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@ag4ums ag4ums released this 20 Nov 10:42
· 320 commits to main since this release


This tag covers many corrections/bug after the 17.0 release and multiple new endpoints to support sw360 UI project.


For existing installations, a data migration is required with PR 1963. Please go to the readme file in scripts/migrations to see more information:

For running the migrations scripts, you will need python and the couchdb package. Please note that you will need to change manually in the python file: the DRYRUN variable and the couchdb URL (if that is not on localhost or requires password or both).


The following github users have contributed to the source code since the last release (in alphabetical order):

> Abdul Kapti <[email protected]>
> afsahsyeda <[email protected]>
> Anupam Ghosh <[email protected]>
> Dinesh Ravi <[email protected]>
> Eldrin Sanctis <[email protected]>
> Gaurav Mishra <[email protected]>
> Helio Chissini de Castro <[email protected]>
> hoangnt2 <[email protected]>
> Keerthi B L <[email protected]>
> Kouki Hama <[email protected]>
> Le Tien <[email protected]>
> Muhammad Ali <[email protected]>
> Nguyen Nhu Tuan <[email protected]>
> Nikesh kumar <[email protected]>
> rudra-superrr <[email protected]>
> Shi Qiu <[email protected]>
> Smruti Prakash Sahoo <[email protected]>
> Tien Le <[email protected]>
> tuannn2 <[email protected]>

Please note that also many other persons usually contribute to the project with reviews, testing, documentations, conversations or presentations.


  • e9a9f308b feat(rest): Adding pagination for ecc info of releases for a project.
  • c0db06a68 feat(rest) : Adding pagination for listing users endpoint.
  • acc553b14 feat(rest): endpoint to get attachmentUsages for a project.
  • bb0d01fd5 feat(rest): endpoint to get license clearing count for a project.
  • bc5ae7d1b feat(rest) : Add enableSvm field in response to projects api
  • 130ed2585 feat(importCDX): enhanced sw360 CDX importer
  • 754ba96a7 feat(CreateCRandRequestsPortlet):Added new field Clearing Type for CR and Additional columns in Open CR table
  • b89bde7b9 feat(Rest): Modifying the document for search endpoint
  • ec750b824 feat(bug) : Download release attachment fail issue fix
  • f629a0d3f feat(rest) : End point for export vendor spreadsheet
  • 930ef1d13 feat(docker): Add option to specify at build time
  • f4febd954 feat(release): Fix response api get single release with costDetails
  • 70141590c feat(rest): API to get vulnerability tracking status
  • 03aaa6985 feat(Rest): New endpoint allow load assessment summary information of release
  • 8c2e71b85 feat(ui):enable to bulk delete component/releases for admin SW360
  • 266aeac3d feat(REST): Add restricted project counter for component and release usedBy API
  • ca0ef31f2 feat(rest):Update API Create Release with Cost Detail
  • 1974005e2 feat(ui): Added collapse and expand icon for all the tabs
  • 16dae1a4a feat(rest): API to get vulnerability tracking status
  • afe118d96 feat(Rest): New endpoint allow load SPDX license info from attachment of release (ISR, CLX, CLI)
  • a330fde1e feat(rest): Update release with attachment info
  • ba6c743f5 feat(ui) : Add changelogs for license pages
  • d369c73e3 feat(rest): Update API create Release with Moderator, Contributor, CpeId
  • c9c37b94d feat(rest): Update API create Release with LinkedRelease
  • d7b52f53e feat(rest): Add Information Vendor to response Get release detail
  • 4449e6017 feat(liferay): Export private pages include package portlet
  • 7c57b8081 feat(rest): Add information user change status attachment when edit component by API
  • d25d35ce3 feat(Project): New configuration make project and releases relationship more flexible
  • de4125bb4 feat(debug): Add Tomcat manager to docker
  • fd13d1943 feat(rest): listing license clearing info of a project.
  • cc9291d68 feat(CycloneDX): support CPE in import and export
  • 42f44107f feat(rest): Update Component with attachment
  • d8c594628 feat(REST): New endpoint to write SPDX license info into release
  • d356bc022 feat(UI): Package Portlet Signed-off-by: akapti [email protected]
  • 6aa0b8d7e feat(rest) : asynchronous end point for report download
  • 4d4c863ad feat(RequestsPortlet): Added On Hold value for request status and Next/Last 15 days filter
  • fd159f302 feat(Components): Add a new field VCS/Repository URL for components
  • be9e5f5bb feat(rest): New Endpoint create attachment
  • 34e2d9e77 feat(Rest): Rest API allow to re-generate fossology report
  • f4432c98b feat(rest):Adding new fields to get list of project vulnerability
  • efbe761f5 feat(ExportSpreadsheet): Add project and release ID to the exported excel
  • b7740902b feat(ProjectObligationsEdit): Save comment and status fields on edit
  • a7bc2969c feat(rest):New end point for my components
  • a4e7f6808 feat(REST): New endpoint split components
  • 447143b8e feat(rest): To list linked projects of sub-projects.
  • ed7f4e237 feat(Department): New function for Department Management
  • 662a05977 feat(rest): new endpoint merge component
  • 1bf157600 feat(UI/REST): CycloneDX SBOM Importer & Exporter
  • e8f6e6b26 feat(rest): update response API Get a single release
  • 57b02aa29 feat(REST): Update response endpoint get attachments by release
  • 410184928 feat(ECC):Added pagination to ECC release list
  • b6d58b979 feat(ui): add note filed in license page
  • f14f9b0e4 feat(rest): update response API Listing users
  • c27a2fe35 feat(rest): update response API Listing vendors
  • 9bd7869f4 feat(update): update response api get single component
  • 90c59acb4 feat(rest): modify moderation requests
  • 8e71c959c feat(ci): Use actions java setup instead of standard packages
  • 037acd41b feat(ci): Use actions java setup instead of standard packages
  • a7af308fa feat(ci): Update build and test to accept dispatch
  • 669d6f98b feat(rest) : api to get count of projects
  • 1c4b223f8 feat(update):update response api get attachment by component
  • e6374e820 feat(api): create new endpoint import bom for component
  • 462675325 feat(api): create new endpoint update vulnerabilities of a release
  • 4dbc8705a feat(api): create new endpoint update vulnerabilities of a component
  • bc368f203 feat(REST): Endpoint for Download Attachment Bundle of Release
  • 764a24c6c feat(api): Endpoint get release overview by component
  • 391c006e6 feat(REST): Endpoint for Download Attachment Bundle of Component
  • 96a032814 feat(api): endpoint get vulnerabilities of a component
  • d10048956 feat(rest): new endpoint /moderationrequest
  • e682a50fa feat(spdx): Added support for pasring of SPDX-2.3 (ISR) generated via fossology
  • b7710e630 feat(lucene): Modify pom to generate proper war from couchdb lucene
  • 53236b590 feat(libs): Add couchdb-lucene as third party
  • 84e098774 feat(project): Prepare to introduce thirdparty libraries
  • c80f75908 feat(rest):Components with all details Rest Api doc updated
  • b32e90154 feat(REST):Endpoint for sbom import
  • 249f48f49 feat(SPDX): Making new tab in component release pages for showing SPDX/SPDX Lite data #1240
  • 9d566af03 feat(rest):New end point for my components
  • 53c8d85da feat(clearing): Improved cloud backend clearing
  • 2e0732a2b feat(rest): Added basic username and password based authentication
  • 4f171a659 feat(rest): optimize fetch project
  • 729207997 feat(EditCR): Admin will be able to reassign/edit the Requesting User of CR
  • 56096f24a feat(ProjectUI):ExternalIds and Additional Data fields in Export Excel
  • 7b84b0e4f feat(api): get vulnerabilities from relase by api
  • aafc95808 feat(rest) : Update data without moderation request And This features' a configurable setting
  • 73ba7012d feat(docker): Use main Maven docker image
  • d6555a370 feat(rest): endpoint for linked projects.
  • e20d7bf06 feat(rest): new endpoint /releases/recentReleases
  • c5aea6f4e feat(rest): newendpoint /components/recentComponents.
  • d707d7b53 feat(rest): new endpoint /projects/myprojects
  • 0f95fd368 feat(project): Added Email functionality for individual project spreadsheet export
  • ff92cd956 feat(ProjectUi): Enable Release with only one non-approved CLI for 'Adding License Infor To Release' and 'Displaying Obligations' (#1764)
  • f5daadb6e feat(Search): Added restricted search (#1797)
  • df0a6a123 feat(ui): Add banner to broadcast messages (#1830)
  • d4cd90f67 feat(Project): Added Vulnerability Summary Tab in Projects.
  • ca1da16fe feat(ProjectsUI):Changed Expand All To Expand Next Level and added alert message
  • b682060ae feat(Advance Search): Provided an 'Exact Match' checkbox in Advance Search that inserts (") around search keyword
  • b0ccdc480 feat(ci): Add thrift binary to cache
  • 95009d35f feat(project): Add pre-commit and spotless
  • eabbb0053 feat(svm): Publish SVM codes to Community


  • 5e48f83b2 fix(importCDX): Remove view BY_VCS_LOWERCASE and BY_PURL_LOWERCASE
  • e94d9c729 fix(Moderation): Fix bug could not open Release and Component moderation request
  • 45b317d86 fix(rest): adding additional fields to rest response for linked projects.
  • 4e329b464 fix(license): Update Response api for single license and Add rest-docs api create license
  • d261f70e5 fix(rest): Added new endpoint for LicenseType in admin tab
  • 41d735f9a fix(package): Can't link project to package
  • 1debd1e2c fix(REST):Get Component failing for names with space
  • 521835e38 fix(UI) : Added code to import the upload license in admin tab
  • f748c7cba fix(package): Create package by API can't link release
  • eb7efb3f9 fix(rest): create new endpoint for import OSADL information in admin tab.
  • 23242daaf fix(importCDX): Resolved unnecessary update of component fields
  • 976f0ffeb fix(rest): Added new rest endpoint for upload license in admin tab.
  • fbd924cdd fix(Package): Can't create a new Package by API
  • 08962f93c fix(rest): New endpoint to download archive files in admin page
  • f49e6d372 fix(db): clean-up closed moderation requests.
  • c0dbccfd5 fix(lar): Remove old lar files that are usable only for old releases
  • 67f8d9f5a fix(OAuthClient): Fix Can't show OAuth Client page
  • de67119ae fix(rest): create new endpoint for import spdx information in admin tab
  • c2a9ee24a fix(GUI): Fix edit dependency network GUI broken
  • 91b768595 fix(rest): Removed the copyright text from RESTAPI docs
  • 9d37c4993 fix(rest) : Modifications to improve GET result speed
  • 3bf53a1a3 fix(docker): Use the recommend fix fro Liferay x Java
  • 5a1ba6145 fix(UI): Added code to load moderation documents in request tab
  • 5fcb2b303 fix(sw360Build): build failing because of invalid CEN header
  • 7c8f8d24b fix(rest):new endpoint to delete all license information in admin tab
  • 9f7859184 fix(lucene): Use old javax.servlet
  • 5f1e3d0ce fix(OSADL): Add missing obligation rules
  • b70be52a6 fix(rest): API create component's businessUnit is always set as the user's department
  • ec4c39e06 fix(doc): remove merge conflict notation
  • 7b0938a6b fix(Export): component.visibility.restriction.enabled option works incorrectly with the Export feature in Cyclone DX
  • c0df9334d fix(Rest): Allowing search for components without encoding
  • 475b4b437 fix(UI):word correction of Initial use scan in attachment type
  • f29de2b1c fix(rest): show linked project in project summay tab
  • f237ecdb6 fix(Rest): Allowing search for externalIds without encoding
  • 5cdd364eb fix(rest): fix test rest api of component
  • ded850d7c fix(UI): Sorting release verions in drop down menu when inspecting component.
  • c4079d9a0 fix(Rest): Add clearing information in release response
  • 04c64a580 fix(rest): Missing moderators field when creating component using API
  • 9d79b2896 fix(rest): Added endpoint url for summary and administration page info
  • 81b6ca3a7 fix(readme): Add Information of python2 to python3 change when running file migration scripts
  • b02f90ec2 fix(update): Update the migration readme file
  • 3f7349f78 fix(db): Data Quality and reduction of storage.
  • 42ffce89d fix(test): Add missing test deps
  • b6303eccc fix(deps): Normalize spring-web and spring-boot versions
  • bada732d8 fix(rest): Add Description field for myProjects and myComponents in homepage.
  • 19325b333 fix(lucene): Restore original portlet naming and configs
  • e3df30e53 fix(docker): Restore document_properties volume
  • ed87dde0b fix(docker): Enable cache deps downloads in volume
  • 5ce0d0788 fix(license): Fix attachment type when importing SBOM
  • 262d0cad6 fix(EditCR): Not able to edit CR
  • 2bcb6185e fix(docker): Remove clucene build
  • bd39f4fa5 fix(sw360): Add sw360 adapt patch by default
  • 53236b590 feat(libs): Add couchdb-lucene as third party
  • 9811edf59 fix(update): Updating sw360.propertiy file is missing when using SPDX Document Tab
  • e1dd33f43 fix(rest): added endpoint for release subscriptions
  • 6479d8894 fix(libs): Normalize json versions
  • c2844e30c fix(deps): Revert httpcore and fix httpcore and spring-boot
  • d4e4ac764 fix(deps): Update to current httpcore5 release
  • 96387f9c7 fix(cache): Key was invalid due file not exists and hash attempt fail
  • 43a07df64 fix(ci): Cache now use the right naming
  • b42ea4fd3 fix(versions): Normalize javax.activation version
  • 61c0a1b7c fix(docker): Remove couchdb-clucene from the slim jars
  • fdbc8c360 fix(docker): Adjust config defaults
  • c923fa847 fix(component_gui): Can not load component detail page with long additional data text
  • d8b9d77f6 fix(UserSearch) : Modified the user search operation (#1858)
  • b54169f09 fix(projectExporter): Added Project visibility in project exporter spreadsheet
  • 8c454efb6 fix(config): Couchdb configs not like double commas
  • b7d2f7a46 fix(docker): Update docker-compose.yml
  • 470b70788 fix(docker): Move to the new Github org
  • 2a9bffa4f fix(rest): componentType field will show when allDetails true in release
  • 59ebfdcf0 fix(UI): Attachments tab not loading in UI
  • f81243c40 fix(docker): Fix couchdb default setting
  • 48f688e1b fix(docker): Change maven version from 3.8.7 to 3.8.8
  • cd4293f97 fix(api): deletion project returns 500 error and API doc of link release to release makes ambiguous
  • dd6f60218 fix(rest): disable URI encoding in search by external ids in release
  • aecc19141 fix(rest): endpoint api/projects does not return all projects
  • 5514b4e38 fix(language): Fix the properties file and add some other needed files for Chinese language support
  • 3ff6f65bd fix(rest): Added endpoint for mysubscriptions for component
  • d6da8a919 fix(rest): Added endpoint for release subscriptions
  • 2a0395256 fix(ProjectUI):External Id not visible in Vulnerability Tracking Status
  • c596d6094 fix(vulnerability): apache commons-text vulnerability CVE-2022-42889 #1864
  • 949288618 fix(project): Update Apache commons-text
  • 27d5fc011 fix(db): Deactivate email notification of user not belonging to a domain.
  • 1af7ecb1a fix(LiferaySetup):Website not loading after removing BannerMessage Field
  • 63e2fef1d fix(rest): Api endpoint /components/usedBy returns 500 when component not have any release.
  • e66363183 fix(UI): Error when creating/editing duplicate project/component/release
  • c28bac8e8 fix(ui): support Vietnamese language in Obligation page
  • 2d20226e7 fix(Script): Modified script such that it removes trailing and leading whitespaces of components and releases and additonally link releases of duplicate components
  • 3b7269f6d fix(vulnerability): Script to repair release vulnearability relations
  • 92b18eaaf fix(UI): Added EnableSVM field in project exportspreadsheet
  • 9f277825b fix(attachmentUploadModal):Progress bar will be visible only after clicking on the upload button
  • 0a59109e9 fix(rest): Reuse centrally created thrift client
  • 92f3c42f0 fix(pre-commit): Do not run clean/build
  • 3cc8b6293 fix(ci) : Change maven version from 3.8.7 to 3.8.7
  • 27e14e70b fix(UI) : Added Created on in project export
  • 799d2f789 fix(UI): ISR which will make the SW360 Release status as Scan Available
  • 09c126967 fix(UI): unset few field while create a duplicate in project and component
  • 5d9c3024b fix(UI):remove deactivated users from moderators list
  • 790c7ae9d Fix(REST): Add COTS details information when fetch a single release that has component type COTS
  • 3cd88e009 Fix(Search): Fix bug can not show result with special character and can not search Obligation
  • 776c9b3ff Fix(Rest): Add more information in get components response (support New GUI)
  • ce6f9e616 Fix(Project): Can't disable CR based on Japanese group
  • d80822818 Fix(Project GUI): Fix bug missing obligation text when change status or comment of component, project, organisation obligation in project edit
  • 67dff9e27 Fix (REST): Fix bug do not set businessUnit automatically when create component. Get all components always return visibility EVERYONE.
  • b6bfa4258 Fix(REST): Fix bug update project without vendor information will remove vendor of project


  • 265fb1953 ci(fix): Ignore requirements.txt files in testForLicenseHeaders
  • 6be2c6f79 build(deps): bump org.json:json from 20230227 to 20231013
  • d630785b1 ci(fix): Missing code checkout on clean workflow
  • 0b713d8af refactor(docker): Improve docker build and deployment
  • 9f71e11a7 docs(openapi): add OpenAPI doc for Obligation, Package and Report
  • c315c0b7a docs(openapi): add OpenAPI doc for License and Moderation
  • 8194286af docs(openapi): add OpenAPI doc for ComponentController
  • 05a27600a Update build_and_test.yml
  • 5410eefc5 Update
  • 606d9b353 Update
  • 1a534db4d docs(openapi): add docs for attachment
  • 98e10d47f docs(openapi): add docs for vendor, user, search
  • ac8e9d10f docs(rest): generate OpenAPI docs for Project
  • 561687678 chore(docker): update maven version
  • c3492c322 chore(deps): bump guava from 31.1-jre to 32.0.0-jre
  • a9821a634 chore(thrift): Prevent datahandler recompile all the times
  • 1d15e7741 chore(deps): Update thrift version
  • f5c86b9d9 chore(deps): bump jose4j from 0.7.9 to 0.9.3 in /rest/resource-server
  • 1d3cd248b chore(rest): Making endpoints configurable
  • cd6d5cfed ci(cache): Give GH_ACTIONS permissions to reach cache
  • 21833c85c ci(cache): Give GH_ACTIONS permissions to reach cache
  • baaa882f8 ci(docker): Improve cache mechanism
  • ae2b667f7 ci(secrets): Fix the new secrets loading mechanism
  • 651c67680 ci(cache): Fix thrift cache miss
  • f6d40b3e6 ci(project): Update pre-commit and ci hooks
  • 5081686ca chore(action): Cache maven dependencies
  • 8937ec88b Update(Vulnerability): Improve the function of API to delete vulnerability and relation of vulnerability with release
  • b41273dec chore(migration) Avoid null pointer on script
  • a49191fb7 upd(ci): Reduce the intermediary docker builds for Midnight daily