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Applitools Plugin

RobertAvemarg edited this page Dec 13, 2024 · 4 revisions

Visual Assertions

Besides functional testing, there is often a need to check the outlook of the application under test, in other words to make some visual assertions. There are few ways to automate such tests, but probably one of the most popular is to use AI for this. That is what Applitools testing framework was created for. In order to make integration of this framework into a neodymium project easier, you can use Neodymium Plugin Applitools.

Getting Started

First of all, you will need to add this plugin as a dependency in your maven project. To have the most up-to-date information about how to do this, please see the instructions below the plugin project itself.

As the dependency is included, it's time to configure plugin using config/applitools.propperties file. Analog to, the configurations in config/ can be overwritten with once from config/

Applitools properties

In the table below you can see all available properties to configure Applitools Plugin. In case you need to change them for the current test, you can use Applitools.getConfiguration(). Using this method, please mind, that all configurations will be cleared and read from config/applitools.propertiesfile in setup methods (ApplitoolsApi.setupGlobal(), ApplitoolsApi.setupBasic() and ApplitoolsApi.setupGroupingOfTestsByName(batchName)).

Property Default value Is optional Description
applitools.projectName - true will stay in the description of every screenshot under title 'App:'
applitools.matchLevel STRICT true default match level in project. To change one for current test, please use ApplitooolsApi.setMatchLevel(matchLevel) method
applitools.throwException false true defines, if to throw an exception after test, where mismatches were found
applitools.apiKey - false your applitools api key, read here how to get one
applitools.batch - true name of the batch all your test should be grouped into (works only for sequential run or run in parallel threads, not for maven forks)
`applitools.hideCaret true true option to set whether Eyes should hide the cursor before the screenshot is captured. Can be changed at any point of the test using ApplitoolsApi.setHideCaret(hideCaret)
`applitools.waitBeforeScreenshot 100 true amount of time in milliseconds that Eyes will wait before capturing a screenshot. By default 100 milliseconds. Can be changed at any point of the test using ApplitoolsApi.setWaitBeforeScreenshot(waitBeforeScreenshots)

As you can see in the table above, the only mandatory parameter is applitools.apiKey. So as this parameter is filled with value, you can start visual assertions.

Before to make any assertions, please call ApplitoolsApi.setupGlobal(), ApplitoolsApi.setupBasic() or ApplitoolsApi.setupGroupingOfTestsByName(batchName) (the difference among these methods will be described in chapter Batches) and ApplitoolsApi.openEyes(testName) So your setup for test can look like following:

    public TestName name = new TestName();

    public void setup()

The value you passed as parameter to ApplitoolsApi.openEyes(testName) will be displayed here applitools_test_manager_test_name

Now your test is ready to make visual assertions. There are few options to do this:

  • to assert the whole page, use ApplitoolsApi.assertPage(pageDescription), where pageDescription is the name of the page.
  • to assert one element on the page, use ApplitoolsApi.assertElement(condition, imageDescription), where condition is org.openqa.selenium.By object, which will be used to select the element and imageDescription is the name of the element.
  • to assert element collection use ApplitoolsApi.assertElements(condition, description), where condition is org.openqa.selenium.By object, which will be used to select the elements and description is the name of the element.

The description parameter, passed to these methods will be displayed here applitools_test_manager_page_description

At the end of each test please call ApplitoolsApi.endAssertions().


To group tests together you can use batches. Note that this option works only for sequential run or run in parallel threads, maven forks are not supported. So if you want to run tests in parallel, please configure it with following input to the pom.xml


The attribute parallel stays for level of parallelism, e.g. classes or methods. Please, mind that it's not recommended to set the level lower than classes. The attribute threadCount determines the maximum number of parallel runs.

To group all tests to one default batch, you should specify the name of the default batch in config/ under the property applitools.batch as mentioned above.

As the name is set, call ApplitoolsApi.setupGlobal() before each test that belongs to this batch.

In case some part of tests should be grouped in separate batch, you can use ApplitoolsApi.setupGroupingOfTestsByName(batchName).

If you don't want to manage batches, you are free to use ApplitoolsApi.setupBasic(). In this case test will be placed in its own batch with the name passed in ApplitoolsApi.openEyes(testName)

Filtering with custom properties

Another option to accumulate tests is to group them within one batch. For this purpose you can use ApplitoolsApi.addProperty(name,value) method. Regarding this method, after execution of following code before the tests, related to category

    public void setupBatch(TestInfo testInfo)
        ApplitoolsApi.addProperty("purpose", "category");

and the following before the tests, related to home page

    public void setupBatch(TestInfo testInfo)
        ApplitoolsApi.addProperty("purpose", "homepage");

it is possible to group them like this applitools_test_manager_group_by_properties

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