This was a translation of Verilog code from osresearch/up5k into VHDL for the Upduino v2. This program takes any information received on the tx/rx pins and sends it back, aka an echo. The on board LED flashes blue when receiving and red when sending. There is a steady flashing green light to show activity.
Compile and flash your FPGA using make
, then in order to communicate with the FPGA, you'll need to restart it. From there, open up your favorite COM program (I use picocom for this), and run picocom /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 3000000
. The COM port may be different for your computer. The baud rate is 3M.
Requires a working Icestorm toolchain setup (, GHDL (, and ghdl-yosys-plugin (
- top.pcf: indicates which variables from your "top" file connect to which pins on the FPGA
- top.vhdl
- Makefile: compile and flash, see
make help
for usage info - uart.vhdl: UART tools and utilities.