for generating svg starmaps from selected coordinates and time
Python > 3.2
pip install svgwrite
python -h
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-coord COORD, --coord COORD
coordinates in format northern,eastern
-time TIME, --time TIME
time in format hour.minute.second
-date DATE, --date DATE
date in format day.month.year
-utc [UTC], --utc [UTC]
utc of your location -12 to +12
-magn [MAGN], --magn [MAGN]
magnitude limit 0.1-12.0
-summertime [SUMMERTIME], --summertime [SUMMERTIME]
if it is summertime on the date of the starchart
-guides [GUIDES], --guides [GUIDES]
draw guides True/False
-constellation [CONSTELLATION], --constellation [CONSTELLATION]
show constellation True/False
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output filename.svg
-width [WIDTH], --width [WIDTH]
width in mm
-height [HEIGHT], --height [HEIGHT]
height in mm
-info INFO, --info INFO
Info text example eame of the place
python -coord 60.186,24.959 -time 12.00.00 -date 01.01.2000 -utc +2 -constellation True
python -coord 35.684,139.728 -time 20.00.00 -date 15.07.2018 -utc +9 -info TOKYO -guides True -magn 10.0 -width 150 -height 220
Stars data: "Yale Bright Star Catalog ver5"
Planets and Moon orbits, Automated summertime.