Releases: JMSLab/eventstudyr
eventstudyr 1.1.3
This release corresponds to version 1.1.3
on CRAN.
Attached zip file created by devtools::build()
from version in commit fd4fccb
What's changed
- Fixed bug when handling unbalanced panels
- Changed CRAN maintainer of package
Relevant issues
- PR for #46 [#48]: Fixed bug when handling of unbalanced panels. Summary here (@santiagohermo, @yang-yuchuan)
- PR for #47 [#49]: Switch maintainer. Summary here (@santiagohermo, @ew487)
Full diff relative to version 1.1.2
eventstudyr 1.1.2
This release corresponds to version 1.1.2
on CRAN.
Attached zip file created by devtools::build()
from version in commit b0d5bcd
What's changed
- Increased the tolerance to 1e-4 in the solver for finding the smoothest path in order to fix non-convergence error
Relevant issues
- PR for #41 [#43]: Resolved numerical optimization failure in example cases by loosening the default tolerance on the solver minimand. Summary here (@MosesStewart, @cindyjulianelu, @SimonFreyaldenhoven, @jmshapir)
- PR for #44 [#45]: Released to CRAN. Summary here (@rcalvo12, @ew487)
Full diff relative to version 1.1.1
eventstudyr 1.1.1
This release corresponds to version 1.1.1
on CRAN.
Attached zip file created by devtools::build()
from version in commit d4cd9a9.
What's changed
- Fixed errors in reference manual
- Adjusted the README by adding a reproducible figure, a logo, and badges for CRAN version and number of downloads
- Dropped unused example datasets
- Improved code to compute first differences and leads and lags of policy variable, making it robust to gaps in the time variable in the panel
- Estimated coefficients are now displayed in order from earliest lead to latest lag
- Code is more explicit when handling static models
Relevant issues
- PR for #36 [#37] - Improves reference manual and README, simplifies example datasets. Summary here (@nateschor)
- PR for #31 [#38] - Revise functions PrepareLeads, PrepareLags, and GetFirstDifferences. Summary here (@santiagohermo)
- PR for #39 [#40] - Add
to CRAN. Summary here (@santiagohermo, @nateschor)
Full diff relative to version 1.0.2
eventstudyr 1.0.2
This release corresponds to the first version available on CRAN.
Attached zip file created by devtools::build()
from version in commit e430cf5.
What's changed
- No longer export the functions
- Remove requirement for a seed in
, mention that it should be defined outside of calls toeventstudyr
functions - Update citation and vignette
- Improve documentation of functions
- Minor changes to code
Relevant issues
- PR for #28 [#32] - No longer export functions
, remove seed, introduce citation, proofreading and documentation updates. Summary here (@nateschor, @santiagohermo, @jmshapir) - PR for #33 [#35] - Submit to CRAN, address feedback. Summary here (@ew487, @nateschor)
Full diff relative to version 1.0.1
eventstudyr 1.0.1
This release fixes an important bug while installing the package with devtools::install_github()
. It also implements minor fixes and Github Actions.
Zip file created by devtools::build()
from version in commit 6508d84.
Bug fixes
- Take
folder out ofgit lfs
, allowing devtools installation - Improve code structure of
- Implement Github Actions v2
Relevant issues
- PR for #25 [#29] - Fixes installation bug by changing the files in
to no longer use git lfs and adds/data-raw/
(@nateschor) - PR for #25 [#26] - Improves code in
(@santiagohermo) - PR for #27 [#30] - Implements GitHub Actions (@santiagohermo)
Full diff relative to version 1.0.0
eventstudyr 1.0.0
Initial release for eventstudyr, an R package that implements tools for estimating linear panel event study models.
Main features:
- Estimate OLS models following Freyaldenhoven et al. (2021)
- Estimate IV models following Freyaldenhoven et al. (2019)
- Construct event-study plots following the suggestions in Freyaldenhoven et al. (2021), including sup-t bands, testing for key hypotheses, and plotting the least wiggly path through the Wald region.