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Adriana Massie edited this page Dec 9, 2020 · 9 revisions

Our team has combined electrical and mechanical into one subteam which we call hardware. This page has tutorials and resources for beginners and goes into some detail about the team's past projects


Tutorials and resources

Intro to basic FRC electronics: This page covers the basic electronics that are on a FRC robot

Sensors: This page covers the sensors commonly used on the team. It includes definitions of each sensor and basic terms. (Note: This page does include some information on programming the sensors but you can ignore it if you want)

Pneumatics: This page covers pneumatics and how they work

What are Brownouts: This page covers what a Brownout in FRC is

Past projects

Currently, there are no past projects


Tutorials and resources

Drive trains: This page covers the different types of drive trains in FRC

CAD resources: This page covers the basics of Fusion 360, the software the team uses to build robot parts

Past projects

2017 FRC Steamworks Build Season

FRC Steamworks Preseason