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PyMo (Python Motion Visualizer GUI)

latest-release commits license repo-size python kofi

A CLI script for visualizing differences between video frames, eg. motion.
















  • Python 3.10
  • Nvidia GPU
    • Minimum: GTX 1650 4GB
    • Recommended: RTX 4060 8GB
  • At least 16GB of RAM


git clone -b 1.1.0 && cd pymo


usage: pymo [-h] -i INPUT [-o PATH] [-n NAME] [-f INT[1, 50]] [-t CPU[1, 8]] [-s] [-c] [-m {knn,nlm,sr}] [-sr {Directory Empty!}]

     _____       __  __       
    |  __ \     |  \/  |      
    | |__) |   _| \  / | ___  
    |  ___/ | | | |\/| |/ _ \ 
    | |   | |_| | |  | | (_) |
    |_|    \__, |_|  |_|\___/ 
            __/ |             

   Python Motion Visualizer CLI

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  Required Arguments

  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Relative path to the Input Video

  Optional Arguments

  -o PATH, --output PATH
                        (Optional) Absolute path to output directory
  -n NAME, --name NAME  (Optional) Custom Filename for the video
  -f INT[1, 50], --offset INT[1, 50]
                        (Optional) Number of Offset Frames [Default = 5]
  -t CPU[1, 8], --threads CPU[1, 8]
                        (Optional) Amount of threads to run the process on [Default = 2]
  -s, --slow_motion     (Optional) Sets the FPS of the Output Video to half the original;
                                   Essentially creating a slow-motion of the original without interpolation

  Denoising Arguments

  -c, --cpu             (Optional) Denoising step by default runs on CUDA Acceleration (if Nvidia GPU Available);
                                   Setting this makes it run on CPU even if GPU is Available
  -m {knn,nlm,sr}, --model {knn,nlm,sr}
                        (Optional) Model to use when denoising via GPU [Default = knn];
                                   SR - Super Resolution (ESRGAN, SwinIR, ...), 
                                   Needs a PyTorch weight file (.pth) in ./weights/ to be active.
  -sr {Directory Empty!}, --super_resolution {Directory Empty!}
                        (Optional) Choosing Weights for SR (if available)
                                   [Default = Directory Empty!]

Detailed info on some arguments:

  • -o/--output [PATH] An absolute path to a directory, e.g. on Linux /home/${whoami}/directory
    • If left empty, it will default to Input Video Dir
  • -n/--name [NAME] Custom name for the output video, without extension. Default is pymo_{input-vid-name}
  • -f/--offset [OFFSET] Amount of frames to offset the Visualizer
    • 1 - 3 -> Fast Moving object in the video
    • 4 - 6 -> "Normal" Moving object in the video
    • 7 - 8 -> Slow Moving object in the video
    • 9+ -> Really slow moving object in a video
    • Offset Frames are REMOVED from the video, due to the process. Amount of frames removed -> OFFSET * 2
  • -t/--threads A few operations are single-threaded by default, so I multithreaded them
    • Try to keep it at the Maximum of the threads of your CPU, otherwise it may struggle
    • A Thread uses 2 - 4 GB of RAM, so keep in mind the amount of your RAM
  • -s/--slow_motion Cuts the FPS in half to render it in Slow Motion
    • ex. 60 fps Video -> 30 fps Video but Twice the length
  • -c/--cpu The program uses PyCuda for GPU Acceleration on Denoising by default (unless it does not detect a GPU)
    • This forces the Program to use the CPU, which results in higher quality render, but with a long render time.
  • -m/--model GPU Denoising Model switcher.
    • KNN/NLM2 are good for some things, they are fast but sacrifice quality.
    • SR (Super Resolution) models (or weights) are slower than the above, but faster than CPU and have amazing quality.
      • They are trained weights on datasets (AI), which can do many things. I mainly use them to Denoise.
      • They need fast GPU's to run and a lot of VRAM. This may be the choice for someone with a good GPU.
      • Weights are not packaged with the program, Download them here.


As I develop this project, I try to optimize any algorithm I use after I got it working.
With that, I just make 80% improvement on the Motion Generation (Difference Blend) and 50% improvement on CPU denoising.

Current Times (On My Machine):

  • Specs:
    • CPU - Intel i5-9300H
    • GPU - Nvidia GTX 1650 Mobile
  • Times (for Compute Intesive Tasks) [using test_01.mp4 | 4K, 210 Frames]:
    • Exporting Frames of the Video - 44s
    • Motion Generation - 1m 11s
    • Contrast Filter - 27s
    • Denoising:
      • CPU - 6m 2s
      • KNN - 44s
      • NLM2 - 54s
      • SR (1x-WB-Denoise.pth) - 6m 52s
    • Encoding Video - 17s

Here's the video by which I found out about this:

Modules and scripts used:

  • tqdm for progress bars
  • PIL/Pillow for easy image transformation
  • opencv-python for simpler video transformation, reading, writing and denoising
  • imageio for reading and writing images
  • numpy for converting Pillow images to cv2 arrays and vice versa
  • pycuda for running GPU-accelerated Denoising
  • torch for running GPU Super Resolution Models for Denoising
  • torchvision for converting numpy arrays into tensors and vice versa
  • spandrel project of chaiNNer developer, for reading all types of SR weights
  • PyCuda_Denoise_Filters for GPU denoising
    • Both of the Mono scripts were used in my project and were modified to fit the use-case
  • Nuitka for compiling into a binary for easier running and adding to $PATH