A simple web server with handy hooks for setting up test environments for web development.
npm install handydevserver
###Simple Usage Call the constructor with a port to run on, and an array of folders to look for files in.
var handydevserver = require("handydevserver");
// Add three folders to the common directory.
// Run on port 8080
handydevserver(8080, ['./dist', './smoketest', './gateway'])
###Simulated server delay
To simulate latency, add a latency
attribute with a delay value (in ms):
handydevserver(8080, ['./dist', './smoketest', './gateway'], {
latency: 2500
If you want to randomize the latency, provide an array of two values and the latency will be randomized somewhere in between:
handydevserver(8080, ['./dist', './smoketest', './gateway'], {
latency: [500, 2500]
###Ignore files/folders
To remove certain files or folders for directory listings, add an ignore
array of strings. These are wildcards, so if you specify the string "hello" it would ignore things like: "hello_world", "hello_america", etc:
handydevserver(8080, ['./dist', './smoketest', './gateway'], {
ignore: ['node_modules', '.svn']
###Hooks You can intercept text files (CSS, HTML, JS, etc) before they get delivered to the browser incase you want to change them. To do this, pass a config object to your call to the constructor:
['./dist', './smoketest', './gateway'],
ontextfile: function (filename, contents, headers) {
if (filename.indexOf('gateway.js') || filename.indexOf('gateway.min.js')) {
contents = contents.replace(/foo/gi, "bar");
// Add some header
headers.myHeader = 'some header value';
return contents;
###SSL You can also run an HTTPS server by using the self-signed cert feature. Note: you will need to add an exception to any certificate errors that occur in your browser.
handydevserver(443, [/*dirs*/], { ssl: true });