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Releases: eclipse-sw360/sw360


30 May 05:50
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This tag includes important corrections and fixes following the 18.0 pre-release. It is also the final tag with Liferay, as SW360 will use the SW360-frontend project ( starting from the next release.


For existing installations, a data migration is required with PR 1963. Please go to the readme file in scripts/migrations to see more information:

Note: For running the migrations scripts, you will need python and the couchdb package. Please note that you will need to change manually in the python file: the DRYRUN variable and the couchdb URL (if that is not on localhost or requires password or both).

SW360 18.1 Native Install Deployment


The following github users have contributed to the source code since the last release (in alphabetical order):

> Afsah Syeda <[email protected]>
> Aftab, Farooq Fateh (ext) <[email protected]>
> Anupam Ghosh <[email protected]>
> Akshit Joshi <[email protected]>
> Eldrin <[email protected]>
> Gaurav Mishra <[email protected]>
> Helio Chissini de Castro <[email protected]>
> Jens Viebig <[email protected]>
> hoangnt2 <[email protected]>
> Keerthi B L <[email protected]>
> Nikesh kumar <[email protected]>
> rudra-superrr <[email protected]>
> sameed.ahmad <[email protected]>
> tuannn2 <[email protected]>

Please note that also many other persons usually contribute to the project with reviews, testing, documentations, conversations or presentations.


  • 4bfabe486 feat(rest) : Remove mail-request parameter and read from config file
  • 96863d14c feat(REST): Search package by purl and version
  • 684d90117 feat(REST): Create clearing request for a project and move the preferred clearing date limit field out of Liferay"
  • fe044d00 feat(project): Added release field for licenseObligation get endpoint
  • 70837b27 feat(rest): filter attachment usages in project
  • ea94202b feat(license): Update Whitelist
  • af155858 feat(CR): Update clearing request state from AWAITING RESPONSE to PENDING INPUT
  • 2bd2b2fd feat(vscode): Add workspace java settings
  • 8ceba8fb feat(docker): Add test build using docker
  • 944a7164 feat(rest): added pagination for vulnerability tracking status page.
  • 70391d07 feat(rest): add license obligations to a project.
  • 4f65386f feat(obligation): endpoint to list license obligation table data
  • 5fcb3533 feat(rest) : endpoint to list license obligations from license database.
  • 240c73f3 feat(CR): Create a new Clearing Request state Sanity Check to perform sanity check before accepting a project
  • 4bc56326 Revert "feat(CR): Disable Clearing Request creation for the projects which have linked releases without SRC type attachment"
  • 71d3a470 Feat(User): Create new endpoints to Create/Revoke/List rest api token
  • d4820efc feat(Rest) : Download license clearing report end point.
  • 14fda713 feat(api): new endpoint /mySubmissions
  • cec7f4b7 feat(docker): Improve output of check_image script.
  • d7699485 feat(docker): Revamp docker build setup
  • 2ddf76f0 feat(user): Enable API user endpoint by default
  • 36a41cef feat(Obligation): adding obligation type data in license obligation table.
  • 44219a39 feat(rest) : Pagination for vulnerability tracking status
  • b925c0ab Revert "feat(UI): enhanced date filter for open and closed clearing requests tab"
  • a3038447 feat(UI): enhanced date filter for open and closed clearing requests tab
  • 9f9a1ffa1 feat(UI): Add an info button in the create CR page
  • b98d346a4 feat(UI): Add clearing type column in closed clearing request tab
  • b6aa50650 feat(Project): - Extract license from all releases in dependency network when download license information of a project - Generate source code bundle from all releases in dependency network when download Generate source code bundle for a project
  • 49f5486fa feat(rest): endpoint to link sourceProject to list of projects.
  • 1ab14350b feat(CR): Disable Clearing Request creation for the projects which have linked releases without SRC type attachment
  • bcd600c26 feat(User): Add new endpoints to get/update requesting user profile
  • 3cb73c19f feat(rest): Create new endpoint to unschedule all services.
  • 83a2b3a28 feat(license): Listing obligations by license
  • 8a9c407e8 feat(license): Fix Update License isChecked
  • 89a75f815 feat(project): Update ghactions workflows deps
  • 849e10a0c feat(obligation): Add api listing obligations by ObligationLevel
  • 3ec2cb129 feat(rest) : Rest end point for releases by lucene search
  • 7ccba71d5 feat(project): Setup Sonatype publishing
  • c0fb731c4 feat(license): Create API Export License
  • 141e24bab feat(Release):Upload Source Code Attachment to Releases through a Scheduled Service
  • c7c33c78f feat(rest): adding pagination for listing vendors endpoint.
  • c805ff90f feat(rest) : Adding or Modifying fields to project summaryadminastration page
  • 6a89beabc feat(Script): Delete MR's for a specific user
  • adc862038 feat(license): Create new api update license


  • dfabecd2c fix(importCDX) : Fix package's linked release updation when an SBOM is imported
  • 3de514387 fix(project): adding project owner field in project get endpoint.
  • c31464972 fix(api): throw 409 if last moderator
  • 219792b1 fix(importCDX): Resolve incorrect package/release count in import summary
  • 6d9f3620 fix(rest): Create a new endpoint for dataBaseSanitation.
  • ae997be2 fix(project): Update outdated Github actions
  • cb02b200 fix(sw360): changing mkdocs version
  • 0c9523fb fix(REST): Improve error message handling for CycloneDX sbom import using REST API
  • df735e9b fix(Release): Updating the license overview in the summary page
  • e5ac9278 fix(SRCUploadService): Source upload should work for release versions having alphanumeric characters
  • fa42d204 fix(api): provide typeMasks name as Optional type
  • 6e36abbb fix(api): check project modifier before embedding
  • 3beff049 fix(Project): Fix bug Expand Next Level and Collapse All button are hidden when click on sort icon
  • 5112980f fix(urlEncoding): url encoding.
  • fe0a4408 fix(Release): Add embedded other licenses in release response
  • d4a8be84 fix(importCDX): Packages without VCS in SBOM having VCS in SW360 are not getting linked to project
  • 8af9bd5e fix(importCDX): Add check for existing comps and package using case-insensitive comparison of vcs and purl
  • ee3ed068 fix(Liferay): Fix bug cannot access oauth client page when import lar file
  • edc9320c fix(rest) : attachment usage type fix in response
  • 49be7428 fix(importSBOM): Remove the invalid characters appearing in import summary message for invalid packages list
  • 5a726764 fix(rest): create endpoint for search by userName using lucene search.
  • ff068133 fix(rest): Added releaseId in recentRelease and release mySubscription.
  • 87a14f7a fix(Rest): Added status for mysubsciption in component.
  • d28843c2 fix(docker): Fix broken binaries context inclusion
  • 16475d70 fix(rest) : create new endpoint for cleanup attachment.
  • 0950a2ca fix(script): update modifiedBy/modifiedOn project fields.
  • 67696a9f fix(department): Division by zero caused by bad default value for interval
  • 9703661d fix(rest): Added primaryRole and secondaryDepartmentRoles fields for user endpoint.
  • fba0d8e5 fix(rest): Added modifiedBy field in project search by id.
  • 178813e5f fix(docker): Adjust local naming for docker images
  • b55372562 fix(thrift): Add proper version to build
  • 34765dd80 fix(thrift): Follow link download step
  • ef5cc0142 fix(database): Restore reading environment database vars
  • 8aaf95734 fix(UI) : Issue fix for vulnerability not displaying for project
  • c63023c4d fix(release): modify the externalId query parsing
  • 6a6cb33b5 fix(docker): We have been using wrong Java version
  • 625ffcfa1 fix(release): revert external id query parsing
  • 222879a9e fix(rest): error handling when user dont have sufficient import permission
  • d619c5121 fix(Table): Fix error of hiding attachment table content when clicking sort
  • ef83441df fix(moderator): show message when only moderator choose remove me option.
  • 590a2b3ad fix(docker): Remove deletion that invalidate image
  • 2fe147f09 fix(rest): create new enpoint to check server connection.
  • 47d14b158 fix(script): Fix migration script not working with python3
  • 0d535c386 fix(config): Correct file number
  • 0f9d9b85a fix(rest): create a new endpoint for fossology in admin tab.
  • 5b9f10921 fix(script): Fix incorrect numbering for migration scripts
  • 0f9d31974 fix(couchdb): Add config entry to disable couchdb cache
  • 451948a79 fix(javadoc): Remove invalid link reference
  • 05c2445fa fix(lib): Add meta information to enable publish
  • b5f6cb469 fix(importCDX): Update failed component creation error message
  • 6e1964a40 fix(rest-fossology): applied changes for upload endpoint
  • 5a83fe2c9 fix(RequestsPortlet): Unable to reopen CR, Open Components to display open releases, clearing progress to show percentage
  • 2fdd5f4c5 fix(Rest): Allowing search for releases using externalIds
  • d9fce216f Fix(package): Fix issues api for package - Cannot unlink orphan packages from the project - Cannot link a package to a release without any package - Handle message when package with same purl already exists
  • 02d84be81 fix (rest) : rest api created for component search by lucene search


  • e71c5e53f Revert "build(deps): bu...
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20 Nov 10:42
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sw360-18.0.0-M1 Pre-release


This tag covers many corrections/bug after the 17.0 release and multiple new endpoints to support sw360 UI project.


For existing installations, a data migration is required with PR 1963. Please go to the readme file in scripts/migrations to see more information:

For running the migrations scripts, you will need python and the couchdb package. Please note that you will need to change manually in the python file: the DRYRUN variable and the couchdb URL (if that is not on localhost or requires password or both).


The following github users have contributed to the source code since the last release (in alphabetical order):

> Abdul Kapti <[email protected]>
> afsahsyeda <[email protected]>
> Anupam Ghosh <[email protected]>
> Dinesh Ravi <[email protected]>
> Eldrin Sanctis <[email protected]>
> Gaurav Mishra <[email protected]>
> Helio Chissini de Castro <[email protected]>
> hoangnt2 <[email protected]>
> Keerthi B L <[email protected]>
> Kouki Hama <[email protected]>
> Le Tien <[email protected]>
> Muhammad Ali <[email protected]>
> Nguyen Nhu Tuan <[email protected]>
> Nikesh kumar <[email protected]>
> rudra-superrr <[email protected]>
> Shi Qiu <[email protected]>
> Smruti Prakash Sahoo <[email protected]>
> Tien Le <[email protected]>
> tuannn2 <[email protected]>

Please note that also many other persons usually contribute to the project with reviews, testing, documentations, conversations or presentations.


  • e9a9f308b feat(rest): Adding pagination for ecc info of releases for a project.
  • c0db06a68 feat(rest) : Adding pagination for listing users endpoint.
  • acc553b14 feat(rest): endpoint to get attachmentUsages for a project.
  • bb0d01fd5 feat(rest): endpoint to get license clearing count for a project.
  • bc5ae7d1b feat(rest) : Add enableSvm field in response to projects api
  • 130ed2585 feat(importCDX): enhanced sw360 CDX importer
  • 754ba96a7 feat(CreateCRandRequestsPortlet):Added new field Clearing Type for CR and Additional columns in Open CR table
  • b89bde7b9 feat(Rest): Modifying the document for search endpoint
  • ec750b824 feat(bug) : Download release attachment fail issue fix
  • f629a0d3f feat(rest) : End point for export vendor spreadsheet
  • 930ef1d13 feat(docker): Add option to specify at build time
  • f4febd954 feat(release): Fix response api get single release with costDetails
  • 70141590c feat(rest): API to get vulnerability tracking status
  • 03aaa6985 feat(Rest): New endpoint allow load assessment summary information of release
  • 8c2e71b85 feat(ui):enable to bulk delete component/releases for admin SW360
  • 266aeac3d feat(REST): Add restricted project counter for component and release usedBy API
  • ca0ef31f2 feat(rest):Update API Create Release with Cost Detail
  • 1974005e2 feat(ui): Added collapse and expand icon for all the tabs
  • 16dae1a4a feat(rest): API to get vulnerability tracking status
  • afe118d96 feat(Rest): New endpoint allow load SPDX license info from attachment of release (ISR, CLX, CLI)
  • a330fde1e feat(rest): Update release with attachment info
  • ba6c743f5 feat(ui) : Add changelogs for license pages
  • d369c73e3 feat(rest): Update API create Release with Moderator, Contributor, CpeId
  • c9c37b94d feat(rest): Update API create Release with LinkedRelease
  • d7b52f53e feat(rest): Add Information Vendor to response Get release detail
  • 4449e6017 feat(liferay): Export private pages include package portlet
  • 7c57b8081 feat(rest): Add information user change status attachment when edit component by API
  • d25d35ce3 feat(Project): New configuration make project and releases relationship more flexible
  • de4125bb4 feat(debug): Add Tomcat manager to docker
  • fd13d1943 feat(rest): listing license clearing info of a project.
  • cc9291d68 feat(CycloneDX): support CPE in import and export
  • 42f44107f feat(rest): Update Component with attachment
  • d8c594628 feat(REST): New endpoint to write SPDX license info into release
  • d356bc022 feat(UI): Package Portlet Signed-off-by: akapti [email protected]
  • 6aa0b8d7e feat(rest) : asynchronous end point for report download
  • 4d4c863ad feat(RequestsPortlet): Added On Hold value for request status and Next/Last 15 days filter
  • fd159f302 feat(Components): Add a new field VCS/Repository URL for components
  • be9e5f5bb feat(rest): New Endpoint create attachment
  • 34e2d9e77 feat(Rest): Rest API allow to re-generate fossology report
  • f4432c98b feat(rest):Adding new fields to get list of project vulnerability
  • efbe761f5 feat(ExportSpreadsheet): Add project and release ID to the exported excel
  • b7740902b feat(ProjectObligationsEdit): Save comment and status fields on edit
  • a7bc2969c feat(rest):New end point for my components
  • a4e7f6808 feat(REST): New endpoint split components
  • 447143b8e feat(rest): To list linked projects of sub-projects.
  • ed7f4e237 feat(Department): New function for Department Management
  • 662a05977 feat(rest): new endpoint merge component
  • 1bf157600 feat(UI/REST): CycloneDX SBOM Importer & Exporter
  • e8f6e6b26 feat(rest): update response API Get a single release
  • 57b02aa29 feat(REST): Update response endpoint get attachments by release
  • 410184928 feat(ECC):Added pagination to ECC release list
  • b6d58b979 feat(ui): add note filed in license page
  • f14f9b0e4 feat(rest): update response API Listing users
  • c27a2fe35 feat(rest): update response API Listing vendors
  • 9bd7869f4 feat(update): update response api get single component
  • 90c59acb4 feat(rest): modify moderation requests
  • 8e71c959c feat(ci): Use actions java setup instead of standard packages
  • 037acd41b feat(ci): Use actions java setup instead of standard packages
  • a7af308fa feat(ci): Update build and test to accept dispatch
  • 669d6f98b feat(rest) : api to get count of projects
  • 1c4b223f8 feat(update):update response api get attachment by component
  • e6374e820 feat(api): create new endpoint import bom for component
  • 462675325 feat(api): create new endpoint update vulnerabilities of a release
  • 4dbc8705a feat(api): create new endpoint update vulnerabilities of a component
  • bc368f203 feat(REST): Endpoint for Download Attachment Bundle of Release
  • 764a24c6c feat(api): Endpoint get release overview by component
  • 391c006e6 feat(REST): Endpoint for Download Attachment Bundle of Component
  • 96a032814 feat(api): endpoint get vulnerabilities of a component
  • d10048956 feat(rest): new endpoint /moderationrequest
  • e682a50fa feat(spdx): Added support for pasring of SPDX-2.3 (ISR) generated via fossology
  • b7710e630 feat(lucene): Modify pom to generate proper war from couchdb lucene
  • 53236b590 feat(libs): Add couchdb-lucene as third party
  • 84e098774 feat(project): Prepare to introduce thirdparty libraries
  • c80f75908 feat(rest):Components with all details Rest Api doc updated
  • b32e90154 feat(REST):Endpoint for sbom import
  • 249f48f49 feat(SPDX): Making new tab in component release pages for showing SPDX/SPDX Lite data #1240
  • 9d566af03 feat(rest):New end point for my components
  • 53c8d85da feat(clearing): Improved cloud backend clearing
  • 2e0732a2b feat(rest): Added basic username and password based authentication
  • 4f171a659 feat(rest): optimize fetch project
  • 729207997 feat(EditCR): Admin will be able to reassign/edit the Requesting User of CR
  • 56096f24a feat(ProjectUI):ExternalIds and Additional Data fields in Export Excel
  • 7b84b0e4f feat(api): get vulnerabilities from relase by api
  • aafc95808 feat(rest) : Update data without moderation request And This features' a configurable setting
  • 73ba7012d feat(docker): Use main Maven docker image
  • d6555a370 feat(rest): endpoint for linked projects.
  • e20d7bf06 feat(rest): new endpoint /releases/recentReleases
  • c5aea6f4e feat(rest): newendpoint /components/recentComponents.
  • d707d7b53 feat(rest): new endpoint /projects/myprojects
  • 0f95fd368 feat(project): Added Email functionality for individual project spreadsheet export
  • ff92cd956 feat(ProjectUi): Enable Release with only one non-approved CLI for 'Adding License Infor To Release' and 'Displaying Obligations' (#1764)
  • f5daadb6e feat(Search): Added restricted search (#1797)
  • df0a6a123 feat(ui): Add banner to broadcast messages (#1830)
  • d4cd90f67 feat(Project): Added Vulnerability Summary Tab in Projects.
  • ca1da16fe feat(ProjectsUI):Changed Expand All To Expand Next Level and added alert message
  • b682060ae feat(Advance Search): Provided an 'Exact Match' checkbox in Advance Search that inserts (") around search keyword
  • b0ccdc480 feat(ci): Add thrift binary to cache
  • 95009d35f feat(project): Add pre-commit and spotless
  • eabbb0053 feat(svm): Publish SVM codes to Community


  • 5e48f83b2 fix(importCDX): Remove view BY_VCS_LOWERCASE and BY_PURL_LOWERCASE
  • e94d9c729 fix(Moderation): Fix bug could not open Release and Component moderation request
  • 45b317d86 fix(rest): adding additional fields to rest response for linked projects.
  • 4e329b464 fix(license): Update Response api for single license and Add rest-docs api create license
  • d261f70e5 fix(rest): Added new endpoint for LicenseType in admin tab
  • 41d735f9a fix(package): Can't link project to package
  • 1debd1e2c fix(REST):Get Component failing for names with space
  • 521835e38 fix(UI) : Added code to import the upload license in admin tab
  • f748c7cba fix(package): Create package by API can't link release
  • eb7efb3f9 f...
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24 Dec 16:13
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This tag covers many corrections/bug fixes after the 16.0 release.

This release provides features, multiple bug fixes for release 16.0, for example, new REST endpoints, improved docker script and fixes related to liferay-


For existing installations, a data migration is required. Please go to the readme file in scripts/migrations to see more information:

For running the migrations scripts, you will need python and the couchdb package. Please note that you will need to change manually in the python file: the DRYRUN variable and the couchdb URL (if that is not on localhost or requires password or both).


The following github users have contributed to the source code since the last release (in alphabetical order):

Abdul Kapti <[email protected]>
afsahsyeda <[email protected]>
Anupam Ghosh <[email protected]>
dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
Eldrin <[email protected]>
Gaurav Mishra <[email protected]>
Helio Chissini de Castro <[email protected]>
Jaideep Palit <[email protected]>
Kouki Hama <[email protected]>
Muhammad Ali <[email protected]>
Nikesh kumar <[email protected]>
rudra-superrr <[email protected]>
Smruti Prakash Sahoo <[email protected]>
tuannn2 <[email protected]>

Please note that also many other persons usually contribute to the project with reviews, testing, documentations, conversations or presentations.


  • a20704c7 update(lang): add chinese lang property file
  • f9d23047 feat(MailApi): enable control over trusting the email host
  • 3707569d feat(rest): new param (allDetails) added in component call to get more details of component
  • 65011f18 feat(UI): Applying sorting on release versions in drop down when inspecting a component.
  • c8597b45 feat(SPDX): Upgrade tools-java library to support SPDX 2.3 format
  • 684d3c6a feat(ProjectUI):License Info In the Spreadsheet Exported from Project License Clearing
  • 111d5876 feat(RESTapi): created new endpoint for clearingrequest and modified existing endpoint payload
  • 8cb48cd8 feat(AdminUI):Changed the title of the button in Edit Client modal to 'Update' from 'Edit' and set the validity to 'Days' by default in OauthClient
  • e6a81fe0 Feat (Vulnerability): Improve add/update/delete vulnerability APIs implement add/update/delete vulnerability by GUI
  • e9b035f2 feat(buildsystem): Rearrange dependencies and deployments
  • b4c14975 feat(CRUI):Change CR state 'On Hold' to 'Awaiting Response' & edit PreferredClearingDate
  • 35d9e021 feat(docker): Move deps script outside docker build
  • db5176ab feat(deps): Update shared slim script to have a txt file with libraries
  • 4596f06d feat(SPDX): Use new SPDX library (#1496)
  • d6ba4c07 feat(docker): Improve docker size and build time
  • 467edfba feat(UI):Made the table header collapsable in wherever possible
  • 1550e909 feature(ui) : select your group in Project page by grid
  • 3b4e36c7 feat(search): allow searching for external ids
  • 27869c8a feat(ProjectUI): Load License info header text based on project group


  • 93363bd7 fix(dependencies): Update okhttp and httpclient versions
  • 35ea249b Fix(Vulnerability GUI): Fix bug cannot load vulnerability view page
  • b131a5bc fix(ProjectUI):Stale data displayed after using the Group filter in Project Advance Search
  • 2cd58b9f Modified the check so that searchQuery is considered when submitSearch is empty
  • 01eecf3a fix(ProjectUI): Changing Project group should update CR
  • 4ca47851 fix(REST): Save otherLicenseIds while patching Release - 1735
  • e97c8188 fix(UI): Added new column in exprot spreadsheet in project tab
  • ae77534c Fix(Obligation): Fix bug can not add/update Admin Obligation and import OSADL
  • 06b741b0 fix(SPDX): import SPDX licenses with new SPDX library (tools-java 1.0.4)
  • 5d86c067 fix(moderation_request): Added a check that if documentId is null then ignore
  • ac308a5d upd(CI/CD): Build and test only during the PR.
  • 7da2858a upd(docker): Fix wrong branch
  • 42cce1a6 upd(docker): Publish push to main commits
  • d0432233 fix(script): Script to remove trailing and leading whitespaces from component names
  • 4f7fd085 fix(ProjectUI): Multiple alerts when there are same linked projects
  • f6c22e52 fix(PreferencesUI):Read Access has to be checked before Generating token
  • 920d1281 fix(docker): Deploy libraries in correct place
  • 1564ab79 upd(doc): Update docker documentation related to redirects
  • 5c9e7845 upd(docker): Improve docker build and github actions
  • 7bcb75db upd(docker): Improve github actions pipeline
  • 03e665ec fix(docker): add missing dependencies
  • b679b883 fix(UI): Unresponsive UI & top align session message
  • 68f171f5 fix(UI): Added code to show the project list in component tab
  • 8312a8e6 fix(UI): Text field is blank while ExportSpread in licenses
  • 05b9c5f0 fix(User): CountryId does not exists while creating user with new Organization
  • e0059eec upd(docker): Push sw360 docker image to registry
  • 429b6b73 fix(UI): Default behaviour of write access checkbox restore
  • 5ffcda69 fix(Project and Component UI): Formatting issues and the type of files that can be uploaded in Import SBOM MOdal are limited to rdf now-783
  • 32ea05fe upd(buildsystem): Move away build-configuration
  • 8c09cfa1 upd(deps): Update jackson versions
  • b7757326 Fix(ProjectUI): Fix bug when editing obligations in a project.
  • 46e2b73d fix(CouchDbView): Improve couchdb view performance
  • 282298e0 fix(Docs): Fixed REST and MkDocs generated issue
  • 9a1dcb48 fix(ecc): Reset Ecc Fields when Component type is changed.
  • a5ece957 upd(sanitize): Remove lib prefix from datahandler
  • ca8b2efc "fix(rest): Added code for to Update the REST-API documentation for Definition of Manufacturer on project level
  • 14103917 fix(ComponentUI):HTML encoded character in Vendor field
  • 01448d74 fix(scripts): Sanitize scripts
  • 13753dbf upd(ghactions): Fail fast with the license checker without setting a full blown system
  • b365744e fix(bnd): Restore original bundle
  • 8682aa42 fix(docker): Dependencies need to be deployed
  • aa4b625e upd(docker): Move versions to separate file and update dep script
  • 9d3e9b3f fix(versions): Update commons lang to correct last version
  • 7ee69887 fix(SBOM): Fixed Component type is not being set when components are created by importing SBOM
  • db359094 fix(ecc): Script to change ECC status in Release
  • daa15a90 upd(thrift): Use only provided tarball to generate resources
  • 932987bc fix(maven): Update commons-logging to equal versions
  • d9f594ec fix(maven): Update commons-codec to equal versions
  • 41450708 fix(liferay): Use unique versions for same dependencies
  • 5acd4ecb fix(maven): Use unique versions for same dependencies
  • de429b3f bug(docker): Fix share location of jar files
  • 5e0a30cd fix(ui): Fixed lar file to add missing widgets(Oauth Client & License Types)
  • adb4f930 fix(ecc): Script to cleanup ECC information in release
  • d0ead7d1 fix(rest): Added component type tag in release api
  • f0f308e4 upd(maven): Update maven build infra
  • 2db4244f fix(UI): Do not copy specific external id while cloning release
  • b8190e25 fix(UI): Disable write access from UI
  • 9f5e1ddd fix(CrUi): fix the critical CR creation issue
  • a6f8fa65 fix(ProjectUI): fixed Release filter bug in AttachmentUsage tab
  • 77e0ec1d fix(ui): Generate portlet X url inside portlet Y
  • 33908857 fix(report): Nullpointer downloading report
  • e1dd21fc fix(jenkins): Update old eclipse jarsigner
  • f35c6244 fix(deps): Fixed wrong dependency download
  • 7ba948c4 fix(docker): Fix double called shutdown script
  • d2d8011f bug(docker): Fix invalid commited docker props
  • 9cddc708 upd(Docker): Upgrade docker and versions for new Liferay
  • 3a0d8c38 fix(AdminUI): Prevent license type duplication with case insensitive check
  • 17a82169 fix(ui): cannot link Component with closed project
  • 6d0a20ef fix(REST): fixed release update issue for releases with invalid licenses


  • a2b75597 fix(doc) : update migration Readme
  • b7048928 upd(README): Update with new information
  • e130c068 chore(deps): bump spring-security-core in /frontend/sw360-portlet
  • 6b8c6e7d Update githubactions.yml
  • 8602a169 WIP
  • e7e9858f chores(liferay): updated liferay kernel and theme
  • 9e64374c chores(upgrade): Updated default country Id of liferay
  • f19f0203 chores(upgrade): Fixed the ui issues
  • 71145b2a chores(upgrade): Updated default country Id of liferay
  • a7fd29d7 chores(upgrade): Fixed the ui issues
  • 822597c2 Updated versions in bnd file according to Liferay GA18
  • 9efff9ff chores(upgrade): Upgrade Liferay to GA18
  • 32bc4839 chore(rel): Changing back to 16.1.0-SNAPSHOT


10 Aug 07:06
Choose a tag to compare


This tag covers many corrections/bug fixes after the 15.0 release.

This release provides features, muliple bug fixes for release 15.0, for example, new REST endpoints, new integration test suite.


For existing installations, a data migration is required. Please go to the readme file in scripts/migrations to see more information:

For running the migrations scripts, you will need python and the couchdb package. Please note that you will need to change manually in the python file: the DRYRUN variable and the couchdb URL (if that is not on localhost or requires password or both).


The following github users have contributed to the source code since the last release (in alphabetical order):

Abdul Kapti <[email protected]>
Alberto Pianon <[email protected]>
Anupam Ghosh <[email protected]>
dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
Helio Chissini de Castro <[email protected]>
hoangnt2 <[email protected]>
Jaideep Palit <[email protected]>
Kouki Hama <[email protected]>
Pham Van Hieu <[email protected]>
Smruti Prakash Sahoo <[email protected]>
Tran Vu Quan <[email protected]>
tuan99123 <[email protected]>

Please note that also many other persons usually contribute to the project with reviews, testing, documentations, conversations or presentations.


  • 1f6db6db upd(mockito): Update the deprecated old mockito-all to mockito-core
  • 29d019b6 feat(ui): Ability to filter for active users
  • 0d0de03c feat(ReleaseUi):Display AssessmentSummary info from CLi in Release details page
  • 709a5ec9 feat(UI): ModifiedOn & MOdifiedBy fields for Project/COmponent/Release
  • 73fe7e68 feat(export): Enable mailing for exported spreadsheet for components
  • bbc37a93 feat(ProjectUI): added filter for linked release/projects table
  • a9053df2 feat(ProjectUI): AttachmentUsages - Added option to filter for releases without source attachments
  • f7aebb1e feat(rest): Add upload description to trigger fossology process
  • 26226fbb feat(exportExcel): Send an email to user with download link once export completed
  • 860e420d feat(exportExcel): Generate and save excel to file system, Download generated file with token
  • 07b54e93 feat(UI): Display Licenses from Scanner findings in ISR attachments
  • 9511adb7 feat(obligation): add function Edit/Duplicate/Changelog for Obligation
  • 830f463a feat(ui) : Strengthen sw360 admin privileges about Read and Write
  • 7dd31343 feat(compose): Common network adn Fossology decoupling
  • 5974152f feat(ProjectUI): Disabled CR based on project Group
  • 0f2e4c14 feat(rest): Get Project Vulnerability by external id and release id
  • 3dfe2bbc feat(projectUi): Update some fields in a Project in closed state
  • 440a6fda feat(docker): Overhaul SW360 docker
  • 0dc962d0 feat(script): Addition to update project field starting with some value
  • e5516c21 feature(docker): Run sw360 as non-priv user
  • cec73056 feature(docker): Use volumes with tomcat
  • 33481c32 feature(docker): Add fossology on the mix
  • 4036a822 feat(project): Added vendor for project


  • 00271e79 Fix (Component): Fix bug component list sorting
  • 3eb27362 fix(closedproject): Fixed issue w.r.t. editing close project
  • 8911a4c4 fix(project): Added write permissions for closed project
  • 1bef35d3 update(ghactions): Improve gh actions process
  • bcdfad6b update(docker): Docker to use latest Ubuntu LTS
  • 728acb20 fix(export): Added missing ECC AL column and release vendor in project export
  • 8efc4871 fix(rest): Added release main licenses in the response
  • 5f5bca8a fix(ISR):Fixed source file not found in ISR & Total files count mismatch
  • b4f0b870 Fix (Release): Fixed vulnerability can't be deleted when it is linked with a deleted release
  • f8052466 fix(UI): fix Some long sentence can't show property in License Obligation
  • 8ead75c3 fix(ui): Display url, email, text of Additional Data for Component and Release
  • bafd477f fix(CR-UI): fixed the count mismatch in Open Components column of CR table
  • e776a969 fix(excel-export): fixed project filter issue while exporting excel
  • bcc2d89c fix(Obligation): Save Admin Level Obligation based on Obligation topic
  • 1bec6af2 fix bug Invalid GitHub action #1519
  • 9bc9b9bb Fix(License): Fix bug one license cound add only 10 obligations
  • 4b7197b4 Fix(REST): fix visibility of Project Rest API
  • aef08989 fix(docker): Add better proxy documentation to docker-compose
  • 534ee6f7 fix(ui): Fixed Obligation count in project view
  • cac1b13e fix(thrift): Updated thrift configuration to adopt configurable max message size and max framesize
  • 2fab647b typo in the docker run command
  • 8d1ddfc3 fix(compoent-visibility): Moderation request for clearing admin
  • d92ecace fix(ui) : modify translation for search function
  • 3792db20 fix(ModerationRequestUI): Fixed project Moderation Request UI is not loading
  • 1c0dd050 fix(Dockerfile): Make Dockerfile more consistent
  • a8c2334e fix(merge): Optimized code to check for write permission of release and components before starting to merge
  • 9bbb49ba fix(modReq): Fixed moderation request for release with version overwrite
  • d1fd4307 fix(ReleaseClearingState): ClearingState not changing to New from Scan Available
  • cbec94a4 fix(api): Correct the ECC status when release is created by API
  • f0f9ff62 fix(docker): Added missing license
  • 6fb1f415 fix(docker): Add Document Library as volume to enable keep custom settings
  • fde1f460 fix(docker): Add proper missing clucene config
  • b719f989 fix(docker): Add better proxy handling
  • 11e24172 fix(docker): Get liferay from github releases
  • 6bddc2bf fix(docker): Reduce first bootstrapping
  • 5df8eb4a fix(docker): Update
  • 0e917987 fix(docker): Update documentation with CSS issue
  • e1a21e07 fix(docker): Update documentation with CSS issue
  • cfe7e413 fix(docker): Improve documentation and persist
  • e335c374 fix(docker): README update and cert ignore for curl
  • ab23d0cc fix(docker): Thrift builds now under tmpfs
  • ff9409fd fix(docker): Improve build speed and build layers size
  • 5467abf9 Update docker base using Eclipse Temurin
  • 681eb0c4 fix(ui): Restrict visibility of each component/release like Project
  • 0b06f3ee fix(ui): Fixed pagination of component list with search params
  • f14298a4 Fix search function with key is empty


  • 7332bec0 chore(dependencies): spring vulnerbility - cve-2022-22970,cve-2022-22971
  • 3efa3a56 (chores): updated and files
  • 7541ec8d chore(deps): bump spring-security-core in /frontend/sw360-portlet
  • a17efda8 chore(deps): bump gson from 2.8.6 to 2.8.9
  • 18763b51 chore(deps): bump jackson-databind from 2.11.3 to
  • 2502b58d (chores): fix security vulnerabilities
  • ce57d9b5 Update information about port redirection
  • ea798093 Update README_DOCKER with typos fixing
  • a7a75336 chore(rel): Changing back to 15.1.0-SNAPSHOT


09 Feb 09:07
Choose a tag to compare


This tag covers many corrections/bug fixes after the 14.0 release.

This release provides features, muliple bug fixes for release 14.0, for example, new REST endpoints, new integration test suite.


The following github users have contributed to the source code since the last release (in alphabetical order):

Anupam Ghosh <[email protected]>
dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
Gaurav Mishra <[email protected]>
He, Albert <[email protected]>
Jaideep Palit <[email protected]>
ravi110336 <[email protected]>
Smruti Prakash Sahoo <[email protected]>

Please note that also many other persons usually contribute to the project with reviews, testing, documentations, conversations or presentations.


  • 9807d381 feat(ui): Added new Clearing State and Attachment Type
  • 77f06a6e feat(ci): Remove dependency of commonsIO from client
  • be212373 feat(ci): Fixed Attachment test cases
  • bf43f889 feat(ci): Fixed Release test cases
  • 790c935f feat(ci): Fixed component test cases
  • 32ae085f feat(ci): Run Client Integration Test for rest api on DB
  • 77f49ec2 feat(ui): Added new column for ECCN in ECC status tab of project details view
  • 8ed3c68d feat(AttachmentTypeUI):Add a new attachment type Security Assessment.
  • 2e593adf feat(client): Added Java Client Apis for vulnerability endpoints.


  • 2b562699 fix(ci): Fixed vulnerability IT testcases
  • 854c6453 fix(release): Fixed mainline state is empty when creating a release by ui or rest
  • be26f6ca fix(ci): Fixed Project Client Testcases
  • e06eb192 fix(ci): Fixed License Testcases
  • 2261b62f fix(script): Fixed deployment status check after spring boot updat
  • 02ecfe6f Fix default config not working issue
  • 30e404bd Fix component list sorting error
  • f6337094 fix(rest): Optimize rest api for get project by tag, type, group


  • 376d5b94 chore(deps): bump log4j-core from 2.17.0 to 2.17.1
  • 4fc46d41 chore(deps): bump log4j-core from 2.16.0 to 2.17.0
  • c386b4c6 log4j version upgrade to 2.16.0(log4j-vulnerability)
  • b8ebd682 chore(rel): Changing back to 14.1.0-SNAPSHOT
  • 0368ae99 chore(readme): Update release badge to latest


26 Nov 07:52
Choose a tag to compare


This tag covers many corrections/bug fixes after the 13.4 release.

This release provides features, muliple bug fixes for release 13.4, for example, new REST endpoints, new functions in the UI and changelog enable/disable from


For existing installations, a data migration is required. Please go to the readme file in scripts/migrations to see more information:

For running the migrations scripts, you will need python and the couchdb package. Please note that you will need to change manually in the python file: the DRYRUN variable and the couchdb URL (if that is not on localhost or requires password or both).


The following github users have contributed to the source code since the last release (in alphabetical order):

Abdul Kapti <[email protected]>
Anupam Ghosh <[email protected]>
Jaideep Palit <[email protected]>
Kouki Hama <[email protected]>
Michael C. Jaeger <[email protected]>
ravi110336 <[email protected]>
Shi Qiu <[email protected]>
Smruti Prakash Sahoo <[email protected]>
Tran Vu Quan <[email protected]>

Please note that also many other persons usually contribute to the project with reviews, testing, documentations, conversations or presentations.


  • e1923ac3 feat(UI): import OSADL obligation information and update screen of Adding new obligation
  • 2b6b9a9d feat(UI): CLI file clean up assistant
  • 3702de56 feat(rest): Added rest api to create duplicate of project
  • 8ff2748f feat(RestAPI):Update the attachment status with the approver/rejecter Name and Group.
  • e3d8122a feat(ProjectUI): Add new values to Obligation status
  • 3bab5e99 feat(ui): Display,update vulnerability for linked projects in project details view
  • 8d1f96ff feat(log): Added output processing of the change log
  • a873ad83 feat(ReleaseUI): License to SourceFile Mapping
  • 533ace69 feat(rest): Add Rest API for linking release to release


  • ea72ce63 fix(ui): Fixed redirect page from Release Edit page to Release Details page
  • ce9d9550 fix(changelog):Fixed the file permission issue for sw360 changelog.
  • 9ef38314 fix(rest): Change base url of health api from /actuator to /
  • 843f1f8d fix(rest): Get component by name case insensitive
  • 96a59335 fix(rest): Create duplicate project clearing state should always be open and not copied
  • fc1f1e39 fix(sw360ChangeLog):Configure the sw360ChangeLog path.
  • d27527d3 fix(docker): Fixed cannot upload attachment more than 1 MB by Rest Api
  • 46e6eb18 fix(views): Optimize views for components
  • 2e8a9cc8 fix(views): Optimize views for releases
  • 21682a3a fix(views): Optimize views to load large projects
  • 65719867 fix(rest): Fixed hateoas link not showing correct protocol
  • 0ed91d75 fix(ui): Links in ReadmeOss as HTMl are not rendered properly
  • edeb13d2 fix(ui): fix the bug that attachments usages in project cannot show other line
  • 5bff785f fix(rest): Update project vulnerabilities
  • 0202f9df fix(rest): Fixed projects loading issue in REST
  • 62d8887b fix(UI):Component details not shown for the Security Admin Role.
  • 1db9afda fix(rest): Added new parameter luceneSearch to Get Project List Api, to get project list based on lucene search
  • 3305fc6b fix(Japanese) : Update and modify Japanese translations
  • 2f85cf70 fix(projects): Fixed thrift timeout by optimizing projects loading
  • aa8574eb fix(upgradeVersion): Updated resource server properties for Spring 2.X
  • a0f1861b fix(upgrade version): fixed the test cases failure issue when generating the rest docs.
  • 033d912a fix(upgradeVersion): Fixed Test case for authorization server with spring boot version upgrade * Refactored code and removed commented lines
  • 71bf74bc fix(upgradeVersion):Upgrade version.
  • 2e98d07d fix(RestAPI):500 Internal server error from releases API.
  • eb6192bc fix(ui): Cleanup moderation request on deleting project/release/component
  • 57e08173 fix(ui): Changes in External urls in Project are not registered in Moderation Request. Closed Moderation Request doesnot show Proposed changes
  • 8b5ffecc fix(Rest):make SW360 REST API Get Releases by Name Case-Insensitive.
  • 97a72951 fix(DBTestsFail): Migrating to
  • 6c3c51ec fix(log): Fix indentation issue in source code.
  • 4ab50904 fix(MyProjectErrorMessage):update the error message in UI for the project which is not accessible.
  • d2f22b80 fix(ui): Fixed js error while merge component/release with null additional data
  • 9c4d2f0d fix(rest): Added exception processing for authorization
  • af443442 fix(script): add password and user in couchdb-lucene.ini
  • 318d0923 fix(docker):Update couchdb3.1 ubuntu20.04 liferay7.3.4 postgresql12
  • 5ec1df6a fix(ci) added new files to license check script
  • 26dc7333 fix(ui): Fixed create/update users with uppercase email or externalid
  • db1c1a97 fix(ui): User should be able to edit group of project


08 Jun 08:44
Choose a tag to compare

This tag covers many corrections and bug fixes after the 13.3 release. Th eproductive use of 13.3 has revealed a number of issues resulting from the big persistence layer switch.

This release provides also features, however, some smaller news are there, for example, new REST endpoints or new functions in the UI.


For this version, no database migration is necessary.


The following github users have contributed to the source code since the last release (in alphabetical order):

Please note that also many other persons usually contribute to the project with reviews, testing, documentations, conversations or presentations.


  • 3089008c feat(rest): Support map of release id to usage as request body in addition to previous array of release id for
  • df2f6dad feat(VirusScanSchedulerService): Scheduler Service for deletion of attachment from local FS
  • 276650a9 feat(ObligationHelpTextforProject): Provide the different obligation help text from the Projects Screen
  • ec37c480 feat(moderations): Pagination in requests tab for moderations
  • 0d739556 feat(obligationlevelhelptext):Provide info text for different obligation Level
  • 83282112 feat(ProjectUI): feature to add License Info to linked releases from License Clearing tab
  • afdac6f5 feat(ProjectVersion): Added the project version in the search Project filter
  • 4b1a1b3f feat(ProjectUI): Fixed copy of projects removes linked subprojects
  • d44b63ba feat(ProjectGroupFilter):Filter the projects in Advanced Search based on Projects Group
  • 4140a8ad feat(rest): Added new endpoints to update attachment info of Project, Component, Release
  • 96443359 feat(rest): Added rest endpoint to update project-release-relationship information of linked releases in a project
  • 756190b4 feat(ProjectUI): feature to display the source files linked with the licenses


  • ef27ad5d fix(rest): Auto-set release clearing state
  • debfe70d Fix: Rest interface can not handle licenses which do not exist in the database #534
  • 2d56d0b4 fix: Wrong error handling when deleting multiple components #851 [email protected]
  • 9a31049d fix(script): Build failure of sw360dev.Dockerfile and
  • 9f32b882 fix(readmeossdownload): Null pointer while downloading readme_oss
  • f0aa5cbf fix(ui/rest): Issue fetching releases by external ids and null value in external id breaks the release view
  • baaa9f42 fix(search): search releases while linking to project
  • 00083ea8 fix(backend): Issues with boolean and timestamp field deserialization and get attachment info REST


07 May 20:49
Choose a tag to compare

This tag is applied to have the migration from cloudant to ektorp in one single step. Ektorp is a Java library which provides an object oriented interface to the (REST-based) access to couchdb. It has been used in sw360 from day 1. Now we concluded to replace ektorp: it does not support paging; having our server growing larger and lager and serving more and more users, receiving results sets from a couchdb view without paging is a pain. And it did not look like it will be supported, because the ektorp project looks calm now (last commit to master in 2017). Among the available options for replacing ektorp, we choose the java-client from the open source project cloudant (version 2.19.1, see It supports paging and offers potentially other interesting features (caching, compatibility with MongoDB, etc.).


For this version, no database migration is necessary.


The following github users have contributed to the source code since the last release (in alphabetical order):

Please note that also many other persons usually contribute to the project with reviews, testing, documentations, conversations or presentations.


  • 0e22d55e feat(components-pagination): paginated view response for components
  • fd95a2cf feat(cloudant): Migrating from ektorp to cloudant java client


28 Apr 07:40
Choose a tag to compare

The reason for this tag is to have the last release before the ektorp framework to the new cloudant framework for access to the couchdb. This upcoming change will touch a large number of places in the code and thus a last release before this larger change will be merged.

As per notable feature there is the new UI in the admin area to issue the OAuth client credentials for the OAuth legacy workflow for the REST API. Another feature is the storing of all attachments (at upload) also to a configurable location in the file system. This helps anti virus software to scan these instead of requesting them from the couchdb. Note that files are stored at the configured path with user_mail/document_id folder structure to quickly track down origin of viruses and malware.

This milestone tag also chovers changes to the build infrastructure on the eclipse servers to prepare future releases.


For this version, no database migration is necessary.


The following github users have contributed to the source code since the last release (in alphabetical order):

Please note that other persons do contribute to the SW360 as well in the form of reporting issues, giving presentations and much more.

Features Summary

  • d8021733 feat(AttachmentVirusScan): Store attachment to File System asynchronously, handle saving of large multi-part attachments. Fix test cases
  • 5c77743f feat(AttachmentVirusScan):Store the attachment to local file system for virus scan.
  • d97146a3 feat(REST): Added new Rest API endpoint for reading clearing request
  • 50f576a2 feat(OAuthClient): Create, update, delete OAuthClient from UI
  • d4017345 feat(PredefinedTags):Predefined tags per group in the Projects Tag field.
  • 0c7fc59a feat(UI): added button for copying document id to clipboard


  • d19d08d0 fix(rest): Added support for pagination and retrival using multi value projectRelevance param
  • 3419b4a6 fix(search): Removing support for _fti hook based lucene search for couchdb 1.x
  • f783240a fix(rest): Fix status code when moderation request is created as a part of an API call
  • 4f2c2121 fix(moderaion):add CommonUtils.addAll(moderators, dbcomponent.getModerators());
  • 8b867c19 fix(build): Fix issue with overwriting of patchlevel variable in pom.xml
  • b9a38744 fix(test): Use test databases in maven test phase
  • c68b4d4a fix(OrtIntegration): Fix client to perform case insensitive search of component.
  • 784fbafc fix(script): Utility script to recompute clearing state of release
  • ce69b3bd bug(eclipse): Quickfix for maven flatten pom problem

Infrastructure, Docs and Refactorings

  • 958a8a77 chore(tag) changing back pom.xml shapshot version tag


24 Mar 20:27
Choose a tag to compare

This time: client libraries. This release among other things brings the client libraries taken over from the sw360antenna project and moved them into the sw360 code base. The client libraries enable Java applications to communicate with a sw360 server via REST calls. Other notable contributions include:

  • Support for CouchDB 3.x
  • Massive speedup of SPDX import by switching to streaming based parsing for license information for large files
  • Single container setup (see Dockerfile in project root) for super easy deployment of sw360
  • More UI improvement on sorting and filtering in list views
  • Supporting multiple templates for the project clearing reports
  • REST: Manage used attachments for license info generation and better querying of vulnerabilities


For this version, no database migration is necessary.


The following github users have contributed to the source code since the last release (in alphabetical order):

Features Summary

  • 0b7818de feat(MyProjectsUI):Add additional filter to MY PROJECTS homepage based on clearing state
  • 9e98dd3f feat(ChangeLog): Highlight changes between old and new revision of Document
  • eef05a1b feat(ProjectUI): Sort & Filter for ClearingStatus TreeView table
  • b6cd9df7 feat(Issue Template):Update issue templates for bug and feature
  • fb15708c feat(ui):Rename and Re-arrange the Tabs under Projects section
  • 98aa0859 feat(ProjectUI): Release Filter based on attachment availability
  • 29308987 feat(clearingreport): Feature to select template for Project Clearing report
  • fc024b45 feat(ReleaseUi): Add other / detected license in release
  • 04139347 feat(ui-rest): Provide option in attachment usage to include/exclude concluded licenses during LicenseInfo Generation
  • 1f995bfa feat(rest): Filter for get project vulnerabilities endpoint
  • 1d771d30 feat(rest): Added endpoint to get changel og by document id
  • 68ce3cf8 feat(ui): Display Id in summary page of project, component and release
  • 5f2a4089 feat(http-support): add http support library for sw360
  • 502d9087 feat(sw360Docker): Single container Docker for SW360
  • 948924f0 client(test): add failsafe plugin


  • 7091c4b6 fix(spdxtools):Use toArray(new Node[0]) for shorter code and better performance
  • 8b4ebc00 fix(version): Increase minor version to ensure proper version sequence
  • 31909cce fix(pom): Fix indentation of profile
  • eefcf17f fix(excelexport): Projects with linked releases excel export error
  • 2ed2ad80 fix(LicenseInfo): Optimized loading of license info, source code download, Clearing report page
  • 034f291c fix(mergeComponentRelease): Attachments not linked properly from source component/Release
  • c3830559 fix(spdx): import large spdx rdf files
  • b08d2f44 fix(datahandler): Modified ektorp queryView call to support CouchDB 3
  • d9756e6a fix(Rest): Create/Update Release with name same as component name

Infrastructure, Docs and Refactorings

  • 306c2080 chore(eclipse): Change Jenkinsfile to run release or commit count builds
  • 948c7bac chore(eclipse): Build on eclipse ci for deployment of java artifacts
  • ba666266 refactor(client): missing license headers
  • 867372bd refactor(http): Change http mockito to same version
  • ba72cb7d test(client): fix mockito dependency
  • cfa8d512 refactor(pom): move version of purl to parent pom
  • 31a239eb doc(client): add documentation of the sw360 data model
  • cd3ac486 doc(http-support): Add site to http support
  • 4670fffe refactor(client): Remove all antenna mentions
  • b89e04ce refactor(client): remove antenna http support and switch to sw360
  • 834c1c79 refactor(client): Refactor package name
  • 7a6f295c refactor(client): Add dependencies to poms