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Bernd Weigel edited this page Feb 11, 2025 · 3 revisions

Accessibility Testing

Accessibility reports are crucial when testing web pages because they help to ensure that a site is usable for people of all abilities. That is why we introduced Google Lighthouse to Neodymium, an open-source tool to improve the quality of web pages.

Install Lighthouse CLI

First of all we recommend installing a package manager like npm, which we are also going to use in order to install Lighthouse CLI. After you went through the installation process of npm, open a terminal and enter the command below.

npm install -g lighthouse

To make sure the Lighthouse installation was successful, you can run the following command.

lighthouse --version

Use Lighthouse Inside Neodymium

With the objective of creating Lighthouse reports inside Neodymium we implemented the class LighthouseUtils, containing the function createLightHouseReport(String reportName). By calling this function, a Lighthouse report of the current web page is generated and automatically added to the Allure report with the name specified in the reportName parameter. Keep in mind that creating a Lighthouse report only works while using Chrome or Chromium-based browsers.

This method call can be added at every point of your test and will create a report of the currently opened page. This also works for pages, which rely on session data like a login state or products that should have been added to a shopping cart. Keep in mind that it may not work on certain pages that, if refreshed, load a different page, like checkout pages for example.


    public void testLoginAsRegisteredUser() throws Exception
        // go to homepage
        var homePage = OpenHomePageFlow.flow();

        // go to register page
        var registerPage = homePage.header.userMenu.openRegisterPage();

        // send register form
        var loginPage = registerPage.sendRegisterForm(registeredOrderTestData.getUser());

        // send login form
        var accountOverviewPage = loginPage.sendLoginForm(registeredOrderTestData.getUser());

        LighthouseUtils.createLightHouseReport("Account Overview Page");

Please note that this example uses page object model classes which are not shipped with neodymium.


Please note, that Lighthouse does not work with modals, fly-ins, hover etc. The site will be newly loaded for the report, so every manually openened modal will be closed after a Lighthouse report. This needs to be considered in generating reports and might require changes to the test flow (e.g. if a modal is open which contains the next button the scripts wants to click).

Lighthouse Report

The generated Lighthouse reports can be found in the target directory of the user's repository and in the Allure report as an Attachment, visualized in the following image.

A Lighthouse report consists of the following four categories.

  1. Performance
  2. Accessibility
  3. Best Practices
  4. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Each of those categories get a score between 1 and 100, which reveals how well the web page performed in every category. Therefore, Google defines the following ranges.

  • 0 to 49: Poor
  • 50 to 89: Needs Improvement
  • 90 to 100: Good

Lighthouse Report Validation

Lighthouse Category Score Validation

To enable validating the scores of all four categories, we implemented the following score thresholds in the file.

  • neodymium.lighthouse.assert.thresholdScore.performance
  • neodymium.lighthouse.assert.thresholdScore.accessiblity
  • neodymium.lighthouse.assert.thresholdScore.bestPractices
  • neodymium.lighthouse.assert.thresholdScore.seo

All of those configuration properties are set to 0.5 per default, which sets the score threshold of all categories to 50. That means each and every category needs to match or exceed a score of 50 for the test not to fail. All the score thresholds can be changed depending on the user's wishes.

Please be aware that the Lighthouse performance score is not the most stable value and is affected by many factors like network load on th the test machine. This can lead to random outliers in the measurement making your tests flaky. A check against the 75th percentile is recommended to give the test some stability (see for example here). Therefore, Lighthouse reports during test automation are not recommended to be used for performance testing, but can be a helpful tool to do add a lower border for your performance to get an alert if something is wrong.

Lighthouse Audit Validation

We also implemented the property neodymium.lighthouse.assert.audits in the file. This property makes it possible to validate Lighthouse audits. In order to do that the user has to specify the id of all audits that should be validated as the property itself. For example: neodymium.lighthouse.assert.audits = aria-roles aria-text validates that no error occurs in the Lighthouse audits aria-roles and aria-text. All existing audit ID's and their corresponding titles are visualized in the table below.

id title
is-on-https Uses HTTPS
redirects-http Redirects HTTP traffic to HTTPS
viewport Has a <meta name="viewport"> tag with width or initial-scale
first-contentful-paint First Contentful Paint
largest-contentful-paint Largest Contentful Paint
first-meaningful-paint First Meaningful Paint
speed-index Speed Index
screenshot-thumbnails Screenshot Thumbnails
final-screenshot Final Screenshot
total-blocking-time Total Blocking Time
max-potential-fid Max Potential First Input Delay
cumulative-layout-shift Cumulative Layout Shift
errors-in-console No browser errors logged to the console
server-response-time Initial server response time was short
interactive Time to Interactive
user-timings User Timing marks and measures
critical-request-chains Avoid chaining critical requests
redirects Avoid multiple page redirects
image-aspect-ratio Displays images with correct aspect ratio
image-size-responsive Serves images with appropriate resolution
deprecations Avoids deprecated APIs
third-party-cookies Avoids third-party cookies
mainthread-work-breakdown Minimizes main-thread work
bootup-time JavaScript execution time
uses-rel-preconnect Preconnect to required origins
font-display Ensure text remains visible during webfont load
diagnostics Diagnostics
network-requests Network Requests
network-rtt Network Round Trip Times
network-server-latency Server Backend Latencies
main-thread-tasks Tasks
metrics Metrics
resource-summary Resources Summary
third-party-summary Minimize third-party usage
third-party-facades Lazy load third-party resources with facades
largest-contentful-paint-element Largest Contentful Paint element
lcp-lazy-loaded Largest Contentful Paint image was not lazily loaded
layout-shifts Avoid large layout shifts
long-tasks Avoid long main-thread tasks
non-composited-animations Avoid non-composited animations
unsized-images Image elements do not have explicit width and height
valid-source-maps Page has valid source maps
prioritize-lcp-image Preload Largest Contentful Paint image
csp-xss Ensure CSP is effective against XSS attacks
script-treemap-data Script Treemap Data
accesskeys [accesskey] values are unique
aria-allowed-attr [aria-*] attributes match their roles
aria-allowed-role Uses ARIA roles only on compatible elements
aria-command-name button, link, and menuitem elements have accessible names
aria-conditional-attr ARIA attributes are used as specified for the element's role
aria-deprecated-role Deprecated ARIA roles were not used
aria-dialog-name Elements with role="dialog" or role="alertdialog" have accessible names.
aria-hidden-body [aria-hidden="true"] is not present on the document <body>
aria-hidden-focus [aria-hidden="true"] elements do not contain focusable descendents
aria-input-field-name ARIA input fields have accessible names
aria-meter-name ARIA meter elements have accessible names
aria-progressbar-name ARIA progressbar elements have accessible names
aria-prohibited-attr Elements use only permitted ARIA attributes
aria-required-attr [role]s have all required [aria-*] attributes
aria-required-children Elements with an ARIA [role] that require children to contain a specific [role] have all required children.
aria-required-parent [role]s are contained by their required parent element
aria-roles [role] values are valid
aria-text Elements with the role=text attribute do not have focusable descendents.
aria-toggle-field-name ARIA toggle fields have accessible names
aria-tooltip-name ARIA tooltip elements have accessible names
aria-treeitem-name ARIA treeitem elements have accessible names
aria-valid-attr-value [aria-*] attributes have valid values
aria-valid-attr [aria-*] attributes are valid and not misspelled
button-name Buttons do not have an accessible name
bypass The page contains a heading, skip link, or landmark region
color-contrast Background and foreground colors have a sufficient contrast ratio
definition-list <dl>'s contain only properly-ordered <dt> and <dd> groups, <script>, <template> or <div> elements.
dlitem Definition list items are wrapped in <dl> elements
document-title Document has a <title> element
duplicate-id-aria ARIA IDs are unique
empty-heading All heading elements contain content.
form-field-multiple-labels No form fields have multiple labels
frame-title <frame> or <iframe> elements have a title
heading-order Heading elements are not in a sequentially-descending order
html-has-lang <html> element has a [lang] attribute
html-lang-valid <html> element has a valid value for its [lang] attribute
html-xml-lang-mismatch <html> element has an [xml:lang] attribute with the same base language as the [lang] attribute.
identical-links-same-purpose Identical links have the same purpose.
image-alt Image elements have [alt] attributes
image-redundant-alt Image elements do not have [alt] attributes that are redundant text.
input-button-name Input buttons have discernible text.
input-image-alt <input type="image"> elements have [alt] text
label-content-name-mismatch Elements with visible text labels have matching accessible names.
label Form elements have associated labels
landmark-one-main Document has a main landmark.
link-name Links do not have a discernible name
link-in-text-block Links are distinguishable without relying on color.
list Lists contain only <li> elements and script supporting elements (<script> and <template>).
listitem List items (<li>) are contained within <ul>, <ol> or <menu> parent elements
meta-refresh The document does not use <meta http-equiv="refresh">
meta-viewport [user-scalable="no"] is not used in the <meta name="viewport"> element and the [maximum-scale] attribute is not less than 5.
object-alt <object> elements have alternate text
select-name Select elements have associated label elements.
skip-link Skip links are focusable.
tabindex No element has a [tabindex] value greater than 0
table-duplicate-name Tables have different content in the summary attribute and <caption>.
table-fake-caption Tables use <caption> instead of cells with the [colspan] attribute to indicate a caption.
target-size Touch targets do not have sufficient size or spacing.
td-has-header <td> elements in a large <table> have one or more table headers.
td-headers-attr Cells in a <table> element that use the [headers] attribute refer to table cells within the same table.
th-has-data-cells <th> elements and elements with [role="columnheader"/"rowheader"] have data cells they describe.
valid-lang [lang] attributes have a valid value
video-caption <video> elements contain a <track> element with [kind="captions"]
custom-controls-labels Custom controls have associated labels
custom-controls-roles Custom controls have ARIA roles
focus-traps User focus is not accidentally trapped in a region
focusable-controls Interactive controls are keyboard focusable
interactive-element-affordance Interactive elements indicate their purpose and state
logical-tab-order The page has a logical tab order
managed-focus The user's focus is directed to new content added to the page
offscreen-content-hidden Offscreen content is hidden from assistive technology
use-landmarks HTML5 landmark elements are used to improve navigation
visual-order-follows-dom Visual order on the page follows DOM order
uses-long-cache-ttl Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy
total-byte-weight Avoids enormous network payloads
offscreen-images Defer offscreen images
render-blocking-resources Eliminate render-blocking resources
unminified-css Minify CSS
unminified-javascript Minify JavaScript
unused-css-rules Reduce unused CSS
unused-javascript Reduce unused JavaScript
modern-image-formats Serve images in next-gen formats
uses-optimized-images Efficiently encode images
uses-text-compression Enable text compression
uses-responsive-images Properly size images
efficient-animated-content Use video formats for animated content
duplicated-javascript Remove duplicate modules in JavaScript bundles
legacy-javascript Avoid serving legacy JavaScript to modern browsers
doctype Page has the HTML doctype
charset Properly defines charset
dom-size Avoids an excessive DOM size
geolocation-on-start Avoids requesting the geolocation permission on page load
inspector-issues No issues in the Issues panel in Chrome Devtools
no-document-write Avoids document.write()
js-libraries Detected JavaScript libraries
notification-on-start Avoids requesting the notification permission on page load
paste-preventing-inputs Allows users to paste into input fields
uses-http2 Use HTTP/2
uses-passive-event-listeners Uses passive listeners to improve scrolling performance
meta-description Document does not have a meta description
http-status-code Page has successful HTTP status code
font-size Document uses legible font sizes
link-text Links have descriptive text
crawlable-anchors Links are crawlable
is-crawlable Page isn’t blocked from indexing
robots-txt robots.txt is not valid
hreflang Document has a valid hreflang
canonical Document has a valid rel=canonical
structured-data Structured data is valid
bf-cache Page prevented back/forward cache restoration
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