Main Goal:
- Offer a solution for all the changelog operation
Main Consumers:
- cangulo.cicd
- Github pipelines
Consumer | Description |
cangulo.cicd | As a nuget package that can be imported in cangulo.cicd to handle the changelog creation and update |
Github Pipelines | As a console application that can be imported as a github action |
- Create cangulo.changelog
- 1. Create a service to create a changelog for a specific version providing a list of changes
- 2. Extend functionality to classify commits depending on the convention commits
- 3. Extend functionality to only list the PRs names and add links
- Extend the changelog to update the file
- Keep only 5 versions
- Create a md file with the changes every release in a changelog folder
- Create a index for all the files
- Check what other things we can provide in the release
- Prepare what can you offer to the cangulo.changelog
This should be imported first as a nuget package, but also as a CLI tool:
packageId: "cangulo.changelog",
packageExecutable: "cangulo.changelog.exe")]
readonly Tool Xunit;