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gkunze edited this page Aug 9, 2024 · 23 revisions


Automated tests need good reporting so that the test results are meaningful. For this purpose, we use the well-known Allure framework. We have a short guide on how to set up Allure. To get even more insights into your test results we enriched the reports by additional data. This article is about the additional features we have added and how to use them.

Add links to Report

Sometimes it is necessary to know the exact link a step in the automation opened and sometimes it's just convenient to jump into a flow at a certain point. For this we have created a function which adds the currently displayed link as a step to the Allure report. As soon as it is activated, every time a new page is called, a link to exactly this page is stored in the report. This way you can see if the link is correct and even open the page to have a look at it. This is activated per default but can be deactivated via the property in the Neodymium configuration.

Add custom data to Environment Section of the Report

The Allure report offers a "Environment" section to store information about the testenvironment. This is especially helpful for keeping track of all the changes made to the testenvironment and their impact on the testreults. If you want to store your own information in this section, Neodymium provides a quick and easy way to do so. To activate the usage of custom data, you have to activate the property in the Neodymium configuration. Now to add a line to the environment section of the report simply add a line to a property file starting with and a custom key value pair. This key value pair will than be added to your report. An example could look like this: = yourValue

The following spaces are eligible for storing such custom data pairs:

  1. config/dev-neodymium.propeties in the neodymium testsuite
  2. System environment variables
  3. System properties
  4. config/ in the neodymium testsuite
  5. config/ in the neodymium testsuite

This is also the order in which the custom data is read.

Note: If there are duplicate keys, the value of the higher ranked file is taken.

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