I am an Autistic Person exploring every nook and cranny to find interesting things to learn and work on.
My Resume/CV is @ http://resume.elevated.ovh
- I was born, study and live in Slovakia 🇸🇰
- I finished a "grammar" high school (it's "gymnázium" in Slovak, it means a high school where you learn everything you would need to get into a university and not fail)
- I currently study at the Faculty of Management and Informatics at the University of Žilina (FRI UNIZA) in the Computer Science department.
- None. Really, None. At least in the field of informatics, None. Internships here are kinda hard to come by.
- I am a self-diagnosed autistic person via the RAADS-R test
- I can say that I am a Programmer, an Amateur Astrophotographer, an Amateur Audio Engineer and Music Producer, an AI Model Trainer and Artist and bunch more things I dabbled in.
- Python Motion Visulizer
- User inputs a video and the program subtracts the frames with a differece to show motion.
- ClearOutside is a Weather Website for Astronomers and Astrophotographes.
- They use Apple Weather API which is a bit pricy for the amount of data
- So I just scrape it a return a giant dictionary
- oh-my-posh themes based on distro colors
- with a config file and a generator
- Fork of a repository for tagging images for AI Image Model Training
- Just made it multithreaded so it's faster
- TUI Weather app writted using Python and the Textual library.
- Uses OpenMeteoAPI and ClearOustideAPY