Tags: jstenar/ipython
Releasing IPython version 0.10.1. IPython 0.10.1 was released October 11, 2010, over a year after version 0.10. This is mostly a bugfix release, since after version 0.10 was released, the development team's energy has been focused on the 0.11 series. We have nonetheless tried to backport what fixes we could into 0.10.1, as it remains the stable series that many users have in production systems they rely on. Since the 0.11 series changes many APIs in backwards-incompatible ways, we are willing to continue maintaining the 0.10.x series. We don't really have time to actively write new code for 0.10.x, but we are happy to accept patches and pull requests on the IPython `github site`_. If sufficient contributions are made that improve 0.10.1, we will roll them into future releases. For this purpose, we will have a branch called 0.10.2 on github, on which you can base your contributions. .. _github site: http://github.com/ipython For this release, we applied approximately 60 commits totaling a diff of over 7000 lines:: (0.10.1)amirbar[dist]> git diff --oneline rel-0.10.. | wc -l 7296 Highlights of this release: - The only significant new feature is that IPython's parallel computing machinery now supports natively the Sun Grid Engine and LSF schedulers. This work was a joint contribution from Justin Riley, Satra Ghosh and Matthieu Brucher, who put a lot of work into it. We also improved traceback handling in remote tasks, as well as providing better control for remote task IDs. - New IPython Sphinx directive. You can use this directive to mark blocks in reSructuredText documents as containig IPython syntax (including figures) and the will be executed during the build:: .. ipython:: In [2]: plt.figure() # ensure a fresh figure @savefig psimple.png width=4in In [3]: plt.plot([1,2,3]) Out[3]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x9b74d8c>] - Various fixes to the standalone ipython-wx application. - We now ship internally the excellent argparse library, graciously licensed under BSD terms by Steven Bethard. Now (2010) that argparse has become part of Python 2.7 this will be less of an issue, but Steven's relicensing allowed us to start updating IPython to using argparse well before Python 2.7. Many thanks! - Robustness improvements so that IPython doesn't crash if the readline library is absent (though obviously a lot of functionality that requires readline will not be available). - Improvements to tab completion in Emacs with Python 2.6. - Logging now supports timestamps (see ``%logstart?`` for full details). - A long-standing and quite annoying bug where parentheses would be added to ``print`` statements, under Python 2.5 and 2.6, was finally fixed. - Improved handling of libreadline on Apple OSX. - Fix ``reload`` method of IPython demos, which was broken. - Fixes for the ipipe/ibrowse system on OSX. - Fixes for Zope profile. - Fix %timeit reporting when the time is longer than 1000s. - Avoid lockups with ? or ?? in SunOS, due to a bug in termios. - The usual assortment of miscellaneous bug fixes and small improvements. The following people contributed to this release (please let us know if we ommitted your name and we'll gladly fix this in the notes for the future): * Beni Cherniavsky * Boyd Waters. * David Warde-Farley * Fernando Perez * Gökhan Sever * Justin Riley * Kiorky * Laurent Dufrechou * Mark E. Smith * Matthieu Brucher * Satrajit Ghosh * Sebastian Busch * Václav Šmilauer