Author: Pushkar Dave
This repository contains the packages, scripts, and the STL files for my MSR Winter Project
More details about this project can be found on my website: Pushkar's Portfolio
: This package runs on the Raspberry Pi to launch the Oak-D camera nodes, the IMU node, and sync the image topics using rtabmap_syncremote_rtabmap
: This package runs on the remote workstation (System76 Linux laptop), and launches all the required RTABMap nodes - rtabmap_slam, rtabmap_odom, rtabmap_viz, and rtabmap_relayrpi_control
: This package runs in a Docker container on the Raspberry Pi on the quadrotor. It has a control node, which has multiple services to arm, disarm, takeoff, land and command the quadrotor to follow a polygonal trajectory.rpi_interfaces
: This package contains all the interface definitions for the rpi_control package.go1_exploration
: This package implements a frontier exploration node, to generate new target goal positions for the quadruped. Currently, this is used for visualization purposes.scripts
: This is a collection of shell scripts to control the quadrotor, and start the mapping session.