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Adriana Massie edited this page Sep 25, 2020 · 13 revisions


Sponsors are very important in order to have a successful season. Robots can be very expensive and having sponsors can help a team pay for a good amount of the robot cost as well as other robot related cost such as travel. This page will cover everything to know about getting sponsors and other sponsor related stuff

Getting Sponsors

The Letter, Email, and Packet


Our team has a sponsor packet that gives a quick summary of the team, what is FIRST and what is FRC, FIRST'S impact, our outreach, awards, and sponsor levels. The team already has one and is updated yearly. So it is highly recommended to that one. The Sponsor packet is sent with the letter/email.

Letters and Emails

When asking companies for sponsorships, it's always good to have a well written letter or email. The team already has a letter and emailing the google drive so it is recommended to use those. Before sending, make sure you update the information so it is correct for the current season. Sometimes our team emails companies, sometimes the team sends a letter. Email or letter depends on what feels right. There is no system for choosing which to send.

If you want to change the email or the letter, feel free to do so! Make sure you have a good amount of people proof read any edits or changes you make. Just make sure it's a **summarized, short ** version of the letter. Emails should not be long and overwhelming because hardly anyone is going to take the time to read it.
The letter should be short too, about a page.

Reaching out

Before you do anything, make a spreadsheet if you have not already. Our team has one on the team's google drive. If you do not have a spreadsheet made already, it's recommended to have a column for (in order)

  • Sent: How you contacted the company, and the date it was sent
  • Company name
  • Name of the person you contacted
  • Their email
  • Address of the company
  • Notes

Having a spreadsheet helps keep everything organized and prevent confusion. It also helps you keep track of what company was contacted so the same company isn't contacted twice.

When sending emails to sponsors, make sure you attach the sponsor packet to emails!! Also don't forgot to fill out the spreadsheet after you send an email

Keeping Sponsors

You got a sponsor!

After it is confirmed that the company is going to be a sponsor, update the team's website's sponsor page and home page with the company's logo.

The season ended

When the season ends, email the sponsors letting them know how the season went. It is highly recommended to put together a google drive folder of photos, team photos, and maybe a video of a match from the competition.

Tips and tricks

  • Keep your social media active! One year we sent out sponsorships in two rounds. During the first round, our social media was dead and the team did not hear back from anyone. During the second round, our social media was much more active and we got replies back. It could have been timing but who know.