A simple web server with handy hooks for setting up test environments for web development.
npm install handydevserver
Call the constructor with a port to run on, and an array of folders to look for files in.
var handydevserver = require("handydevserver");
// Add three folders to the common directory.
// Run on port 8080
handydevserver(8080, ['./dist', './smoketest', './gateway'])
To simulate latency, add a latency
attribute with a delay value (in ms):
handydevserver(8080, ['./dist', './smoketest', './gateway'], {
latency: 2500
If you want to randomize the latency, provide an array of two values and the latency will be randomized somewhere in between:
handydevserver(8080, ['./dist', './smoketest', './gateway'], {
latency: [500, 2500]
To remove certain files or folders for directory listings, add an ignore
array of strings. These are wildcards, so if you specify the string "hello" it would ignore things like: "hello_world", "hello_america", etc:
handydevserver(8080, ['./dist', './smoketest', './gateway'], {
ignore: ['node_modules', '.svn']
You can intercept text files (CSS, HTML, JS, etc) before they get delivered to the browser incase you want to change them. To do this, pass a config object to your call to the constructor:
['./dist', './smoketest', './gateway'],
ontextfile: function (filename, contents, headers) {
if (filename.indexOf('gateway.js') || filename.indexOf('gateway.min.js')) {
contents = contents.replace(/foo/gi, "bar");
// Add some header
headers.myHeader = 'some header value';
return contents;
onhtmlfile: function(filename, contents, headers) {
// an HTML file is being served
// Do whatever changes you want
return contents;
onjsfile: function(filename, contents, headers) {
// a JavaScript file is being served
// Do whatever changes you want
return contents;
You can add your own custom headers to responses by adding a headers
object to your configuration:
['./dist', './smoketest', './gateway'],
headers: {'mycustomheader':'somevalue'}
You can also run an HTTPS server by using the self-signed cert feature. Note: you will need to add an exception to any certificate errors that occur in your browser.
handydevserver(443, [/*dirs*/], { ssl: true });