraft with llama.cpp.
- simplify message format, improve unofficial-openai provider compatibility by @tarasglek in #661
- make model listing llama.cpp friendly by @tarasglek in #662
Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.2.1
Focus on UI
This is the first chatcraft release driven by a single outside contributor: @menghif
Francesco blogged about his changes in this release:
Francesco brought a new level of passion about UI/UX to the project. We really appreciate that. We ❤️ contributions accompanied blog posts.
What's Changed
- Change Providers/Models order in Ask menu by @menghif in #642
- enable image input on all models to support many vision models on openrouter by @tarasglek in #645
- fixup linter bustage from prev pull req by @tarasglek in #646
- Single source of truth for commands help text by @Amnish04 in #644
- Fix for mobile Ask menu and z-index fixes by @menghif in #648
- Use Exponential Backoff for downloading large messages by @Amnish04 in #650
- Visual Layout fixes by @menghif in #653
- Improve mobile prompt by @menghif in #654
Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.2.0
Chatcraft 2.1: Performance + refreshed Settings UX
Much improved responsiveness
We discovered a huge browser architecture vs LLM needs perf issue and fixed it. This likely affects all browser-based chat UIs.
Blog post with details:
New preference UI
@menghif made a dramatic quality of life improvement in improving our options dialog.

Detailed: What's Changed
- hotfix icon for unknown models by @mingming-ma in #612
- Add two columns Settings layout by @menghif in #592
- Fix PasswordInput padding and color issues by @Amnish04 in #615
- Allow exporting/copying to OpenAI format JSON, YAML, fix menus, remove chat header menu by @humphd in #608
- FIX #619 removed delete icon from submenu item by @priyasirohi09 in #622
- Fix "Show More..." twice in system prompt by @mingming-ma in #623
- Update youtube-rewriter error handling to pass captioning errors as ChatCraft message by @rjwignar in #625
- Don't show free mode banner if an API key has been added (check settings.providers.length) by @rjwignar in #628
- Fix #620: margin provider banner by @priyasirohi09 in #631
- Add custom progress alert and integrate with export as audio by @Amnish04 in #627
- Default to gpt-4o, auto. kill preference for chatgpt-3.5 with fire by @tarasglek in #636
- alternative requestAnimationFrame fix by @tarasglek in #640
- Update deps for May 16, 2024 by @humphd in #639
New Contributors
- @priyasirohi09 made their first contribution in #622
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0
What's Changed
- Fix the loading spinner does not disappear when image generation fails by @mingming-ma in #591
- Add GPT-4 Turbo with Vision by @mingming-ma in #576
- Revert "adjusted toast message width for mobile experience" by @rjwignar in #595
- Disable edit summary for shared chats by @WangGithub0 in #598
- Enhancement - only save keys to settings.providers if validated by @kliu57 in #597
- Add custom error toast message width on mobile by @rjwignar in #601
- Added icon to point towards currently selected model and incremental search by @Rachit1313 in #600
- Allow downloading and re-announcing messages of infinite length by @Amnish04 in #602
Full Changelog: v1.9.0...v2.0.0
What's Changed
- Disable line number select in Safari by @menghif in #571
- Remove workaround hardcode in the vision model by @mingming-ma in #566
- Using linkedom to parse HTML on cloudflare by @WangGithub0 in #574
- Added condition to remove trailing backslash from github blob urls by @Rachit1313 in #580
- adjusted toast message width for mobile experience by @rjwignar in #577
- Refactor PasswordInput component to follow Chakra's design system by @Amnish04 in #582
- API Key Field Enhancement: Replaced Show/Hide button with Eye ReactIcons by @rjwignar in #579
- Fix Web Handlers not executing with Re-ask option by @Amnish04 in #581
- Fix for minor bugs in instructions page and prefs modal by @kliu57 in #584
- Disable message editing on shared chats by @mingming-ma in #575
- Feed icon open raw feed by @WangGithub0 in #573
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.8.0...v1.9.0
What's Changed
- Support size settings in the image command by @mingming-ma in #531
- Implement initial version of web handlers by @Amnish04 in #519
- Support custom providers by @kliu57 in #530
- Hotfix for user settings provider table by @kliu57 in #556
- Replace "Cancel Adding Provider" SVG with an IconButton by @Amnish04 in #554
- Hide voice selection option in prefs menu when tts is not supported by @Amnish04 in #557
- swap default model to auto for free provider by @tarasglek in #545
- Logo bg color fix for all models that don't have logo by @kliu57 in #562
- Fix image generated not available after some time by @mingming-ma in #549
- Add logo for non-OpenAI models by @mingming-ma in #565
- Show Feed to user by @WangGithub0 in #546
- Configure CodeMirror editor for Web Handlers configuration by @Amnish04 in #560
- Update ChatCraftCommand::isCommand() criteria for slash function by @rjwignar in #567
- Updated regex to ignore backslash by @Rachit1313 in #559
Full Changelog: v1.7.0...v1.8.0
What's Changed
- / - Keyboard shortcut to focus on current chat prompt input by @rjwignar in #527
- Open preview images in a new tab on click by @Amnish04 in #533
- Migration fix for settings.providers by @kliu57 in #537
- Hotfix for bug introduced in pr 537 by @kliu57 in #538
- Vite Config: Explicitly provide null navigateFallback url by @rjwignar in #529
- Add Nomnoml Renderer by @rjwignar in #526
- Create an index of shared chatcraft chats in R2 by @WangGithub0 in #512
- Add loading info when image is being generated by @mingming-ma in #539
- Add the Providers selection Menu Group to easy switch between providers by @Rachit1313 in #535
Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.7.0
What's Changed
- enable streaming for free models and pick sane default model by @tarasglek in #508
- Provide TTS voice options, speak and download features by @Amnish04 in #497
- User's Shared Chats directly accessibly from UI again by @rjwignar in #506
- Hide text to speech options when not supported by @Amnish04 in #520
- Set init provider for new users to free model, added info alert banner by @kliu57 in #517
- Fixed icons in the Menu by @Rachit1313 in #516
- Add multiple image compression options by @mingming-ma in #513
Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.6.0
Release v1.5.0
What's Changed
- Shared Chat message should have same time as original chatcraft message by @Rachit1313 in #490
- Cap submenu maxHeight to 50vh to prevent weird autoscroll by @Amnish04 in #495
- Add FreeModelProvider and more provider refactoring by @kliu57 in #498
- Add Ruby in run-code by @WangGithub0 in #492
- updated KaTeX rule in default system prompt to address inline KaTeX by @rjwignar in #482
- Add: Generate Image by DALL·E 3 by @mingming-ma in #493
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0
What's Changed
- Add: Resize the image size to meet OpenAI requirements by @mingming-ma in #458
- "Show More..." button's text is improperly layered and visible through the options menu by @WangGithub0 in #477
- Make AudioPlayer queue global by @Amnish04 in #484
- Pack Sidebar in its own module by @Amnish04 in #463
- Use a Natural Language Processing library to parse LLM response for TTS generation by @Amnish04 in #486
- Fix redundant scrollbar bug caused by React Menu by @Amnish04 in #487
- Provider refactoring - settings.currentProvider, ChatCraftProvider child classes by @kliu57 in #479
- Add python-wasi on run-code by @WangGithub0 in #485
- Add loading indicator for the image compression by @mingming-ma in #483
- Added functionality to share a message vs chat by @Rachit1313 in #481
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0