- 🔭 I’m Carlos Angulo Mascarell (cangulo)
- 🏠️ I live in Barcelona 🇪🇸 but I was born in Venezuela 🇻🇪
- 👨🎓 I studied Telecommunication engineering at UPC
- 🌱 I’m currently working at Ohpen as a Platform Engineer
- ⌛️ I have 8+ years of experience. My previous companies:
- Avanade (2 years) -> worked with SharePoint (yes, ouch 🤕)
- Safened / FourthLine (1.5 years) -> AWS, dotnet
- Ohpen ( currently, +4.5 years) -> terraform, AWS, DataDog, GitHub workflows, python, dotnet
- 🐧 I use Elementary as a personal OS, it is a Ubuntu-based distro with a beautiful UI and powerful performance. Try it!
- 💻️ My setup includes:
- 🪟 WSL, oh-my-posh and a lot of PowerShell scripts included in my PS profile as explained here
- 🐧 oh my zsh with many custom functions to be more productive.
- 🧾 on git, a few alias
- 💬 Ask me about personal projects and hobbies 🕺
- 📫 How to reach me? -> [email protected]
- ⚡ Fun facts: I like asking people about what sayings they use. Here are some I know:
Más vale maña que fuerza
->Better skill than strength
(Spain, ref )Te va a morder un peluche
->A teddy bear will bite you
(Venezuela, ref )Doe maar Normaal, dan doe je al gek genoeg
->Act normal, as that’s crazy enough
(Netherland, ref )
- Refactoring hundreds of environments with TF - 202310-bcn-serverless-meetup-tf-refactor
- Functionless batch processing with EB - 20240418-bcn-batch-ecs
cangulo-actions Organization for my gh actions
cangulo-templates: : Organization for the templates I have created.
cangulo-nugets: Organization for my nuget packages
- cangulo.common.testing
- cangulo.changelog
- cangulo.changelog.github.io web site where I explain the cangulo.changelog project