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65ce71d · Sep 6, 2020





This was a translation of Verilog code from osresearch/up5k into VHDL for the Upduino v2. This program takes any information received on the tx/rx pins and sends it back, aka an echo. The on board LED flashes blue when receiving and red when sending. There is a steady flashing green light to show activity.

Compile and flash your FPGA using make, then in order to communicate with the FPGA, you'll need to restart it. From there, open up your favorite COM program (I use picocom for this), and run picocom /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 3000000. The COM port may be different for your computer. The baud rate is 3M.

Requires a working Icestorm toolchain setup (, GHDL (, and ghdl-yosys-plugin (


  • top.pcf: indicates which variables from your "top" file connect to which pins on the FPGA
  • top.vhdl
  • Makefile: compile and flash, see make help for usage info
  • uart.vhdl: UART tools and utilities.