Generate sequential ID values. The generated value is a 18-byte hex string. The value consists of current timestamp, an incrementing counter and the instance id.
Install from npm
npm install seq-index
Create SeqIndex
var SeqIndex = require('seq-index');
var indexer = new SeqIndex();
Generate a sequential ID using get()
var id = indexer.get();
// 15654036c1709f68f2
Generate a sequential ID without instance suffix using short()
var shortId = indexer.short();
// 15654036c1709f
Use to convert a timestamp into a short ID for comparison
var shortId = indexer.getByTime(1470300906242, 0);
// 15654c36302000
var id = shortId + indexer.suffix;
// 15654c3630200068f2
Dual license MIT or EUPL-1.1+
is part of the Zone Mail Suite (ZMS). Suite of programs and modules for an efficient, fast and modern email server.